Chapter Six

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Slight NSFW at the end.

Micah's pov

"So, have you heard anything about his father?" I looked to my boyfriend on the couch and smiled as he looked up to me, headphones enabling him to hear us. He smiled back and I looked back to Pop.

"Well, not much, but I believe they're letting him walk-" I pushed myself off of the wall I was leaning against and scoffed.

"He's walking!? He should rot in prison! You saw what he did to Titus!" My arms crossed and I vaguely processed that I had gotten said boy's attention as well as my sister's, who had been preparing to go out, I assume.

"Micah, just because we did doesn't mean they did. We've been over this. There's no eviden-" a growl threated to leave my throat as I cut him off once again by slamming my fist into the wall.

"Eveidence or not, it's a fucked up thing to do! I'll kill the mother fucker!!"

"Hey! you need to calm your ass down!" A finger was jabbed into my chest and I glared into red eyes that matched my own, just as they glared back. "I understand you're upset. We all are. And if you need to take a walk fir a bit to clear your head, then go on. But none of that shit in the house. Okay?"

"Fine." Hurrying past eveyone in the living room, I walked out the front door and slammed it shut. I immediately knew where I was going when I turned down the sidewalk, breaking into a jog.

As I approached the park I slowed to a walk, eventually collapsing against the big tree in the middle of the park. The very same one Dad proposed to Pop under.

I sat on the ground and leaned my head back, looking up through the leaves of the trees. I'm not sure how long I sat under that tree, watching as the sun slowly lowered behind the treeline and was quickly replaced by the moon.

My phone was at home and I had no idea what time it was, so I was surprised it took so long before someone was sitting next to me, brown hair brushing my face as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"You've been gone for a while. I started to worry." Titus looked up at me and I shifted my eyes to look at him.

"Sorry. I just kinda...found the darkness comforting, ya know?" My hand slid around his waist and he nodded, leaning into my side. "How did you know where I'd be anyways?"

"Mh- well, when you're upset, you tend to go to places that are familiar and comforting to you. You've had good memories here so I thought I'd check." I felt his hand on my thigh and I rested mine on top of his. "Look, I understand you're upset about my father. So am I.

"But if you can't let it go that we have no proof of the abuse then the situation isn't going to get better." I let my head be turned to him by the soft grip on my chin and he smiled softly. "So long as I have you, I'll be fine, Micah. Because I love you, so much."

Slowly, I leaned forwards to rest our foreheads together, my eyes slipping shut as my hand slid up his shirt to rest on his bare back. "I love you too. More than you could ever begin to imagine. I'm upset because I hate the fact that you got hurt."

"I know. Trust me, Baby, I do." Titus kissed my nose lovingly and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "So why don't we go home, eat dinner, and go to bed so we can make out at midnight when everyone is asleep?" He giggled quietly. "Sound good?"

"Sounds amazing." Standing, I held my hand out, which he accepted and grabbed, hauling himself off the ground with little effort.

Slowly, with no particular rush, we made our way out of the park. We talked and laughed under the streelamps as our intertwined hands swung between us. Cars passed in blurs of headlights and shops lit up the path that we walked.

Far too soon for my liking, we were walking up my driveway and into the house. We were greeted happily before being pulled to the table by the bouncy eleven year old to eat.


"Micah, what-?" I cut Titus off as I sat up on the mattress, pulling him with me and into my lap. He laughed quietly and wrapped his arms around my neck as I pulled him into a kiss, glancing at the clock to see it was nearly one in the morning.

He hummed and I leaned against the wall when his tounge slipped into my mouth, intertwining with mine before I was dragging my tounge along the roof of his mouth.

Soon enough he was pulling away to catch his breath and I was leaning down to his neck, nibbling on the skin. A sharp gasp escaped him as I bit down on his shoulder, and his nails dug into mine as he gripped them tightly.

He patted my shoulder as I licked a stripe up to his ear and bit it. "Baby, maybe we s-shouldn't..." He trailed off as I slid my hands up his shirt and slid them across his chest. I paused as he moaned suddenly and dropped his head to my shoulder. It took me a few seconds to realize what I had done before I moved my hand to do it again.

I startled a choked gasp from him when I rolled his nipple between my fingers, biting at his exposed neck.

"Micah- holy shit." I noticed his eyes were squeezed shut and I chuckled, sliding his shirt up with my other hand and patting his back.

"Off?" It came as more of a question than a command before he was sitting up and sliding the fabric over his head and setting it at the head of the bed, his hands falling back to my soulders.

My head dipped down and I looked up at him as my tounge flicked over the unoccupied side of his chest. Titus hummed lowly, a hand sliding to rest in my hair as I drug my tounge over the nipple.

A tug on my hair only encouraged me to continue, determined to get more moans out of him.

"Micah. H-hold on a sec." Quickly, I pulled away and took in his flushed expression.

"You okay? Should I stop?" I moved my hands to his sides but slid them up slowly as he shook his head. It wasn't until then that I noticed he was squirming uncomfortably.

"N-no but I just.." I could see and hear him swallow thickly and I smiled at him, kissing his jaw before shifting under him.

"That's alright. We can take care of that." Before he could protest, I had moved so he was straddling my leg, his erection sitting right on my thigh.

"Mic-" I pushed a finger to his lips, successfully quieting him as I leaned into his ear.

"Its alright, Ti'. I promise." Kissing his neck below his ear, he nodded and my hands slid around to his back, gently encouraging him as I pressed my thigh upwards, earning a sharp inhale before a moan as he grinded forwards.

He started off tentatively, hiding his face as he gripped my shoulders, but soon enough he was pressing his lips to mine in a heated kiss as he desperately chased his release, his hips never slowing against my clothed thigh.

I mumbled low praises in his ear and pressed my thumb into the hickey on his side, pulling a groan from him as his grip on my shoulders tightened.

"M'close, Micah." He made a sound akin to a whimper as I threaded my hand into his soft brown hair.

"That's alright, Baby. Whenever you need, Sweetheart." I sucked a mark on his chest and sat up just as he bit down onto my shoulder, muffling a cry as his hips stuttered to a stop, his breathing uneven.

"Alright, there you go. Easy, Baby." I pressed a kiss to his temple when he was sat up, his expression dazed as he slowly regained his breath.

I helped him off of me before grabbing him a fresh pair of underwear and pajama pants, allowing him to change before helping him into his shirt.

"Mhm..what about you?" He mumbled as I pushed him to lay down gently.

"I'll be fine, Baby. Get some sleep." I kissed his head before tossing the dirty clothes in the basket and crawling next to him, allowing him to curl into my chest.

"Goodnight." I carded my fingers through his hair before looking down at him and realizing he was already asleep as I smiled. "I love you."


I understand, there's not much going on right now, and it's a little all over the place, but it gets more eventful.

I promise.

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