Chapter 25

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Remember that picture for later

Micah's pov

"So wait-" I furrowed my brows as I looked back to the phone beside me, Titus laughing as I struggled. "Okay, around twice, loop goes under all of them..." I glanced to the phone. "Twist to make a hole, loop goes through, under one layer, through again..." I pulled the knot tight and looked up to mee Titus' eyes once I realized I had got it correct. "I did it!" He twisted his wrists with a hum.

"A little tight, but it's not going anywhere." He looked at me with a smile and held his wrists up. "Now untie me so you can do it again. A little looser this time please." He leaned forwards to place a quick kiss on my lips.

"Sorry." I untied the knot and once again repeated it, looser this time as Titus held his wrists slightly apart. "Better?" I tugged on the loose end of the rope and he nodded, moving his hands around.

"Better." We sat, smiling for a moment before there was a knock on the door.

"Micah?" Niko twisted the doorknob, finding it locked. I jumped and quickly untied the knot so Titus could escape the rope and shove it under the pillow.

"Yeah, Kiddo?" I unlocked the door and opened it just enough to stick my head out.

"Can You make me and Akito some chicken nuggets?" He smiled innocently and I sighed, nodding.

"Where's Akito?" I motioned to Titus that I was going downstairs, and he stood to follow.

"In the kitchen already." Niko took the stairs two at a time and I scoffed, yelling at him to slow down as he ran around the corner into the kitchen.

"You're gonna hurt yourself one day, Dude. And I'm gonna laugh." I chuckled as he faked offense. I tapped the back of his head lightly as he turned to sit at the table with his friend. His New friend. Ya know, the one that made fun of him.

I grabbed a pan and preheat the oven before grabbing the bag of chicken nuggets and pouring some on the pan. Titus passed me with a quick kiss on my cheek before going to the fridge and grabbing two juices. As he went to pass me again to take them to the kids, I grabbed his arm, placing a kiss on the slightly red wrist.

He smiled shyly and shook his head as he walked to the table, sitting the juices down in front of the two.

"Thanks Titus!" Niko gave him a hug and his smile widened.

"You're welcome. Nuggets should be done soon, right, Mic'?" He looked to me and I nodded, sticking the pan in the oven.

"Give it about twenty minutes." I stood back up and set the timer, hearing a groan.

"That's too long though!" Niko pouted and I raised a brow.

"Quit whining. And maybe finish your homework while you wait? Then you can go play video games or something when you finish eating." I moved to put the bag of chicken nuggets away and Niko laughed.

"We're already done! We've been playing games upstairs for a while." He looked to his friend and Akito nodded.

"Yeah! And I also helped organize his hair clips and headbands. They were all a jumbled mess in a drawer." He grimaced before looking to Niko with a smile, brushing his strawberry blonde hair out of his face.

"Oh hush. Just because you can organize doesn't mean I can't. I just didn't want to organize them by myself." Niko glared at Akito playfully and he rolled his eyes.

If I'm being honest, Akito's eyes kinda give me the chills, but they aren't scary. A very light icy blue that I've definitely never seen before.

Soon, the twenty minutes were up and I was handing them plates of Chicken nuggets. Dad walked in and leaned against the doorframe.

"Well, I was gonna ask if anyone was hungry but I guess you guys are all set, huh?" He chuckled as Niko nodded, both him and Akito shoving food into their mouths.

"You finished with work, Dad?" I wiped my hands clean as he grabbed a plate of his own.

"Yeah. I can be down here with them if you and Titus want to go back upstairs." Dad nodded towards the staircase and I looked to Titus who nodded.

"Okay," I smiled, "we'll be upstairs." We made our way upstairs and Titus was giggling as I pulled him in the door, shutting it and making sure it was locked.

He sat on the bed and pulled the rope out from under the pillow, holding it put as an offering. I snickered and shook my head, taking it from his hand.


"O-oh my God!" Titus clutched his stomach as he laughed from his spot on his back, tears forming in his eyes from laughing so hard. I lifted my head from his bent knee and laughed with him, still struggling to untie the mess of a knot I had created. "How the hell did you manage that!? There were instructions you dumbass!"

"I don't know!" I laughed harder and finally got the knot undone, unwrapping the rope from his leg. He straightened his leg and sat up, catching me in a kiss, still trying not to laugh.

"Should we try that again? Not tying an actual knot this time? It is supposed to be easy for you to untie, ya know. Just not for me to get out of." He smiled and leaned back down, arm going to rest behind his head as he bent his knee again.

"And it would've been if I hadn't fucked the knot up." I grabbed the rope and began the tie again. "That's why we're practicing. I don't need you getting stuck if you seriously want out of it." I wrapped the rope around his thigh and he nodded.

"Yeah, that would be bad. You and your kinks." He nudged with his knee and I raised a brow with a smile.

"Excuse me? Who was the one that brought up bondage?" I poked his side and he smiled before giggling and looking away shyly. "That's what I thought." I finished the tie and slid my hand up his shirt, placing a kiss on the small section of skin I had revealed.

"Now, can you get me out again?" Titus swatted me away from his stomach and I chuckled, reaching to untie the rope, and doing so easily this time.


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