Chapter 12

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How about some boyfriend bonding time?

Micah's pov

"So...have you two had sex yet?" I nearly choked on my drink and coughed as my back was patted.

"D-dad! Why!?" I continued to cough until I had calmed down. Once I had, I looked to my dad, my face surely as red as his hair. "Why would you ask that!?"

"I'm sorry. It was just a question." He held his hands up in defense and bit into his food. We were the only ones home with Pop having taken Kai to the doctor to get her head checked up on, Titus at one of his friend's house for another two hours, and Niko staying over at his best friend's house for the night.

"....No. We haven't." I moved my food around my plate and he raised a brow. I looked at him and scoffed. "What!? We haven't! Honest!"

"Oh, I believe you. It's just odd...normally as soon as you bring someone home you're jumping them the second you get a chance. Why not him?" He crossed his arms and I sighed.

"Why are we having this conversation?" I muttered, bringing my hand up to scratch behind my ear.

"Because I'm genuinely curious. It's not like you have to answer. I was going to leave it be." He picked up his empty plate to place it in the sink. It was silent as he walked to the door until I spoke.

"He's different." I stared at the wall and saw Dad stop and turn towards me in the doorway from the corner of my eye.

"How so?" Leaning back against the counter, I shrugged before speaking.

"The others...I didn't really care if they left me. If they left, so what? I didn't love them anyways. But....I don't wanna ruin this. He's different, Dad. Special, I guess?" Bringing my hand up, I chewed at the tip of my thumb.

"Micah, if you really love him and he loves you, as long as you both respect each other's wishes and boundaries, I don't see how anyone is going to get hurt." A hand rested on my shoulder and I scoffed.

"Are You really giving me advice on having sex with my boyfriend?" Grimacing, I furrowed my brows and he sighed.

"No. I'm giving you advice on how to love him and make him feel special. Listen to him. Listen to yourself. What do you both want? How far do you want to take it? Talk about it. Even if its awkward at first." I glanced over to him and nodded before wrapping my arms around him in a hug, which he returned.

"Thanks, Dad."

"You're welcome, buddy. Also, don't forget that me and Katsuki are taking Kai out to eat and discuss what's going to happen with the baby and all. Soo you guys have the house to yourself for a few hours..." I pushed him away with a sound of disgust and he laughed.

"Gross dad. I'm going to my room now. You made it weird." I walked out the door only to hear a yell.

"I'm sorry!" I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and yelled back.

"No you're not!"

"No, I'm really not."


I sat on the couch with Titus, arm around his shoulder and knee bouncing with nervousness. His eyes shifted from the TV to my leg and placed his hand gently on my knee to stop it.

"What's wrong?" His voice was soft and he turned to look at me. I sighed and grabbed the remote to turn the TV off before turning to him and holding his hand.

"Baby...while we're alone, will you talk to me for a bit?" I looked up from my lap and he was looking at the blank tv, chewing his lip.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He looked over at me and I quickly shook my head.

"No! No, of course not, Baby. I love you. Just talk to me for a bit." He finally faced me and nodded.

"Okay. What about?" Taking a deep breath, I started.

"Y'know, I love you so much. And it's a little scary because I've never loved someone as much as I love you. I just..." I felt Titus squeeze my hand as I continued.

"I haven't ever cared if I hurt someone, or made them hate me. But with you I do care, so I want to talk to you and just ask you, what do you want out of this relationship? Because I know I want to stay with you for a long time." He bit his lip before smiling.

"I wanna stay with you too. I've had a few relationships but you've been a lot of my firsts. First kiss, first time I met someone's parents, first time I've been loved like this. And I want you to be more firsts for me."

"Even your first couple fight?"

"Even my first couple fight."

I laughed and pulled him in for a hug, feeling him return it with a small whisper.

"I want you to be my first time too. I don't wanna share that with anyone else." Pulling back just enough to rest my forehead on his, I pecked his nose.

"Okay, Baby. If you really want that." Titus blushed and smiled, nodding. I lifted his chin and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, which he returned happily.

He tackled me back on the couch and I yelped before laughing as he snuggled into my side.

"God, how did I end up with you?" I ran my hands through his hair as he responded

"I don't know but you love me! And you're stuck with me!" He laughed and I pinched his cheeks gently, causing him to swat at my hands.

"That is correct. I'm stuck with you and you're stuck with me." He squealed happily and hid his face in my side.

"Goodnight." I laughed at his muffled voice and tugged a section of brown hair.

"Going to sleep already? It's only seven." He shrugged and sat back up to grab the remote.

"Fine. We'll sleep at eight then." He turned the TV back on, and needless to say, we were asleep before eight.


Didn't try too hard on this chapter, but uh, hi, how are you? It's been a while....

A True HeroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon