Chapter 8

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(--° · °--)

Mark wants you to have this.
He says it's for you.
Micah's pov

"God I hate this place." I groaned and heard a giggle as Titus patted my shoulder.

"You'll be alright. Only nine months months of hell and it's summer again." He adjusted his backpack as me, him, and Kai walked through the front doors of the school.

"Yeah, but then we still have senior year. At least this is our last year we need full credits." Kai spoke up from her spot to my right, my left side being occupied by Titus.

"Yeah! See, Babe? Next year we only need half of our credits to graduate." I felt fingers intertwine with mine and I smiled, squeezing his hand.

"Thank you both...but I still hate this school." I grimaced and the others nodded.

"Oh yeah, totally."

"Me too, Babe."


Turns out, I have English with Kai. And I have English with the worst person in this school, who happens to hate my little sister.

Whether it be Tia just hates my little sister, or because Kai is smarter than her, I wouldn't know.

I'm gonna stick to the latter.

I heard a groan from somewhere behind me and a quiet, 'go away, Tia', recognizing it as Kai. I listened closely to the conversation and sighed as it slowly escalated.

"Just go the hell away. No one wants to see your nasty ass around here anyways."

I almost laughed, knowing Kai was about to get petty until I heard what the bully said next.

"My 'nasty ass'? Who do you think you are to call me nasty? huh, Slut?"

I quickly slammed my hands on the table as I stood, immedieatly gaining most of everyone's attention. I spun and walked to the back of the room.

Tia's dyed red curls bounced as she whipped her head my way, grunting when I grabbed the collar of her shirt and shoved her firmly into the brick wall behind her.

"You wanna say that again, Motherfucker?" I spoke in a low growl as I leaned into her, still pushing her shoulders into the wall.

"Get the hell off of me!" She squirmed and I snarled.

"Then shut the hell up and don't fucking talk to my sister again." I released her shirt and took a step back.

"Oh, so what? I called her a slut. It's true though. She did fuck a few guys before she got a boyfriend. Now she sticks to fucking him."

Don't hit a girl, Micah. Don't do it.

"Just leave my family alone. If I catch you fucking with her again, you won't be conscious enough to throw the second punch. Understood?" I glared, crossing my arms, and I swear I saw her swallow thickly before nodding slowly.

"Fine." I heard the teacher's voice from the front of the room behind me as I stood.

"Is there a problem here?" I turned, locking eyes with Kai and giving her a reassuring smile before smiling politely at the teacher.

"No ma'am. Everything's alright here." I walked slowly to sit, some of the kids having borderline horror written across their faces.

Some because I threatened a school bully, who happens to be a girl and older than me, and others because of the quick attitude change.

Once everyone was seated, the lesson began and I quickly fell into the routine of school.


"How was school?" I shrugged at Dad's question and me, Kai, and Titus all gave different answers.

"It was pretty good!"

"Decent enough."

"Pretty shitty if I do say so myself."

He seemed taken aback by the different attitudes and chuckled. "Well, I'm glad Titus had a good day. Kai?"

"Decent, save for getting called a slut in third period. Micah took care of that though." She shrugged and dad blinked.


"I shoved a girl into the wall and threatened to knock her out because she called Kai a slut." I shrugged my shoulders and he nearly slammed on the brakes.

"You what!? Did you not get in trouble?" He kept looking between me and the road quickly.

"Teacher didn't catch me and no one opened their mouth, so no." I shook my head and kept my eyes out the window.

"You know I'm gonna tell Katsuki, right?" He turned onto our road and I nodded.

"Yeah. I'll deal with whatever I get." Leaning against the window, I felt Titus lean into my side and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders.

"Hey." He poked my cheek and I looked over at him, his smile immediately forcing one onto my face as well.

"You're too sweet, Titus." He snorted and layed his head on my shoulder, still smiling softly.

"I can be sour when I want."

"Sure you can."


"You. Fucking. Did. WHAT!?"

"I threatened to knock her out after shoving her into the wall. Do I need to explain a third time?" I stood with my arms crossed and a blank look on my face. "She called my sister a slut. I wasn't just going to sit there and do nothing about it."

A sigh came from the older blonde in front of me as he leaned down, placing his hands on his knees. "I'm glad you stood up for your sister but did you have to put your hands on her?"

I shrugged and despite my struggles, a lopsided grin spread across my face. "Technically, I didn't hit you can't really be mad." As he let out a held back laugh -it coming out more as a wheeze- I bit down on my bottom lip.

"You really are my fucking kid aren't you? God that is something I totally would have said at your age." He let out more laughs and I did the same.

"Well, at least I can tell Nana that I'm deffinitely her grandson. Though, thats not necessarily an argument, is it? We all look like mirror images." I calmed down and Pop straightened back up.

"Well, look, I'm supposed to be punishing you so at least like I threatned some sort of punishment so I don't get in trouble with your dad." I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks, Pops. But just so you know, I will hit the bitch if she lays a hand on my little sister or my boyfriend." With that, I heard him stutter as I walked out of the kitchen and layed down on the couch in the livingroom, soon being joined by a tired Titus.


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