Chapter 10

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Mark doesn't like this chapter very well.

Micah's pov

"Kai?" I knocked on the hospital room doorframe before entering and shutting the door behind me. "How are you feeling?" She was on her side faced away from the door and I sat on the edge of the bed behind her.

"Nauseous, tired. Where's Pop and Dad?" She still didn't look at me and I brushed my hand through her hair gently.

"Pop is pacing in the waiting room while Dad tries to calm him down. They'll only let one person in at a time right now." She rolled onto her back and looked up at me.

"You guys know?" She frowned and placed a conscious hand on her lower abdomen when I nodded.

"How long did you know?" I asked, grabbing her hand and running my thumb over it gently. She hummed and closed her eyes.

"A few weeks. I just didn't wanna tell you guys. I was scared Pop would get mad or upset." A few tears slipped down her cheeks and I wiped them gently.

"Hey, they're upset but I promise you, it's gonna be okay. I don't care if I have to slap some sense into them." I laughed and pulled a small smile from her.

"Thank you Micah. You're the best big brother ever." She squeezed my hand and I squeezed back, smiling.

"And uncle. I will be the best uncle," I stated matter-of -factly before she smacked my arm and snickered.

"I dunno, Niko might beat you at that one. He's more fun." I scoffed and crossed my arms with a pout.

"Rude. I'm totally more fun! I used to play ponies and trucks with you!" I poked her side and she giggled, flinching away from my hand.

"Don't tickle me! And yeah, you used to play with me until you actually got friends. Then it was 'uncool' to play with your little sister." She crossed her arms and I leaned down to peck her head.

"I'm sorry for all the times I didn't want to play with you. Better?"

"A little."

A knock was heard before the door opened.

"Babe, Katsuki wants to see her." I turned to see Titus and nodded.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit, okay?" I leaned down to kiss her head one last time and she nodded.

"Alright. I'll see you if I'm still alive by the time he's done." Grimacing, she moved her arms under her to sit up on the pillows a bit. "And update me on what happens with Tia."

"Okay. Will do." With a quick nod, I was out the door and Pop was passing me. Before the door shut fully I saw him pull my sister into a hug.

Katsuki's pov

As I hugged my daughter I could feel her let out a sob into my shoulder, making me squeeze her tighter. I rested a hand on her back and sighed.

"I'm glad you're okay. I was worried." She sniffled and pulled back enough for me to see her puffy cheeks.

"I'm sorry. Are you mad?" She wiped her eyes and I brushed her white curls out of her face.

"I'm not mad. I'm just upset that you didn't tell me. I know you're the only girl but I want you to know you can come to me for anything." I could feel myself start to tear up as she nodded slowly.

"Thanks Papa." She wrapped her arms around me tightly and I returned the hug, careful not to squeeze too tight.

"...I'm too young to be a grandpa. I'm only thirty seven! Oh, and your Nana is gonna be pissed and happy at the same time." I pulled away from the hug and wiped her face gently.

"I'm too young to be a mom. And Nana can suck it up. She'll be happy to have another grandchild." She smiled and folded her arms over her stomach

"Kai, you know I love you, right, Hun?" I leaned my elbows on my knees and folded my hands as she nodded. "You're a dumbass." I stared at her blankly and she returned the look before nodding.

"I really am. I've noticed." She sighed and rubbed her eyes, chuckling.

"But on the bright side, they said the baby is ok. Nothing to worry about there. Your wrist will be better in a few weeks. You just have to wear your brace until then." I tapped the top of her hurt arm and she smiled.

"Yeah, worse things could've happened, right? I could've lost it, my wrist could've been completely broken, right?" She shifted upwards and leaned her head back into the pillows. "My head?"

"They want to keep you a few days to watch you and make sure it doesn't get worse." She groaned at having to stay in the hospital and there was a a minute of silence before I laid my hand on her arm. "Kai, does the dad know?"

She looked down before shaking her head slowly. "When I told him I might be pregnant he said he wanted nothing to do with me or them." Sniffling, she brushed her hair out of her face. "So I just didn't say anything."

I frowned and ran my hand through her hair. "If he doesn't want to take care of his own kid, then that's someone not worth staying with. Trust me, I speak from experience, Hun." She nodded and wiped her tears.

"He's a bitch anyways. I hope he burns in hell." She crossed her arms with a huff and I chuckled.

"Atta girl. You'll be okay." Kai smiled and nodded before biting her lip.

"Pop, why are you not mad and yelling at me right now. Shouldn't you be so red your blonde hair looks white?"

"I'm not mad because I was young and dumb when I had Micah. I was young and dumb when you were born. I can't really be mad that it runs in the family can I?" I smiled and rubbed her arm. "Besides, I might admit that I'm a little exited to decorate another nursery."

She laughed and it turned into a yawn. "Where's dad and Niko? Does he know he's going to be an uncle? And Titus?"

"Eiji took Niko home. I think he has an idea that he is, and Titus is in the hall with Micah. You need sleep." I adjust her pillows and she grunted in protest. "Goodnight."

And with a kiss to her head, I flipped off the light to let her sleep.


I don't normally publish early but I'm going to before I end up deleting and rewriting this whole chapter.

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