Chapter 23

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Oh no he's hot

Not too proud of this chapter.

Micah's pov

I was sleeping peacefully, Titus in my arms and the sun warming my back when all of a sudden there was a loud screeching noise.

I will go back in time and murder whoever invented fucking air horns.

"Happy birthday!" I groaned and flopped back down on the bed, shoving my pillow over my face as Titus laughed at me.

"Fuck off!" Everyone in the room laughed and I moved the pillow to see Niko holding the air horn with the same hand in which a grey bracelet sat snug against their wrist. They had a smile on their face and I glared before climbing over Titus and out of the bed. "You little shit-"

Niko shrieked and made a break for it, nearly slipping as they ran from the room laughing like a maniac. I chased after them, eventually getting a hold of them in the living room and dropping them on the couch as I tickled their sides.

"No!" Niko talked between giggles, squirming to try and get away from me. "I'm sorry! Forgive me!" Eventually, I let go of them with a big smile on my face. They watched me before bolting up and into the kitchen.

"Hey!" I followed, only to see them being protected by Titus, a smirk on his and Niko's face. "Okay... I see how it is." I nodded slowly before jumping with a scream as the air horn once again blew in my ear from behind me. "What the fuck!" I turned to see Pops laughing.

Great. Everything I do and this is what I get for turning into an adult?


"Micah, I need you to go to the store and get some things." I grabbed the list Dad had handed me and looked over it. Shrugging, I peeked my head into the living room.

"Wanna come with me, Baby?" Titus looked up from his spot on the couch and nodded, standing before making his way over to me and pulling me to the door.

"Sure, come on." We both put our shoes on and Titus handed me a set of keys. I took them, not really paying attention to which car they went to before calling out that we were leaving. Stepping outside, I pressed the unlock button and frowned when I noticed that these keys didn't go to either car.

"Wait a minute... Hold on-" There was a black car behind the other two and I paused. "Who's car is that?" I looked behind me at the door and blinked as I saw everyone watching with a smile, just adding to my confusion. "Is someone else here?" I heard Titus sigh and I turned to him.

"No baby," he pinched the bridge of his nose before grabbing my wrist and shaking it, making me jangle the keys in my hand. "It's your car." I paused before gasping and looking back quickly, seeing Dad nod enthusiastically.

"No fuckin' way! A car!?" I looked down at the keys and then back over to the car in the driveway. "Whoa!" Everyone laughed and Dad patted me on the back.

"Yeah, but I wasn't joking about needing you to go to the store. We really need butter." I snorted and turned to hug him before grabbing Titus' hand and pulling him to the car.

Correction. My car.

Sitting in the drivers seat, I looked around in admiration as Titus watched me.

"What do you think?" He placed his hand on the console and I laced our fingers together, nodding slowly.

"It's awesome, Mi rey." I leaned over to kiss his nose and he patted my cheek gently, whispering.

"Stop speaking spanish before I start speaking English." He sat back and I crossed my arms, pouting.

"You grew up in a bilingual family. I had to learn Spanish from my uncle Hanta." He rolled his eyes playfully as I finally started the car.

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