chapter 26

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This wasn't supposed to be a smut chapter but shit happens I guess.

Micah's pov

I woke up earlier than I normally would, it still being dark outside and the clock reading four in the morning.

Titus was asleep, his head on my chest, arm wrapped around me and snoring slightly as I looked through my phone, my free hand rubbing his scalp gently. There was a soft knock on the door before it opened slightly, Pops poking his head in and talking quietly.

"Hey, I have to go to work early and Dad has to take Kai to her early appointment. It's her last one. Will you take Niko to school?" He glanced to Titus before looking back to me.

"Yeah, sure. You leaving now?" I yawned and he shrugged.

"In a few minutes. Aiko is gonna be over later, so don't hurt him." He pointed an accusing finger at me and I pursed my lips.

"Mentally or physically?" I smirked and he sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Refrain from both, please." Pops looked at me again and I chuckled, nodding.

"Okay, okay, I will. Now go before you're late." I shoed him away and he shut my door behind him quietly.

Titus shifted and I waited for him to settle before moving my hand to his back, rubbing it gently. He grumbled and looked up at me tiredly.

"What time is it?" He blinked as he looked at the clock before looking back to me.

"Four in the morning. Why are you up, baby?" I brought my hand up to rub at the back of his neck and he closed his eyes with a soft smile.

"You laughed or something I guess. I dunno." Titus shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, Pops told me not to hurt Aiko later. And I've gotta take Niko to school in a few hours." I let my hand wander down his back and play with the hem of his shirt as I spoke.

"We still have a few hours?" He sat up further on his elbows and tilted his head slightly.

"What are you implying, Titus?" I felt a smirk creep onto my face and he scooted forwards, inches from my face.

"That we have a few hours to ourselves." He put one leg on either side of me to straddle my hips. My hands went to his own hips and my fingers gently dug into soft skin.

"Hmm. I do wanna try something." Titus seemed to perk up at that and I patted his thigh so he'd get off so I could move.

"Really? What?" He swung his leg off of me and I stood, moving towards the closet.

"Lay down." I opened the closet and grabbed a backpack (the backpack specifically), turning to see Titus already on his back and his hands resting behind his head.

"Tell me what it is!" He wiggled excitedly and I shushed him before sitting at the end of the bed near his feet with the backpack.

"You'll see." I smirked evilly and he stared at me as I unzipped the bag.


"You know, normally, when you say you wanna try something, it's fun. Not fuckin' torturous." He looked at me from the passenger seat of the car, a pout evident on his face.

"You didn't say no though. In fact, I believe you said 'yes please'. Am I right?" I could tell he had been wanting to complain since before we dropped Niko off, his face scrunching every time I'd turn the knob on the remote in my pocket just slightly.

"Yes, I did, but in the car!? With your little sister!?" He crossed his arms and glared at me as I smiled, shrugging.

"She didn't know, so what's the harm? Besides, you were good and kept quiet." I rested my hand on his thigh as we stopped at a red light and he inhaled sharply.

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