Chapter 28

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Micah's pov (2 years later : 20 years old)

"Knock knock! We're here!" I opened the front door of the house, calling out to whoever would hear. Apparently someone had because Alexi came running up to me, arms open and a smiled on her face.

"Mitah! Mitah!" I laughed and picked her up, spinning her before letting her settle on my hip. Titus kissed her head before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Hey, Honey Bee. How are you?" I kissed her cheek and she giggled.

"Bee! Bzzzz! Bee!" She kicked her legs in excitement with another buzz.

"Yeah! That's you!" I tickled her sides and she laughed, wiggling.

"I wan' down!" She squealed as I pretended to drop her before setting her down gently.

"Hey. Where's mommy?" I squatted down next to her and she pointed to the kitchen. I nodded, seeing her follow me through the door. Titus was standing at the counter and I grabbed his hips, pulling him into me as he didn't even break the conversation with Pops.

"What are you doing?" He finally asked as I rested my chin on his shoulder. I smiled lifting my head to peck his lips.

"Hugging You. Like a good husband." I snickered as he shook his head. We'd gotten married after moving into our own apartment, but we still hadn't had a ceremony yet. That would have to wait until Titus was out of school and we had saved up enough money.

"You are a good husband. Now help me cut up these vegetables." Titus whacked my arm with a carrot and I laughed, nodding. It was peaceful until Pops spoke up.

"Am I gonna get any grandchildren out of you two?" He cocked a brow and Titus smiled.

"With me in school and both of us working, we just wouldn't have the time right now. So no. Well, not any time soon, but eventually." I nodded along to what he was saying as I looked around the kitchen. Everyone was setting the table or helping prepare the food, (Alexi thought she was, but her knife was just plastic) and I noticed we were missing someone.

"Where's Niko?" I looked over to Pops and he looked around before answering.

"In her....his? Room. It's been she/her all week. I forgot what color their bracelet was today. You can go get them if you want." I nodded and wiped my hands off, walking to the stairs, but before I could start Dad called behind me.

"I'd knock if I were you!" I huffed a laughed and nodded, making my way up to the door and knocking. I heard a quiet 'come in' and opened the door. The room was dimly lit by a single lamp on the nightstand. Niko was laying down with his phone in hand.


"Shh!" I was shushed quickly and it took me a moment to realize there was another person on the bed with him. The boy was resting between Niko's legs with his head on Niko's stomach, arms on either side of him. My brothers hand was in his red hair, rubbing his scalp gently and adorning his wrist was a green bracelet. A new one, but still green. I lowered my voice before speaking again.

"Akito?" Niko nodded and I smiled. His hair had gotten darker. Or maybe it was just the lighting. I assumed he was sleeping by the way Niko had told me to be quiet. I opened my mouth to ask a question, but My brother answered before I could.

"He has bad headaches sometimes. It helps to sit in a dark, quiet room and just nap it off. We'll be down for dinner in a bit." He smiled at me, his hand never leaving the others hair and I nodded, closing the door behind me quietly.

"So where are they?" Pops asked as I entered the kitchen once again. Kai gave me a quick hug before rushing out of the room after a giggling Alexi, who was carrying half a potato.

"Akito is using him as a pillow while he naps." I smiled and Kai sighed as she walked back into the room, potato in hand and two year old in tow.

"I swear, if they don't start dating soon, I'm gonna lock them in a room together. Fourteen or not, they just need to kiss already." She went back to cutting the potato and the whole kitchen erupted in laughter.


"Dude, I say you ask him out." Niko jumped as I spoke into his ear, leaning over the back of the couch he was sitting on. Akito was across the room on the phone with someone, and Niko had just been staring.

"I say, how about no." He smiled and I huffed. His voice was deeper now and completely clear of voice cracks. His hair had grown out to shoulder length, but it was pulled into a bun at the back of his head.

"Come on, you can't avoid it forever. You were literally cuddling earlier!" I whisper shouted and he shrugged, still smiling.

"Maybe not, but I'll avoid it for as long as I can like the procrastinator I am." He looked down to his phone as I groaned, and Akito came prancing over.

"Mom said I could stay! But I'll have to borrow your clothes." The redhead pulled his hoodie sleeves down so they covered his hands, making sweater paws. Niko looked up to him, almost lovingly, and something in my brain clicked.

"Okay. Why don't you go grab some hair stuff and you can play with my hair?" Niko tapped his head and Akito nodded, turning to walk upstairs. I didn't even realize my jaw was dropped until I closed it.

"You're not procrastinating. You two are already dating, arent you?" He looked at me with a shy smirk and I gasped. "Ohhh, Kai is gonna kill you when she finds out." We both laughed as the other teenager bounced back down the stairs, a box of hair accessories in his hand.

"I'm actually testing how long it'll take her to realize it. Dad and Papa already know. Aiko too. Now you, and you'll tell Titus." As he spoke, Niko sat on the ground, allowing Akito to sit behind him and take his hair out of the bun.

"That's cruel. I love it." We laughed again and I saw Titus coming out of the hallway. "Well, I think it's time I go. I have work tomorrow." I walked around and leaned down to hug Niko goodbye, as well as Akito. Next was Kai, a wave for Aiko, and a hug for Dad and Pops.

"Me, me! Mitah me!" Alexi jumped as she held onto my jacket and I scooped her up, pressing kisses to her cheek as she giggled. "Bye bye!"

"Bye bye, Honey Bee. I'll see you next time, okay?" She nodded quickly and I set her down, waving a last goodbye to everyone as me and Titus walked to the car hand-in-hand. "Man," I mumbled as the doors shut. "I really thought he'd get a girlfriend first." Titus laughed and shook his head as I started the car with a smile.


Anyone else's ovaries just scream 'baby' every now and again? Like, okay, I get it, they're cute, but I literally just thought about kicking a toddler two days ago. Is it really a good idea for me to be a mom?

No. No it's not.

A True HeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang