Chapter 49

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I felt myself turning and tossing on the bed, I couldn't keep my eyes closed so I opened them and picked up my phone to see what time it was.

3: 30 AM

It was still early and everywhere felt really quiet, but then came this dry feeling in my mouth and had to get some water,

I got out of bed and wandered in the desolate hall, I didn't know where the halls were leading me, but I knew I was in the path that led to the kitchen.

I found the kitchen and reaching to the fridge to grab a bottle of water I hear noises, loud gurgling noises,

"Who's there?" I closed the fridge and went out to see it. When I came out of the kitchen what I saw made me drop my glass.

As the glass shattered I felt my entire world shatter along with it.

I saw Carlos covered in blood on the floor and Gabriel standing over him,

"He's dead, you did it." Gabriel smirked.

I stared at Carlos on the floor and started to scream, it quickly turned into sobs, and I fell to my knees, screaming and crying like my soul had been ripped apart,

"You finally did it." I heard a voice behind me and I turned around quickly to see Elle, in all red. "I knew you could do it."

They start to laugh,

"Why would you do this?" I kept screaming, their laughter echoing in my ear,

"Eva." Someone called out my name, "Eva! Eva!" I could hear my name being yelled. I could hear it in my head. Everything got dark and blurry and then my eyes snapped open, breathing hard and drenched in sweat, my eyes filled with tears.


I look to the side and see him,

He was here.

He was right here with me alive and well.

"Hey, it's okay.." He tried to calm me and I let out a sigh of relief, wrapping my arms around him, "It was another bad dream."

He didn't know how relieved his words made me.

"It was a terrible dream." I gasped still shaking,

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head, I didn't want to think about it, talk more of talking about it with him,

"Can you stay?" I begged him and he stared at me reluctantly, "It's just I don't want to sleep alone again" I mumbled, "Please."

He nodded, sliding into the covers with me, I was so scared he would disappear, I tightened my grip on him and buried my face in his chest, luckily he didn't push me away this time.

The next morning I woke up feeling someone tucking my hair, but kept my eyes closed, I kept my eyes shoot pretending I was still asleep.

"I know you are awake." I heard him whisper.

I had to bite my lip to restrain myself from laughing, until I just couldn't help it, I burst out giggling, opening my eyes to meet his.

His eyes read humour in them, which meant he was smiling too.

"Morning..." I mumbled,

We were staring at each other from under the covers and I took the time to study his face. I had almost forgotten what it's like to wake up next to him, his scent, his eyes, his smile, everything just felt overwhelming.

I was almost tempted to reach and touch him, but I was afraid I would awake from this beautiful dream and I didn't want to,

His fingers linger from my cheeks to lips.

"You have training." He whispered words I didn't want to hear, I would rather be here with him, I didn't want to leave him. That dream had me so terrified that I felt the need to be around him now.

"I don't want to. " I whined.

"You need to learn to defend yourself." He insisted.

"I want to stay with you." I pleaded, and he didn't know what to answer, so he sat up. "Please?" I said, straddling and forcing him to listen to me. "Please? Please let me stay with you. I want to stay with you."

He sighed, but gave in eventually.

We stayed in all day, but Carlos had us moved to his room, where I laid back watching him work from a distance, at least I knew he was safe.

There was suddenly a knock on the door before Miles walked in. He frowned at me before reaching to whisper to Carlos,

"Let me in."

"Are you sure?" He glanced towards me and I averted away.

"It's fine..." Carlos waved in,

Miles seemed to oppose but he heeded anyway, he went out and allowed an older man to come in,

"Carlos?" The man said as he walked in, "How are you feeling?" it took me a moment to realize he was Carlos' doctor, "I was told you've feeling dizzy." He said, checking Carlos's pulses, "Your blood pressure is going higher and that's not a good sign---"

"It's nothing ..."

"Carlos, nothing is nothing in this case, you need to take care of yourself, I would prefer you stay in bed for another month."

"We are in the middle of a war, I can't rest and watch all my men die."

"You would be no use to them if you are dead." The doctor said, before they both turn to look at me, having me drowning in guilt.

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