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Luis and I watched from a distance as the doctors took out the tubes from Carlos's nose and unplugged the cords.

We both stood there staring, I couldn't tell what was going on, one minute Carlos was tugging my arms and the next nothing,

"Eva?" Luis said quietly, putting a hand on my shoulder, "You should get some rest."

I shook my head, "I'm not going anywhere until someone tells me what's going on." I muttered in a hoarse tone.

He nodded understanding.

"What's happening?" I watched in confusion as the doctors murmured to each other while looking at Carlos, almost like they were in shock, just as I began to panic, even more, they turned and made their way towards us.

"His fever has subsided, he will be fine. The good news is that he's off the machine, hopefully in the next few hours, he will wake and if not I'm sorry to tell you he might pass away. But, let's focus on the fact that he's off the machine and breathing on his own, and can even wake up any minute now." He smiled at us,

"That's great news," Luis added.

"Now if you will excuse us, we will have to leave. I'll call in every few hours to check up on him."

I exhaled in relief as happy tears rolled down and with a grin on my face. I went in and sat by his bedside and rubbed his hand with pure delight, it was just a matter of time for all this to be over.

"I knew you could do it." Luis muttered, grinning at me and then at Carlos, "It's about time, Boss." Luis and I stayed in with him, neither of us wanted to miss him wake up but, eventually, Luis gave in and I stayed with him.

It must have been around midnight, I went down to grab something to drink, I had planned to stay all night with Carlos, doctors said he could easily hear me now, so I hoped to annoy him to consciousness with my senseless stories,

I grabbed a bottle and turned to head to Carlos's room when I heard something crashing, having me darting upstairs.

I stormed into the room and what I saw just had me tearing up immediately, Carlos was awake, groaning on the floor,

I was afraid to move, terrified that it was all part of my imagination but I wanted to believe it was real.

I looked slowly, hesitantly my breath catching in my throat as my watery eyes met his, so many emotions stirring inside them at once I could barely keep up.

Shit, I quickly hurried and helped him off the floor, he must have fallen off trying to stand on his feet. I helped him up and guided him back to the bed gently.

I didn't know what to stay, what do you say to a person who's been in a coma for 3 years? And, what do they say back to you?

"Water?" He rasped, his first words to me.

It took a while for me to realize I had a bottle in my hand, "Huh, here..." I quickly handed it to him.

He had it down in one gulp, then his eyes met mine again, he looked so utterly distraught and confused while taking a hold of me, and his surrounding, the doctor had mentioned this would happen, they said everything would seem confusing for him at first, and he won't be able to recall a few things since his brain activity has been numb for a while.

"How long have I been asleep?"

He thinks he's been asleep,

"Carlos, what's the last thing you remember?" I pondered on what else to tell him.

He took a moment to think, his voice a bit foggy.

"I-I don't seem to recall at all, I do remember being in the field, I can't—."

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