Before we Start

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Ahfjmcncndn I'm so gay for her, omg

Okay, this won't be long, so please read.

🤘: This is a Human/College AU, because I want to

✌: The Characters might be a bit OOC, but Idc

🤘: This is a Girl X Girl story, so... Sorry to all the Guys out there

🤘: If you have a Problem with the LGBT+ Community, we can thROW HANDS BC HOW DARE YOU BE AGAINST HUMAN RIGHTS-

🤘: The Characters are at least 20 Years Old, and since this is a College book, that means Alcohol and Parties
(I mean, of course they're at least 20, that's about how old they are in the Movies-)

🤘: Idk how College works, I'm only 14, aAA-

🤘: I dont want to seem like im Expecting it to Happen, but there have been a few Instances(like... About Two or Something) where people have Drawn Fanart of one of my Books, but I've honestly been too scared to ask then for a Link to it so ajcbnx, Anxiety Sucks.
So.. If you wanna Draw Fanart, Go ahead, just give me a Link(Btw, Wattpad is the Only Social Media thing that I have Bc Facebook is full of Boomers and Insane Anti-Vaxxers, Twitter and Tumblr have Pedophiles at Every Corner, DeviantArt is..... Disgusting, and Instagram is full of Idiotic Influencers and Thots, so... Just post the Art to your Art book[if you have one] and Tag me in it or give me a Link, bc I wanna see what you Beautiful People made for me)

By doing that: I will give you Full Credit, and You have to Specify if I can add it to this book in the thing you Post because I'm an Absolute Idiot and I'd be too scared to Ask lmao

🤘: Even though I don't like Musical Parts in Books, I will be doing them here, because I kind of want to
Also, I'm Big Dummy, so if theres a part where Barb sings a Song that isn't actually a Rock Song, please tell me(although there's a Very low chance of me Going back to Fix it, lmao)(also, I know that she's Actually a Hard Rock Troll, but for this book and for the Sake of my Last Two Braincells, There will be more than just Hard Rock[Like Alternative Rock n Shit{For Example: I'm planning on adding The Black Parade somewhere into this Book}])

🤘: There will be Swear Words and possibly some NSFW Stuff happening with Reader-Chan and Barb(Probably, idk yet)

Okay you stupid Gays, Go Read the Book(and maybe check out my other books on my Profile????👀👀👀)

𝔻𝕀𝕊𝕆𝔹𝔼𝔻𝕀𝔼ℕ𝕋 (Barb X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now