Chapter 9

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I just realized that Bands can only have a Vocalist, a Guitarist, a Drummer, and a Bassist. So since Barb is already the Vocalist and Guitarist, that means that Carol should have a Bass and Not another Guitar, and now I feel Stupid-

" Sneaking my Boyfriend in again, Don't Mind me." Poppy Announced, walking into the Dorm and taking the Suitcase. It was the Next day, and You and Barb where the First Ones back to the Dorm after Classes. So now, It's You, Barb, Poppy, and her Boyfriend that she keeps Smuggling in via Suitcase. Suki still wasn't at the Dorm, but no one was Complaining. Barb was eating another Cup of Noodles and leaning over your Shoulder to watch you Type your Essay. You knew that there IS a Ninety-Nine percent possibility that she's Cheating off of you, but if she was, She'd be Taking Notes. Barb is just Pointing out Spelling Mistakes and eating Ramen. " Spelt Because wrong. You put the U infront of the A." " Oh." You went back and Fixed the Misspelt word before Continuing to Type, at Least until the Door Opened. Carol was standing there again. " Barb, le'go." Barb set up and started walking to the Door. " Y/n, You coming?" You shook your Head. " Nah. I think I'll just stay here." " Aw man." Carol whined before Barb pushed her out and Closed the Door Behind her. Barb had put her Empty Noodle cup on the floor, so you set your Laptop to the Side before picking it up. You walked into the little Kitchen Area and opened one of the Cabinets under the Sink, revealing a Trashcan. You threw the Noodle cup into the Trash and walked back into the Lounging Room.

~With Carol and Barb because all Y/n does in this Chapter is work on that fucking Essay~
(This part might not be the best because I suck)

" Sooo, How's it going with Y/n?" Carol asked, Pulling her Short Blue hair into a Small Ponytail with a Hairbow she had on her Wrist. " What kind of Question is that?" " You said she looked Hot after we walked away the Day she Bumped into you. You make a Move yet?" Carol asked, now having her Hair up. Barb put her Hands into the Pockets of her Leather Jacket, the Punk ass Bitch-
" No. I don't even think she's Gay. Plus, She's not gonna like me after what I'm doing." Barb explained, making Carol stop in her Tracks. " What... Are you doing?" Barb sighed and looked down at her Shorter Friend. " I'm stealin' her Essay." Carol extended her arms in a 'What the Absolute Hell?!?' motion. " The Fucks wrong with you?! You wanna lick her there don't you??" " That fuck does me wanting to Lick her do with me Stealing her Essay?! I'm too Busy with the Band n' Shit to actually do my Work, and the Essay's due two days from now!"

Carol stared at Barb before shaking her head. " You stealing her Essay has a Lot to do with Licking her than you think. One is the Fact that Girls like Girls(and boys[I love that Song, omg-]) who don't Cheat, in more ways than one." " Girls also like Bad Boys, and Y/n's a Good Girl and I'm a Bad Girl, so she should be set already." Carol glared at Her Friend with one Ripped Ear and groaned. " Those are One Direction Fanfics, This is Real fucking Life. Hell, I could help you with the Essay, but don't Steal the fucking thing from Y/n! What if she finds out?" Barb looked at Carol and took a deep breath. " This isn't real Life because we all Live inside of a Simulation run by an Alien Government, so shut the hell up." Carol was taken aback by that, but scoffed anyway. " I can't argue with that Logic, But you still can't Steal from Y/n." ".....Bitch."

Carol stared walking away. " Slut!" Barb ran after her, making Carol look back and Run away faster. " WHORE!" " AA-"

~With Y/n~

Honestly, after you picked up that Ramen Cup, you came up with little Excuses to not go back to your Essay. It's gotten to the Point that you where now Sitting infront of Poppy's Closed door, Listening to the Conversations that Her and Her Boyfriend where having. You sat there for So long, that you stared doodling on a Peice of Paper that you had while you listened to Poppy pressure her Boyfriend into Singing for her. You started Chewing on your Pencil until you heard the Sound of a Ukulele being Played, which made you perk up and Position yourself so that you had an Ear pressed against the Wall to Listen and so that you where still Holding the Paper right.
" She asked me ' Son, When I grow Old, Will you Buy me a House of Gold? And When your Father turns to Stone, Will you take care of me?'" Poppy's Boyfriend, You think his name was Trunk or Sticks or something else that was Tree Related, Sung. He had a very Beautiful Voice. You tried to put your ear Closer to the Wall so you could hear him Better. Whatever-the-hell-his-name-was repeated that last part before Continuing. " I Will make You Queen of Everything you see. I'll put you on the Map, I'll cure you of Disease." He stretched out some parts of the First Part, and you could easily Tell that he Directed those Two lines Specifically to Poppy, because you heard her Giggle a little. " Let's say we Up and Left this Town and turned our Future upside down. We'll make pretend that You and Me lived Ever After, Happily." 'This is so Sweet.' You thought to Yourself. The First time you met Poppy's Boyfriend, He didn't really seem like the Romantic Type, but this was still Super Sweet, None-the-less. " She asked me 'Son when I Grow Old, Will you Buy me a House of Gold? And when your Father Turns to stone, Will you take care of me?'"

" Oohhh, and Since we know that Dreams are Dead, and Life turns Plans up on Their Head, I will Plan to be a Bum, so I just might beCOME SOMEONE!" You where startled a bit by the sudden Yelling, but it went well with the Song. You picked your pencil back up and continued to Draw your little Stick Figures, but you didn't even notice that you started to add a bit more Detail to a few of your little Drawings. You heard the Ukulele being Played a bit more Vigorously, if that made any sense, and you also started hear a Tambourine. " She asked me ' Son, When I Grow old, Will you Buy me a House of Gold? And when your Father turns to stone, Will you Take Care Of me?'" Poppy joined in on the Singing, and her Voice mixed in with Whatever-the-hell-his-name-is' voice sounded... Amazing.(Insert the Emperor's New Groove meme with Pacha holding up the 👌 sign) They both Dragged out some of the Words, but you weren't Complaining. Soon, You heard the Tambourine Stop and the Ukulele starting to play a bit Slower. " I will make you Queen of Everything you see. I'll put you on the Map, I'll cure you of Disease." And then, the Ukulele stopped and you heard Poppy Clapping and Laughing. They exchanged a few words, but you didn't hear them. (I hope I got the Lyrics right, I haven't listened to House of Gold since 2014 and I don't feel like looking up the Lyrics atm)

Mostly because, when you looked down at your Paper, you saw a Drawing of Two Girls, One had a Hairstyle Similar to Yours and the Other one had a Mohawk. The two where Kissing with their Eyes closed. Your Drawing wasn't exactly to Best(to you), but you could still tell that you accidentally Drew Yourself and... Barb. You quickly grew Flustered and you looked at your Other Drawings, which where also of You and Barb. ' Oh my god, Oh fuck, what the absolute hell...' You thought to yourself, feeling your Face heat up Tremendously. You quickly stood up and went back into the Lounging Room, sitting down on the Couch and looking over your little Drawings. You didn't even know that you had a Crush on Barb, are you That Stupid? Are you So Fucking stupid that you weren't even Aware that you have a Crush on one of your Dorm-Mates?
The Door suddenly opened and you Quickly folded the Paper up and Stuck it in the Back pocket of your Pants. In walked Suki, who had a Dopey Grin of her Face. " H-hi Suki." " Hi Y/n." Suki Greeted you. " " Why're you so Happy?" Suki Shrugged and walked to the Hallway. " No Reason~" Was her Reply as she walked off. You soon heard her Door close, Which ment that you where Left Alone. Sighing, and just wanting to forget about your drawings, You picked your Laptop back up and continued to write your Essay.


Barb Snuck back into the Dorm later that Night while everyone else was Asleep. Despite what Carol had Told her Earlier, about not Stealing Your Essay, She was gonna do it Anyway. Between working on Songs for the Band and something Else that she Couldn't remember at the Moment, She didn't really have Time to do her Work, which made her Wonder how the Hell she got into this College in the First Place other than Plot Reasons. Anyway, Barb Slowly walked to your Door and Opened it even Slower. She walked into your Room and used the Light from her Phone screen to Navigate around. She Found your Laptop and Opened it, Typing in the Password you oh-so Stupidly typed in Infront of her Earlier. She found the Document with the Essay and clicked onto it, but she Frowned upon seeing that you weren't finished with it yet.
See, Barbs plan is to Wait until you're Done with the Essay so that she can Download it onto a USB Drive and Transfer it to her Laptop so she can make some Changes to it and then Redownload it to the USB so that it could Classify as her own.

A Dick Move, Yes, But Barb was too Busy. Plus, It's not like You'll find out Anyway. Barb exited out of the File and Closed the Laptop back before walking out of your Room and Into Hers. Barb didn't even Unpack her Things Yet, So her Room was still Bare, She didn't care to be Honest. She walked to her Bed and Collapsed onto it, deciding to just sleep in her Clothes, Make-up, and Earrings for the few Remaining Hours of the night.

Basically, She used to wear Earrings wayy high up on her Ears, But one day one of her Earrings got Caught on something, but she pulled herself so fucking hard(Either out of Confusion or Stupidity) that the Earring got Pulled Straight through one of her Ears and now her Ear is torn as hell and she now wears Earrings a bit Lower.
Still don't know how the Hell her Ear got Ripped in the Actual Movie, but now you know How her Ear gets torn in the Human AU-

Also, it was my Friends Idea for me to put House of Gold by TØP in this Chapter as a Song that Branch sings to Poppy, because according to him the Song is Basically the Broppy Anthem, so sjfns
My Friend sadly doesn't have a Wattpad, so I can't Tag him, so yea

Ok, I'm done, bYE-

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