Chapter 12

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I'm about to spoil all of you with these Updates, Just watch-

Also, after the last chapter I took a nap I had a Wild ass Dream where Noodle from the band Gorillaz got Replaced with Barb, and I got a whole ass sequence of Barb taking Noodles place and being in the music Videos for Clint Eastwood, Rock the House, 19-2000, Dare, Dirty Hairy, Feel Good Inc., ect and I woke up crying, and I don't know if I was Happy Crying that Barb was in one of my Favorite Bands or if I was Sad Crying bc I Love Noodle so much and I-

Swing, swing from the tangles of
My heart is crushed by a former love. Can you help me find a way
To carry on again?"

You watched Barb dance around the Room and sing along to the Song that was Playing on her Speaker. You where pretty sure that it's an All American Rejects Song, but you haven't listened to that Band in Forever, so you weren't really Sure. Barb was Jumping around and Singing while you where trying to Fold her Clothes up. You where a Bit Shocked when you came into her Room and seeing that it was Completely bare. You had At least expected that she had the Sheets on her Bed or something, but that wasn't the Case. You bent down to put the Shirt you where Folding away into the Dresser and looked into the Suitcase, spotting a Bag with something in it that had different Hues of Pink on it. You picked it up and looked over at Barb. " Barb!" Barb didn't seem to Hear you, so you decided to pull out the Only thing she seemed to be Embarrassed about.

" Barbara Osbourne!" (While editing this, I thought I had put Barrack Obama, I-)

The got Barb to Stop and Turn around to you. " What?!" She shouted over the Music. You held up the Bag. " What's this?" Barb ran over and took the Bag from your Hand before Jumping onto the Bed. She walked on the Bed before getting to the Head of it, where she Opened the Bag with her Teeth. She Took the Thing out and you Recognized what it was since you've seen that Flag at Multiple Pride Parades you've been to, although this one had a Hand on it with a Spiked Bracelet, holding up the Sigh of Horns(I think thats what it's called, idk). Barb took two Random Thumbtacks from out of her shorts and put them in her Mouth, Holding it with her Teeth. She then took a Corner of her Lesbian Flag and Held it to the Wall before Taking one of the Tacks and Pushing it Through the Flag and Wall before doing the Same thing with the Other Corner. 
" That looks Nice, where'd you get it?" Barb fell back onto the Bed with her Arms Outstretched over her Head, like doing that had taken every ounce of Energy out of her. " It's Custom Made, I got it off of Facebook for, like, Fifty Dollars... It was Worth it! " You looked around and Realized that all of her Things where Set up, well, aside from some things in a Box that she had Snatched away from you Earlier and shoved under her bed with the Statement; " Whoop! Das not for you!" Which made you a bit concerned about what kind of stuff she was Trying to Hide from you, but you had shrugged it off.

Barb's Room was Dark and had a bit of an Angsty Teen feel to it. She had Posters of Various Rock Bands, including a few Movie Posters for Horror Movies and Stuff. Fun Fact; When you where done putting her Black Curtains up on the Window earlier, She went Behind you and Safety-Pinned them Closed, so her Room was going to be very Dark once she Turned the Light out. Barb took her Phone out of her Pocket and Sat up, turning it on. " Hey, Wanna Go to a Bar or Something?" She asked, Looking over her Shoulder at You. You thought about it for a Second before Nodding. " Sure!"


" I instantly regret my Decision, I Hate it here." Barb said, hopping out of the Van, You following after her. Carol and Riff weren't with you Guys, so it was just you Two. You walked over to where she was Standing and Looked up at the Bar. It looked like something out of a Movie about Cowboy's, but instead of Cowboy's, it looked like the only People here where Bikers and Truck Drivers. Which Quite Possibly Ment that You and Barb where going to be the Only Women in this Place that weren't wearing something that showed off your Stomachs, Barb wearing a My Chemical Romance T-Shirt(that looked a bit Too Big on her) and You wearing a Homemade Tie-dye T-shirt with Patrick from SpongeBob SquarePants on it.(It's, like, Black with Patrick on it, But you did that Thing where you take a fork and Swirl the Shirt around it[like Spaghetti], Put Rubber Bands around it, and Poured Bleach on it. So Ye)(I forgot to mention this, but you and Barb Changed Clothes, so ye-)
Barb Clicked her Tongue and set her hands on her Hips, looking a bit Unsettled at the Country Aesthetic this place had. She started walking towards it and you Followed. " Let's just hope the Beers Good." She said to you, making you snicker. She seemed Horrified by the Country Aesthetic and she was only Pushing herself into it because of the Alcohol. She pushed the Door things open and Instantly Slinked back, Pushing you Infront of her. " You go in First." She Told you, Adjusting the Pair of Black Sunglasses she had on top of her Head so that they where Covering her Eyes. ' Is she Scared to come into this place?' You asked yourself Sarcastically before walking in. You froze when one of the Employees walked infront of you.

Yes, You looked at the Name of the Place, But you just thought that it was Name Centaur Stables for a Different Reason. You weren't actually expecting the Employees at this place to be wearing Centaur Costumes. You looked around and saw more Employees. They where all wearing this Thing that was Hooked to their Waist that looked like the Back end of a Horse, and the Back Legs actually Moved along with the Employees Legs. It was the Coolest thing you've ever seen. You saw an Empty Booth and Pulled Barb over to it. Barb instantly sat down and you sat down Infront of her. She scooted over to the Corner and Sunk down, still a bit Unsettled. You laughed at her and Leaned over the table to her. " Are you Scared?" Barb shook her head and Looked around. " No."

A Girl wearing a White Centaur Costume walked up. She had Peach colored Skin, like she had laid out in the Sun for a bit too Long, and Orange Messy-looking hair with a Tiny White Cowboy hat on her Head, and she was also wearing a Green Flannel. She looked Chubby, and her Centaur Costume also looked a Bit Wider to Blend in with her Body. " Hi, Welcome to Centaur Stables, What can I get you two Gal's?" She asked, Tapping a Pencil on the Notepad she had. " Give me the Strongest fucking thing you have at this Voice. Not some Girly-Girly Cocktail or some Shit, Get me a Bud Light or Somethin'." The Waiter looked a bit Surprised, but wrote that Down and turned to you. " Okay.. and you?" " Um..." You turned over to Barb, Silently begging her to Order for you because your Anxiety was kicking In. Barb groaned, getting the Message, and pointed at you. " Get her the Weakest shit you have. She isn't really a Drinker." The Waiter wrote something down before looking back up. " Anything else?" " Nachos." You and Barb said at the Same time, Startling Both of you. The Girl wrote that Down and put a little Thing on the Table. " I'll be back in a Minute." She Said before walking away.
Barb leaned over and snatched the Red Paper that the Waiter had put on the Table, looking it over. " DeltaDawn? Who the Fuck names their Child DeltaDawn?" She asked, Handing the Paper over to you. You looked at it and, Sure enough, The name DeltaDawn was on it. You shrugged and set the Paper down, Propping your Head in your Hand with your Elbow on the Table. " I think it Fits her. "

Again, I'mma let Ginny Di Explain the Centaur Costume:

Also that Thing that DeltaDawn put down is something that people at Restaurants put on the Table to make sure No one Takes their Tip by Mistake or something.
My Mom worked at a Restaurant before this Covid-19 Bullshit, so yeah, das how I know-

And two People wanted Y/n to find Barbs secret Stash of Kinky Shit, but I didn't actually want to write that, So I just referenced it a bit.
I imagine Barb not actually liking, Y'know... Those, I just think she has a BDSM Kink or Collar Kink or something, so the Box just has a few Dog Collars that are a... Bit too big for Debbie.

Which Doesn't really make sense since why the hell would Barb have Collars at a College, but who gIVES A SHIT-

Also, Barbs Custom made Flag:

It's actually something that one of my Friends made a while ago, and she let me use it for this book, and it actually looks like something Barb would have, so that's another reason why I Put it into the Book

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It's actually something that one of my Friends made a while ago, and she let me use it for this book, and it actually looks like something Barb would have, so that's another reason why I Put it into the Book

Okay, bye-

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