Chapter 2

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"- And this is my Room!" Poppy exclaimed as she opened the Door to her Room to let you and Suki walk in. While you guys Waited for the Fourth Roommate to Arrive, You where all giving Tours of your Rooms and Poppy wanted to go First. Her room was Bright with different Colors and she had a Big Collection of little Figurines and other Trinkets on her Dresser. She had put up some Pink Curtains and had them Opened all the Way. Her bed was Pushed up to the Window and had a Pink Comforter with Blue Flowers on it and the Pillows where Fuzzy and Multicolored. You walked over to her Dresser and saw a Large Scrapbook infront of a Bunch of Troll Toys from the Nineties. " Oh hey, The Good Luck Trolls!" You said, Picking up one that had Green hair and a Blue 'Lucky Charm'. " I haven't seen one of these things in Forever." You said, making Poppy skip over to you. " Yeah!" She Carefully took the Toy out of your Hand. " I love Collecting these Guys, They're the Best! Oh! Suki!" Poppy put the Green-haired one down and picked up an Orange Haired one with a Pink Lucky Charm. Suki looked over as Poppy held up the Orange-haired Troll. " This one looks just Like you! Look, You even have a Gem like it!"
Suki Laughed at walked closer, taking the Troll out of Poppy's hand. " Aww. How Cute." She said, Giggling a little. You picked up the Green-haired Troll and set it back in the Neat line it was in Before and continued to Look around Poppy's Room. Beside the Dresser, on the Floor, where a few Bracelet/Necklace Making Kits, along with a few Packets of Construction Paper stacked ontop of it. The Table beside her Bed had a Homemade Picture Frame that was made out of Popsicle Sticks and little Stickers.(it's not the one that Flips out in the first Movie, it's just a Normal Picture Frame that doesn't Fold out or anything) In the Frame was a Picture of Poppy and a Guy with Dull Blue-Grey Hair and Olive Skin that was wearing a Dull Green Sweater. His hair went a little bit Past his Shoulders, and he didn't look like he wanted to Take the Picture, but had his Arm over Poppy's Shoulder Anyway.

Beside the Picture was a Cowbell, along with the little Stick thing that you're supposed to hit it with(idfk). Leaned up Against the Bedside table was a Pale-Yellow Ukulele with Blue Flowers painted on it, Though the Ukulele was mostly shaped like a Banjo. Before you could look around more, you all heard a Knock at the Door. " I'll get it." You Volunteered, walking out of the Room. Poppy shouted back with an 'Okay' and you Rushed to the Door as the Knocking became more Violent. You threw open the Door and Came Face-to-Face with the Girl who had shoved you out in the Hallway Earlier, along with the Other Two. " Oh.. it's you.. Oh well, Move it!" She shoved you out of the Way and walked in, the other two Following behind. " Y/n, Who is it?" You heard Poppy ask as you saw her Waking out of her room, But she stopped in her Tracks when she saw the Three new People. " Oh... Uh..." The Red Head Scoffed and walked into the Hallway before heading into the Door that had the Note on it, the Other Two stayed behind. The Guy, the one with the Beanie and the Long hair, leaned against the Door. The Blue haired girl Glanced at you. " Sup." She greeted you. " Uhm... Hi." You said to her.
Pretty soon, the Redhead walked out of the Room and Held up a Credit Card. " Got it, Let's go." Suki then walked out of Poppy's Room. " Introductions, Please?" She asked, making the Redhead groan. " Barb, Carol, and Riff." Barb introduced, Pointing at Carol, the Blue haired Girl, and Riff, the guy with the Beanie. " Your Introductions now so we can Leave?" Barb Pestered, making Suki glare at her and growl a little. " I'm Suki, or DJ, and these are Poppy and Y/n-" " Sweet, nice to meet ya, Le'go." Barb said hurriedly, snatching the keys off the counter and opening the Door. Carol took the Top off of the Can of Spray Cheese she had and threw her head back, Pressing down on the Plastic Peice on the Can and Letting the Cheese Pile up in her mouth.

" Carol, you Fat Bitch, Come on!" Barb yelled from out the Door, making Carol throw the Top back on the Can and Run out of the Dorm, saying ' I'm coming! I'm Coming!' with her mouth full. Once the Three of them Shut the Door, Suki Spoke up. " I didn't like her at all." " Carol seemed Nice." Poppy said, making Suki glare at the Pink-haired girl for a Second. " I don't like Carol either! Nor did I like that other person she Brought in here!" " Well... She's our Dorm-Mate, Guess were gonna have to Live with it." Suki groaned again at your Response before pinching the Bridge of her Nose. " Fine.... I guess it's time for My room Tour?" " Oh! Yeah, Yeah! Show us your Room!" Poppy said excitedly, really wanting to see what Suki's room looked like. Suki Laughed and Shrugged. " Okay! Let's go."

After helping Suki set up her LED Lights in her Room and Giving your New Friends a Tour of Your Room and going out to get something for Dinner, it was about Twelve O'clock at night. Suki and Poppy where already Asleep, But you where Wide awake. You didn't know why, but something was telling you to Stay up a while Longer, but you Finally knew why when you heard the Door open up followed by someone Whispering. You got out Bed and walked out of your Room, seeing Carol in the Dorm by herself with, what looked like, a Passed out Barb. Carol noticed you and made a 'Come here' gesture with her Hand, and you Obeyed, Walking Closer to the Girl. " Look, I know we haven't actually spoke to Each other, But let me Clear up something; Barb is Drunk as Hell so I came to Return her." She Whispered to you, Catching you off Guard. " What?!" " We went Drinking and I came to Return the Useless Lesbian, what more do you want me to say?!" Carol argued, Accidentally Giving away Barbs Sexuality.
" Why the fuck did you guys go Drinking!?" You asked while Carol led Barb over to the Couch and Laid the 'Useless Lesbian' down on it. " It's something we do, Okay!? Now just.. I don't know, Cover the Asshole up or Something." Carol Explained, making you Groan and go back into your Room to fetch a Blanket. You came back with your Son's of Anarchy Blanket and handed it over to Carol, who muttered an 'Oo!' at the Blanket and Unfolded it to look at it better. " Oh this is a Nice Blanket. Be careful, Barb might Steal it from you." She Warned before covering up Barb with the Blanket. " Okay. Thanks Dude, You're Cool. See ya." ".. Bye." You bid Carol a Farewell as she walked out the Door. Once she was Gone and looked down at Barb before snickering a little. You shook your head and Went back to your Room, Muttering at what Carol had Called Barb.

" 'Useless Lesbian'."


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