Chapter 19

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Decided to Skip over the whole Dating Part of this Chapter because I know you guys where gonna be Bitching about it, and Because I couldn't really Write it because I'm too Gay for that(Despite being Bi, I can't just bring myself to Write a Hetro dating scene)
Also, there's gonna be another Beastars Reference, but im gonna put a Video at the End of what Scene from what Episode I'm Referencing, so-

Also, Near the End, Barb and Creek are gonna be Arguing, and it just turns into an Episode of Jerry Springer(By that I mean that it's just a few Stupid Insults, no one's gonna Fist-Fight)

It was Getting Dark, and Barb was starting to feel Sick. She was outside of the Dormitory, sitting on the Stairs to it, Waiting for you. She felt like that Japanese Dog who waited for his Dead Owner at the Train Station, or like that Dog from Futurama, although they where technically the Same thing. She had spent pretty much the Whole day sitting on the Stairs, Only leaving for Bathroom Breaks and for Food. Carol had stopped by Earlier, since she had just woken up then (She stays up all night and goes to sleep at 7 AM, so of Course she'd wake up near the End of the Day), and the Two talked for a bit.
Carol had assured Barb that It was just a First Date, and that things probably wouldn't Spark and You'd stop seeing the Dude, Before The Blue-haired Girl loudly stated that she was Going to McDonald's and left Barb alone. Barb was just about to Get up and Leave, when she saw two Silhouettes walk onto Campus. Even though it was Dark, the Streetlights provided enough Artificial Sunlight for Barb to see that one of the Silhouettes where You!

... And that other guy.

Barb Scoffed when she Saw that guy walking alongside with you. You where both talking about something, but Barb was too Far away to hear it. She stood up and leaned against the Building, watching you get closer. You finally got Close enough to the Dormitory and Finally noticed Barb. " Hi Barb!" You said, obviously happy, which made Barb feel even more Sick. You where Happy, and the Guy was still with you, which ment that the Date went Good, which ment that you would go out with the guy more often.
That made Barb sound like a Total Asshole, but she Couldn't help it. She felt Betrayed by You, like you had just Smashed her Guitar to the Ground(Haha, Movie Reference-), But you Obviously didn't mean to make her feel like You had Betrayed her, Like that Part in that Netflix Show about the Princess, Elf, and Demon where the Princess decides to Bring back her Mom instead of the Elf. This is kind of Hard to Explain, knowing that everyone reading this probably doesn't know what Disenchantment is, but who cares-

" Hey." She Replied. " How was your Date?" " It was Good! We where Originally going to go out for Coffee, But we got These things called Bubbled Tea instead!" " Oh, That's Cute!" Barb said Sarcastically. " Real cute~" Barb looked Creek dead in the Eyes at that last part, making him flinch back. Barb narrowed her eyes at him before opening the Door for you. You walked inside the Dormitory, giving Barb a small 'Thank you' and turning around to wave at Creek. Barb shot Creek one last glare before Entering the Building after you.

Creek let out the Breath he didn't know he was Holding and turned around, walking to the Male Dorms. He took his Phone out for a Second while he was walking, But he stopped walking once he Heard the Doors to the Women's Dorm Open and Close, but he brushed it off as another Girl Going into the Building. He continued walking, and Soon heard another set of Footsteps behind him. Creek put his Phone back into his Pocket and picked up his Pace so that he was Speed-Walking. The Person Following him did the Same. 
Creek didn't usually get Scared, But now he was fucking Terrified. He broke out into a Sprint, the Person behind him doing the Same thing, but Quickly getting Closer to him. He was getting Closer to His Dormitory, which actually have him the Confidence to shout back at the person Chasing him.


Okay, Maybe that's kind of a Stupid thing to shout at Someone Chasing you, but the Adrenaline Rush Creek was Feeling told him to not think about it that Much.

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