Chapter 5

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Okay, but the Song that Barb sings First is a song that Probably ALL of the Steven Universe Fans should Know. It's my Favorite song from the SU Movie and, Spoiler Alert, It's the Name of This Book
So yeah ;)
(And since this Steven Universe song IS technically a Rock Song[they Literally say that They're going to a Rock Show/Concert before the song plays, so] the song is Very Much Valid)
Okay bye- 

While Carol strummed her Guitar with the Pick, Barb Grabbed ahold of her Microphone with both hands and stared at Carol, tapping her foot on the Crates for a for Seconds before Turning back to the Microphone, putting up a 'Sweet Girl' Voice.

" Good afternoon, Sir. What can I do, Sir? Just say the Word, Sir. Anything for you, Sir." Barb pointed a Finger out to the Crowd while Riff started playing his Drums a bit. You practically froze, Barbs voice sounded amazing. You inched closer to the 'Stage' while Barb continued with the Fake Voice. " You're Friends all say, Sir, ' You don't Deserve her'. I disagree, Sir. I live to serve, Sir." Barb let go of the Microphone for that last part, Crossing her Wrist together and touching her Fingertips Together, making a Diamond Shape with her Hands. That was short Lived, However, When she Pulled a Guitar Pick out of Nowhere and started Strumming her Guitar, Carol and Riff started playing their Instruments like Barb was, almost making your Eardrums explode(not in a Bad way, tho). " I think about all the WASTED Time I've Spent, I wanna Be-" Bard and Carol sang/Yelled into the Microphones at the Same time before Carol literally jumped over to Barb and the two yelled " DISOBEDIENT" into Barbs Microphone before Jumping Back over to her Microphone.
" I shoot Awake wondering Where my Summers went. I wanna be DISOBEDIENT! DISOBEDIENT!" All three of them Shouted into their Respective Microphones before Barb Stopped playing her Guitar, Putting her Hands over her Chest and Going back to the 'Sweet' voice. " I've been good, Sir. So Very Very Good, " She shook her head twice before She then Dramatically threw one of her Hands to the Side, balling up the other into a Fist and Removing it from her chest by a few Inches. " FOR WHAT?!" She then put her hands infront of her and looked down at them. " And I've Given you," She then closed her eyes and balled her hands up into Fists again, throwing them to the Sides of the Body and Leaning into the Microphones. " EVERY SINGLE THING I'VE GOT!" You continued to slightly push your way to the Stage, as Cliché as to Sounded and Looked, but you couldn't help it. You where in love with Barbs voice. Barb then put her hands back on the Guitar. " It's feeling Strange, Man, This whole Arrangement is gonna end with me-" Carol jumped back to Barbs Microphone as Barb resumed to playing her Guitar. " TOTALLY DERANGED!" Carol didn't Jump back to her spot, Instead she stayed with Barb at her Microphone.

" When I think about all the WASTED Time I've Spent, I wanna be DISOBEDIENT! I shoot Awake, Wondering where my Summers went. I wanna be DISOBEDIENT! DISOBEDIENT!! DISOBEDIENT!!!!" And then, after the Two of them Sung that Part, Barb started Strumming her Guitar with Riff still playing the Drums. Carol stopped playing and Calmly walked back over to her Microphone. After a Minute, Barb and Riff stopped playing and Allowed Carol to Softly play her Guitar while she Sung that Last lines of the song. " I want to be.. Disobedient. I waant to be Disobedient... Disobedient....... Disobedient..... Disobedient.." And with the Final strum of Carols Guitar, the song was over.

The Crowd Erupted into Cheers, you heard a bunch of people muttering 'Oh my God, that was Amazing'. " Aw, Thank youu~" Barb said in a Sickly Sweet tone. " Fun Fact, I made that song when I worked at a Coffee Shop. It's was not fun to work there. We got robbed, like, Every other Friday." Barb said, leaning into the Microphones, making her voice sound a bit Muffled. Some people snickered at that last part, even though it wasn't that Funny.

After two more Songs and a few Requests, Barb, Carol, and Riff where done Performing for the Night. You managed to push your way through the Crowd until you where standing infront of Barb getting some Money from a f̶a̶t̶  Guy with Green hair, who had an Arm around the Chubby Pink-haired girl from Before. You waited until the Guy and the Girl walked off before you Walked up behind Barb, who was putting her Guitar into its Case, definitely not looking at her Ass while she was Bent Down. " Hey.. Barb." You spoke up, Making Barb perk up and Turn around. " Oh, You. What do you want?" Barb put a Hand on her Hip and you instantly went into a Gay Panic for a Second. One of the Rips in her Shirt exposed, like, an Inch of her Cleavage, but you where still going into a Gay Panic. " Uhm.. I liked your Songs." You complemented, Awkwardly. ".... Thanks....? I guess....?" Barb said, Equally Awkwardly after you saw her eyes dart over you body. " Uh, the others Kind of left me, So.. do you wanna hang out for the rest of the Party?" Barb seemed to freeze for a Second before Shrugging a shoulder. " Eh, Sure, Why not? CAR! RIFF!" Barb shouted over to Carol and Riff, who where only five Inches Away from her. " I'm gonna hang out with Y/n, You guys put the Stuff in the Van." " Nuh-uh! You're helping us!" Carol argued, making Barb stare at her with a Poker Face. " I'll Buy you more Spray Cheese and Wendy's for a Week." " Deal!" Carol said immediately before turning back to Put the Stuff away. " Wait what's in it for Me?!" Riff butted in, pointing a Finger at Himself. Barb started at Him blankly before Blurting out " Wendy's." Which made him shut up. " Okay." Riff then Turned around and continued to put stuff away too. Barb turned around to you and Put an Arm around your Shoulders, Leading you away while sticking a Fist in the Air.


I hope you guys enjoyed my First attempt at Writing out People singing a Song 😂😂 I think it was good, but idk if you guys think that it's good.
There was going to be More of them Singing Songs, Like Na Na Na by MCR and Chop Suey by System of a Down, but those got Cut because Disobedient is the Name of the Book and there for the only song I will Every write out in his Book(jk,jk, I'll write out more Songs. Also, I cut Chop Suey out because it has the word 'S*icide' in it and I know that there are people that are really Sensitive to that Word, so yeah, gotta keep an eye out for you guys 👌)

I put it in because the Gems that use that Symbol Serve the Diamonds, so I thought that would be a cool little Detail to add in when Barb sang 'I live to Serve, Sir', So it's Basically a Steven Universe reference Within a Steven Universe reference, so Ye UwU
(The only Reason behind that is because Steven Universe ended and Trolls: World Tour is the Closest thing to Steven Universe that I have left, if that makes any sense, so yes)


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