Chapter 14

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" Hey Y/n, You good?" Chenille asked you, Sitting down beside you. You groaned a little. " I'm fine. But I woke up with a Killer Headache." You told her, Making her frown a little before she Pulled out a Thermos. " Want some? Its might help." You looked at the Sparkly Blue Thermos before taking it. " Thanks." You opened it and Took a sip of what was in it, Expecting it to be Coffee. But it tasted like Alcohol and it Burned your Throat. You pulled the Thermos away from your Mouth and handed it back to the Latino, coughing a Lung up. " What the Hell is that?!" You asked, Watching her Drink it with Ease.

" Cranberry Vodka."

You coughed even Harder at that and heard Chenille Laugh. " Dude, Chill. It's not that Strong." She Assured you. You finished coughing and kind of Rubbed your Face. " Not that Strong my ass.." Carol sat beside you and smiled. " Hi Y/n." " Hi Carol." Carol propped her Head up in her hand and looked at you. " Barbie told me about the whole Essay thing. She said she Apologized, but I don't believe her." You laughed at Barbs Nickname that Carol gave her. " She apologized, Don't worry. Afterwards she took me to this Cute Country Bar called Centaur Stables.... Although, she got us Kicked put because she got so Drunk, she started a Fight with this Biker Gang leader that was Five times her size."

" I knew it! I fucking Knew it!" Some Girl shouted, getting up from her seat and pointing at you before walking up the Stairs. " I knew that I saw you Somewhere!" The girl was Chubby with Peach skin and Reddish-Pinkish-Orange Hair. She was wearing a Flannel and some Jeans. You instantly recognized her as the Waiter from Last Night. " Oh, Hey! It's you! Uh.. DeltaDawn, Was it?" DeltaDawn laughed a bit. " Actually, It's just Dawn. They added the Delta bit for some odd reason." Dawn corrected. Carol seemed to sink back at Dawn's presence, like how Barb did at the Bar, but you paid no Mind.
After talking with Dawn for a bit, and Apologizing for what Barb did to the Bar(and Promising to tell Barb that she needed to Pay for the Damage that she had Caused), Class started, and Dawn had to head back to her Seat. Chenille Held out her Thermos. " Want some more?" You sighed and Took it, popping the top open. " Fine."

About... Half an Hour into the First Class, You zoned out and stopped taking notes. Instead, You decided to Doodle little things in your Notebook. You had no clue what exactly you where Drawing, But the Creatures looked sorta like Poppy's Troll Collection in her Room, but these Trolls had Clothes. Well, Some of them did. You also drew these little Mermaid-Trolls that you thought looked Cute and some Centaur Trolls. You put the Finishing Touches on this Pair of Trolls that had their Hair Connect, and Chenille leaned over. " Oh my gosh, How Cute!" She said in a Whisper-like tone. You glanced over at her. " You like 'em?" " Uh, Yeah! They all look adorable." She Slid your Notebook from under your Hand and held it up so she could look at it better. " Oh, I like These two!" Chenille pointed the Custom-Trolls that where Joined at the Hair. You smiled, having some Butterflies flutter around in your Stomach as you Half Paid attention to Class and Half listened to her Gush over your little Drawings.


After your Classes, You, Chenille, and Suki met up and you all walked over to Creeks Yoga Studio, and after that, the Three of you went to the Dormitories. Suki went to Drop Chenille off at her Dorm, which left you going to the Dorm Room Alone, but you Ran into Barb and Carol and decided to just go with them to.. wherever they go.

You where now walking into a Convenience store with Barb and the other two, Talking with Carol. " You should come with us! Sure, it's on the other side of Town, but we're planning on Playing some of our Finished Works there!" She was talking about how they where going to perform for an Upcoming Party on the other side of Town. Riff opened the Door of the Store, allowing Carol to walk in, But Barb shoved him out of the Way and Proceeded to hold the door open for You. You muttered a 'Thanks' and Walked into the store as well, watching Carol run over to the Booze Section. You laughed a bit and opened one of the Doors to the Soft Drinks and took out a Cola. Behind you, Barb was Internally Questioning her Decisions.
After she watched you Blow up about the Essay, she wanted to make herself seem like a Better Person so that You could restore your Faith in her once again. She didn't want to be Driving Drunk because she Knew that You would Hate her for that. So, She decided to get a Soda like you. Instead of Waiting for you to move out the Way, She leaned over you, holding a Hand on the door, and Basically put all of her Weight onto your back, resting her head on your Shoulder. She put and Arm under Yours and reached over and Grabbed a Pepsi, which made it feel like she was wrapping an Arm around your Waist, which made you very Flustered and a bit Embarrassed.

With her Drink, she pulled away from you, Looking the Can over before walking over to Where Carol and Riff where. With your Face still on Fire, You stood there for a Second before closing the little Door and walking over to the others. They where just simply talking about something, probably just to Screw around for the next few Minutes. Some Woman walked up and Tapped Carols Shoulder, which made everyone look at he Woman. " Excuse me, But you don't look Old enough to be Drinking." Carol, with the Pack of Drinks, looked back at everyone else with confusion before looking back at the Woman. " 'Cuse me? We have our ID's, we're perfectly Legal."
The woman Scoffed. " I don't believe that! Even if you where Legal, Someone is going to be Driving Drunk." Barb held up her Pepsi. " I have Soda. So does she." She pointed over at you, and you where Completely Confused about this whole Thing. It sounded like a Story that you'd find on Reddit or something. The Woman Scoffed again. " I don't Believe you! I'm calling the Police!" She took out her phone, but before she could do anything, Carol looked over at Barb and Did the 'Okay' Sign with her Fingers before looking back over to the Woman.

" Meow, Meow, Meow, Stupid, Meow?" Carol said in a somewhat Taunting Voice. ' Is... Is she Referencing Mr. Rogers??' You asked yourself in Confusion. You haven't seen that Beloved Children's Show in Forever, but you remembered that there was a Character that would always say 'Meow' Before and After a Word. The woman stopped and looked up from her Phone. " Excuse me?" She said, Confused. " Meow, Meow, Meow, Stupid, Meow?" Carol repeated, without the Taunting Part, and it sounded like a Genuine Questions. The woman turned over to the Cashier, Who was Laughing hysterically. " Are you hearing this?!" She asked. You where started to laugh, and Barb elbowed you Slightly. " Meow, Meow, Meow, Asshole, Meow." She said to you, Pointing to the woman. You got the Idea, and went along with it. " Meow, Meow, Meow, Bitch, Meow!" You chirped, making Barb snort. " Meow, Meow, Meow, Leave, Meow." Riff told the Woman with a bit of Humor in his Voice, like he was trying not to laugh. The Woman Huffed, said something that you didn't really catch because you and Barb where Doubled over in Laughter about the whole thing, Barbs Draped around your neck, and Left.
After she left, it took a Minute for everyone to regain their composure before walking up to the Register, the Cashier still giggling about it. " I can't believed that could still work!" Carol said, Placing the Pack of Beer on the Counter. " Did you get that from Mr. Rogers?" " Yeah! We decided to use that 'Meow Meow' thing for when People decided that they wanted to be Assholes to us, and it Works." Barb replied, her arm still draped across your Shoulders. " I need your ID's please." The Cashier said, still giggling. Everyone gave out their ID's, except for you. You told the Lady that you weren't much of a Drinker, which was why you got a Soda.

After Paying and Grabbing the Bag, You all walked outside, Only to see that it was Raining. " Meow, Meow, Meow, Fuck, Meow." Riff said, making you laugh a bit. Carol tightened her Grip on the White Bag that held the Drinks before running out into the Rain. " RACE YA!" She shouted, running to the Van. Riff Chased after her, followed by You and Barb. You didn't notice, but Barb took off her Leather Jacket and Basically Draped it Over your Head. Well, You did Notice, But you didn't ask. Instead you grabbed ahold of the Corners of it and Fixed it so that No Rain would get on you. You made it to the Door and flung it open before jumping in and Slamming it shut. Barb came into the Van soon after, and leaned back into the Seat, Breathless. Her Hair was Wet from the Buckets of Rain that where Thrown upon her, and because of that, her Mohawk was Drooping to the Side and in her Eyes a Bit, which kind of looked Cute if you where being Honest.
" Give me Our Fucking Soda's." She demanded, still Breathless, holding a Hand put behind her. Carol handed over the Soda's and Barb put them into the Cupholders and started up the Van. She didn't ask for her Jacket Back, so you Put your Arms through the Sleeves and Buckled yourself up. The Jacket was a Bit Too Big on you, almost covering up your Hands, But you didn't mind, it felt Nice.

Okay, so the Meow Meow Meow thing is something i gotten off of... I think it was R/EntitledPeople or something, and I really like it, and it sounded like something Barb, Carol, and Riff would do, so I based the part of this Book off of it.

Also, Next Chapter will have a Musical Part, I think, idk I haven't decided yet.

Okay, Bye-

𝔻𝕀𝕊𝕆𝔹𝔼𝔻𝕀𝔼ℕ𝕋 (Barb X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now