Chapter 11

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Barb = Thanos Troll

Honestly, You had a Blast at Creeks Yoga Studio. Not Only was it Fun, but it was Filled with a lot of People, and they where all Super Nice. Suki was even there and she Introduced you to Everyone. Some Guy, you where Pretty sure his name was Biggie or Something, Brought his Cat to the Studio, and it was the Best thing to have this little Warm Ball of Fluff Sitting on your Back while you where doing Yoga.

" I fucking Knew it, Barb is the Worst Human Being in the World." Suki complained to you as you both walked down the Hallway to get to the Dorm Room. Throughout the Day, You where beginning to think that Maybe You where Overreacting a bit. It was just the First Essay of your First Semester, no Big Deal. " Well, I wouldn't say that she's the Worst. She's really Cool, she's Just-" " An Asshole that deserves to be Burned at the Stake." Suki Butted in. " N-no.. Well, Yes, She's an Asshole, But she doesn't deserve to Burn. She more like..." You did a few Weird Hand Motions. " Jake and Logan Paul." Suki Butted in once again. " No! By what I know, She hasn't Recorded a Dead Body in a Japanese Forest." You both made it to the Dorm and you Opened the Door. You two stepped inside and saw Poppy and her Boyfriend. Poppy's Boyfriend was sitting on the Couch with Poppy sitting Criss-Cross on the Floor between his Legs. The Boyfriend was Braiding her Hair, so no, She wasn't Blowing him off. " Hey Poppy and... Uh.." " Branch." " Branch!" Suki corrected herself, turning to set her Bookbag down on the Counter.

" RAH!"

Barb suddenly Popped up from the other side of the Counter, Scaring the Hell out of Suki and making you Jump. Suki, out of Fear since she hasn't yet Processed that it was Barb, Hit Barb with her Bookbag, Sending Barb to the Ground. Poppy started laughing, but kind of stopped when Branch told her to stop moving around. You, still being a bit Pissed off at Barb Yet still being a Decent Human Being, quickly walked over to the other Side of the Counter to check on Barb.
Barb was laying on the Hardwood Floor with an Arm over her Face. She was Wearing a Black Tank Top and Plaid Shorts. She was.. laughing? Maybe you weren't hearing it right, but You heard little Snorts of Laughter coming from Barb. She Moved her Arm away from her Eyes and continued laughing before pulling herself up. " Oh my God, that was Amazing!" She Stood up and Leaned over the Counter. " Fuck you!" Suki shouted at her. Barb Snorted and set an Elbow on the Counter, Holding her head up with her Hand. " Eh, Fuck you, Too." Suki glared at her and walked away into her Room.

Barb didn't seem to Notice, but a Thin stream of Blood was Coming From her Nose.

" Hey, uh.. Barb?" Barb Turned her head to look at you. " Hm?" " Your nose." Was all you said, making Barb confused. " What about it?" " It's Bleeding." Barb stood upright and swiped a Thumb under her Nose, slightly Smearing the Blood. She looked down at her Blood stained Thumb. " Oh shit." " I-I'll go get some Toilet Paper." " 'kay." Barb replied, looking like she didn't know What to do now that her Nose was Bleeding. You ran to the Bathroom that was never Mentioned Before and Grabbed a Roll of Toilet Paper. You got some of it before running back to the Lounging Room/Kitchen, Spotting Barb with her Head in the Sink. You quickly walked over to her and tapped her Shoulder, Making her Stand Upright. You handed her the Toilet paper, to which she Took and held it up to her Nose.

" You two are Cute." Branch said, putting the last Brain into Poppy's hair. You turned over to him. " Huh?" " I said that You two are Cute. You dating or Something?" Barb ignored him and walked to her Room, Leaving You. " No..?" " Doesn't seem like it... Okay, I'm done." That Last Part was Directed to Poppy, Who Quickly jumped Up. Her Braid was thick as hell and it had a few Fake Flowers in it. It was really Cute. You decided to leave Poppy and Branch alone and Grabbed your Bookbag, deciding to do your Work in your Room.

Your Door suddenly Opened, making you look up. Barb was standing there, Her Nose not Bleeding Anymore. " My Nose-Period's Over." She Announced, walking into your Room, Being a bit Taken back from how Cool your Room looked. When she Snuck in, it was all Dark, and she didn't have Time to Look around. It looked better than it did in the Middle of the Night. " Oh, Nice Room. To Be Honest, I haven't even set my room up yet." " Really?" " Yeah." Barb walked over to the Bed and Pushed herself up on it to sit Next to you. In a Newfound Reflex, You slammed your Laptop shut. Barb sighed and did that Thing where she drags a Hand over her Hair, making her Mohawk Flick back up(Y'know, the thing she did a few Chapters ago). " That Basically what I came here to talk about." She Muttered before Turning to you. " I'm Sorry."

".... Huh?" You asked. Barb didn't seem like the Type to Apologize, but she sounded Sincere. " I'm Sorry for Stealing your Essay." She said a bit louder. You where a bit Stunned by this and turned your attention to the Ground. "..... I accept your Apology." Barb Smiled and Jumped off your Bed, Turning to be infront of you, and setting her hands on the Bed, on either side of your Hips. ' ohmygod-' " So we're good?" She Pressured. You hummed a little, feeling your Face heat up because of the Position you where in. An Idea suddenly grazed your mind and you looked at Barb, who you couldn't tell was Smirking or Smiling. " I dunno. Let me Help you set your Room up, then I'll think about." Barb looked startled by that. You set your Laptop to the Side and Slid off the Bed, Barb stepping back a little. You walked towards the Door and walked out.
" Come On!" You shouted to her. She walked out of your Room and You walked into hers.

Barb is Definitely a Top
Riff's a Bottom
Carol's both
(Based on what my Dumbass Friends where talking about at 3 in the Morning last night. They where fucking ARGUING about Weather or not Barb likes to be Dominated or Not, I'm still crying about it, Quarantine is getting to all of us)

Also, I'm kind of Disappointed that People where talking about Creek in Chapter 10 and Not the Fact that Y/n was literally planning to Murder Someone.

She was making PLANS
She was gonna get Suki in on it Too
She was gonna flat-out Murder Barb
But you guys Chose to Talk about the lil Bitch from the First Movie

You guys also seemed to really like that Last thing that I Published, so I might do another one in the Future

Okay, Ily, UwU

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