Chapter 15

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Idk if the Musical Part for those Chapter will be Good for the Context of Reader-Chans Dream, but then Again, The Song was also put onto a Jif de Kila(Horrible Grammar on Purpose) X Reader, so I think the Song is better off in Y/n's weird Dream than a fucking Creepypasta X Reader-
(Also, a smol Key: F/c= Favorite Color. S/f/c Second Favorite Color. Idk if I put that there already, but Yes-)
With that Said, Because of the Musical Part, This chapter will be Longer just so it isn't just Useless Fluff/Filler

You and Barb went back to the Dorm later that Night, After You all Hung out at the Storage Unit. You Yawned and Rubbed your Eyes, Barb parting away with You and Heading to her Room. " Night." She said before shutting her Door. " Goodnight." You said back to her through the Closed door before heading to your Room. You closed your Door and walked over to Your Bed. You took your Shoes and Barbs Jacket off Before Crawling under the Covers. Barb didn't ask for her Jacket Back, so You kind of just Kept It.
You put the Jacket on the Bedside Table and Got Comfortable, Turning away from the Table. After a few Minutes of Trying to get to Sleep, You where Suddenly Wide Awake despite being Tired about Five Seconds ago. You tried different Positions, but all where Fruitless. You soon placed your Pillow over your Head in Frustration and Groaned Loudly into the Mattress. You fixed your Pillow so that it was Rightfully Underneath your head and laid Perfectly Still on the Bed, hands Folded on your Chest. You turned over to Barbs Jacket and slid it off of the Table. You covered up with the Jacket in your Arms and Curled up with it. A Bit weird, Yeah, but it Worked, and you where Out like a Light.


You slowly woke up, Finding yourself in an Unfamiliar Place. It was a Room that was Filled with Different Colors; Bright Colors, Dull Colors, Neon Colors, Pastel Colors, You name it. Confused, You stood up from the Vanity you where just Sitting at and Continued to Look around. You where still in Your Clothes from Earlier, and that was the Only thing that you Recognized. You turned to Look at Yourself in the Vanity, but Instantly Yelped and fell to the Ground when you saw your Reflection. When you Built up the Courage to look at yourself again, You where still a bit Spooked.
You looked like some sort of Creature, With Big, slightly Pointed Ears, and a Weird Nose. Along with Light F/c Skin and slightly Dark S/f/c Hair. Your eyes where still the Same, though. Certain that the Thing was Actually you, You smiled a Bit(AKA, Doing a :3 Face) and turned away, Failing to Notice the Weird Tail that was Swishing Behind you(OKAY, SO BASICALLY, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DRAW THE TROLLS WITH THESE WEIRD TAILS, AND I ADORE IT, SO I GAVE THE READER A TAIL-[FYI, The others in this Part don't have a Tail like that, just Y/n, might add a Picture at the end, idk])

You Creeped out of the Room and Into a Large Hallway. The Hallway was Basically an In-door Balcony(I don't knOW-) That allowed you to Over look a Large Ball Room. " Is this a Castle?" You asked yourself, Hearing your Voice Echo slightly throughout the Place. A bit Disturbed by the Silence, You started Walking, Passing by Giant Paintings that where Hung up on the Wall. While Looking at the Paintings, You hardly Noticed the little Song you had started to sing, well, Muttered under your Breath.

" Dancing Bears, Painted Wings. Things I almost Remember."

You continued down the Hall until you came to a Large Stairway, The Kinds with the Two sets of Stairs on Either Side of it, Connected to a little Ledge, and More Stairs in the middle of it(it's Hard to Explain, I'm sorry). As you came closer, Your Voice Got Louder. " And a Song Someone Sings, Once Upon a December." You walked down one of the smaller set of Stairs and stopped walking when you where in the Middle of the Ledge, Near the Stairs, and Looked up at a Giant Painting of other Different Creatures. Some Looked like what you where(you Still haven't noticed the Tail), Others Looked like Centaurs and Mermaids, and others looked like Weird Giraffe things(idk how to explain them). You swayed Side-to-side, Hugging yourself. " Someone Holds me Safe and Warm. Horses Prance through a Silver Storm." You Stopped hugging yourself and Turned around to face the Ballroom. " Figure's Dancing Gracefully Across my Memories~" You closed your Eyes and Lifted your Hands Up, But you Quickly snatched your Hands down and Opened your Eyes when you heard a Ghostly Sounding Chorus.
The Paintings from before Basically Sprung to Life, The Creatures in them Leaping out of the Portraits and Dancing with Each other, The Dust that was on the Painting Technically doing the Same. They looked See-though at First, but when some of them Hit the Ground, they Quickly turned into Solid Figures. Some 'Swam' Overhead in Mid-air. It was a Beautiful to Scene to Watch all-together. You stepped down one of the Steps, Seeing Four of the Weird Giraffe Things. They're a bit Hard to Explain, But they looked really Cool(I guess you could say that they looked a bit Funky 👀).

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