Chapter 16

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This takes a Jump Forward to Friday, the day of the Party from the Last Chapter.
And, Fun Fact, This is the Chapter where I introduce Suki's Boyfriends(I already Introduced her Girlfriend, and It was Heavily Hinted at in the last chapter, so)
And I fixed the whole Seasons Things: Instead of this just happening in August or Whatever, It's all just Happening in Real time. Which means that these guys are still going to Collage During the Summer. There's Still Winter and Spring Break, But Fall serves as their Summer Break while Spring/Summer serves as 'Back to School' Months.
I did that because I didn't know what else to do and I don't know if that makes any sense

(Unrelated: I got a Sunburn on my Cheeks and Nose Yesterday while I was V i b i n g in my Pool and now looks like I Either have a Fever or I'm Always Blushing, and I don't know why People make Sunburns look like an Aesthetic, They're Painful and it Hurt me So much Last night when I was Trying to Sleep-)


After a Week full of Classes, You where Thankful that it was Finally Friday. You where the First to Arrive at the Dorm, but when you Closed the Door and Turned around, You very Audibly Gasped and Jumped, covering your Mouth. Barb was there.

And She was Butt-naked, Standing in the Middle of the Lounging Room, Drying her Hair with a Towel.

" Oh, Please, You act like we don't have the Same exact Stuff." She Said, Removing the Towel from her hair. You turned around and faced the door in Embarrassment. This felt like the Opening to a Bad Porno. " What the Hell are you even doing?!" " I was getting out of the Shower and I heard my Phone Ring, So I just grabbed a Towel and Walked out." You felt Sick. Not a Bad kind of sick, But your Face was Burning and you felt like Vomiting. " I-I feel sick." You said, Loud enough for Barb to Hear. She Scoffed and you heard her move the Towel around. " There, You can Look now." You slowly turned around and saw that Barb had wrapped the Towel around her Body and Tucked in one end so that it would stay up. It kind of looked like she was Wearing a Weird Dress, which kind of put you at ease, But you Still had the Image of her Boobs and her other Private Area burned into your Mind. She did a 'Happy Now?' Pose and Grabbed her phone, walking into her Room.

You slowly walked to the Couch and Sat down, Still Blushing Profusely about the whole Ordeal. Barb walked out of her Room soon After, With Clothes on, and she sat down Beside you, Texting Someone on her Phone. " You get Invited to Satan and Shellie's Party?" She asked you, as if Nothing Embarrassing had Happened. " Huh?" You asked. You didn't know anyone named Satan and Shellie. " Damn it. I forgot their Names, Wait." She pulled something up from her Phone and started texting Someone. After a few Minutes, Her Phone Dinged and she Read it before Snapping her Fingers. " Satin and Chenille! Did you get Invited to Their Party?" " Oh. Yeah! Why?" Barb stood up and Grinned. " That's the Party that We're gonna Perform at." You gasped and stood up as well. " You're gonna Play there?!" " Yeah. I always play at Parties."

The Door opened and Suki Ran in, Not bothering to Close the Door, and she ran into her Room. Poppy came in a Millisecond Later and Closed the Door behind her, obviously confused as to why Suki was Running. Suki came back into the Lounging Room, obviously out of Breath. " You-... You guys got Invited to Chenilles Party tonight, Right?" You, Barb, and Poppy looked at Each other and Nodded. " Okay Good. It's a Pool Party, So.. Get a Swimsuit." She then ran away, Before running back, almost Slipping on the Hardwood Floor. " And Maybe get some Glowsticks from the Dollar Store." Then she ran off for the last time. " LIKE, A LOT OF GLOWSTICKS!!" She shouted. Poppy made a Weird Sound (it's called a Happiness Noise you Uncultured Swine-) and Ran off to her Room. " Fuck. I don't have a Swimsuit." Barb Snapped her Fingers at You. " I gotcha Covered, C'mon."
You followed Barb to her Room and stood in her Doorway, watching her Rummage through her Dresser, Pulling out Various articles of Clothes before Standing up and Throwing a Two-piece Swimsuit at you. You picked up the Black Top and Saw that it had a Skull on the Side of it, and On the Skull was a Pink Bow and it also had Eyelashes. The Top had a Cute, Frilly Pink Collar that also worked as Sleeves and looked like it would Sit at your Shoulders. It looked Cute, something you weren't Expecting Barb to Have.

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