Chapter 10

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Okay, So after this Chapter, I'm gonna Dip and go Finish up my DHMIS Book. I won't be gone for Long, Since my DHMIS book only has Two more Chapters to go, Including the three Epilogues that I need to make for it, which means that it just needs Five more Parts until it's Finished.
So, yeah, I'll be gone from this book for a While, but I'll come back eventually
Also, remember that idk how Colleges work and idk if Professor's actually call the Students to stay in the Class for a few Seconds if they're Essays where exactly the Same

" YOU STOLE MY ESSAY?!?" "... Technically... Yes, but-" " BUT WHAT?!"

Oh boy, Today was the Day that Barb hoped would Never Happen. Today was the Day that everyone in the Class had to turn in the Essay's, although after Class, the Professor stopped You and Barb(Who got called by her Full name, and you kind of Laughed at her Reaction when the Both of you and the Whole Class heard 'Barbra Osbourne') and Asked why your Essays where both the Same. You looked and you immediately went off. " WHAT ELSE DID YOU STEAL FROM ME?!?" " Nothing, because none of your Shit is worth it-" The Professor then Butted in, gently pushing You away from Barb. " Barbra, I think you should go, I'll handle Y/n." Barb scoffed and calmly walked out of the Class with her Bag. You tried to go after her so you could Rip her Guts from Out of her Mouth, But your Professor Stopped you. " Y/n, Y/n, Calm down!"  You Immediately went limp(Holy shit, You killed her Dude-) and did a Weird Screaming thing. " I worked my Ass off and all she did was- was.. Download it to a USB!" You exclaimed before Covering your Face with your Hands. You felt a hand being place on your back. " Y/n, I'll give you a free pass from your Next Class, Why don't you Go outside and get some Fresh air?" " okay." You mumbled and started to walk out of the Class with your Bag, taking the little Slip of Paper that your Professor had written out for you. To others, This is probably the Stupidest thing that you every went off at, But to you, This hit deep. You where always Cheated off of in Middle School and Highschool by People you didn't know, But to have an Entire Essay that you spent three days on Stolen from you by Someone you Knew? By someone you have a Crush on? By someone You thought was a Friend? That absolutely Fucked your Soul up, but what really sent you was how Nonchalant she was about the whole Thing, like this was Normal. She didn't even try to Lie or Try to say 'Oh, It's just a Coincidence' no, She actually said that she Stole it from you.
You should be thankful that she didn't try to Lie about it, but you where still Pissed at her. You made it outside and instantly went over to one of the Benches and sat down. You set your Elbows up on your Thighs and rested your head in your hands, Just... Thinking about the whole situation. You where pretty sure that you would actually Murder Barb in the Dorm room after Classes.

..... Maybe, if you did, Suki would help you find a Place to Hide the Body? Suki didn't like Barb, as far as you knew, so she'd be more than Willing to help you Hide her Body. Poppy sneaks her Boyfriend in with a Suitcase, maybe you and Suki can use a Suitcase to get the Body out of the Dorm? Yeah, That'll work. Before you could come up with Any more Murder Plans you heard someone walk up to you. You looked up and saw a Guy with Paler Skin than Carol, One of those White Shirts that look like it came out of the Victorian Era, Yellow Shorts that went to his Knees, and his Hair was blue and Green and styled up(idk how else to Describe his hair other than its Styled like the Gorillas Hair from Tarzan[Turk, I'm talking about Turk-]). He looked down at you with, what almost looked like that Cat Face you use when your Texting(:3) and you Instantly sat up. " Um. Hi." " Hello there. I hope you don't mind, but I can sense Massive waves of Negative Energy comin' from You. Mind tellin' me what's wrong?" The Guy sat down Beside you, making you startled for a Bit. You didn't know this Guy... But you'd be Lying if you said that you didn't need anyone to Rant to. So, You did.
You told this Complete Stranger about Everything(except for the fact that you have a Crush on Barb, because who knows, he Could be a Homophobe) that happened So far on this Shitty Day. And when you where done, You laid on your Side on the Bench, Just wanting to Die already. " Oof, No wonder the whole Campus is Plagued in Negativity. What's your name?" " Y/n." The guy Stood up and walked over to where your Face was at. " Well Y/n, My names Creek, and I'll be more than Happy to take you in." "... Take me in?" Creek scoffed at himself and punched the Bridge of his Nose. " Why'd I word it like That? I mean, I own a Yoga Studio for People to get all of the Toxins from out of their Body, Would you like to Come?"

You had heard that Yoga was Relaxing, and that you can also get Fit from doing it, and you really needed a Bit of Relaxing. You sat up and looked at Creek. " Sure, I'll come." " Great! Here's the Card," Creek handed you a Card with a Phone number and an Address on it. " See you After Classes!" " Bye." With that, Creek walked away. You look back down at the Card and stood up, shoving it in your back Pocket. You grabbed your Bag and Walked back into the Main Building, Kind of Ready to get to your Class.

~With Barb~

" wHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! WHAT DID I SAY THE OTHER DAY?!?" Carol asked, well, Screamed. Barb, Riff, and Carol where in the Storage Unit, Riff sitting at his Drums, Barb sitting on the Couch, and Carol standing over Barb and yelling at her. " I had to do it! There was no way I could Finish it in Two Days!" Barb was really trying not to Snap at Carol, But Carol was making it Impossible. Did Barb regret Stealing your Essay? Yes. But was it actually, Positively, Possible for Barb and Carol to actually Finish an Essay in Two Days? No, There'd be no Fucking Way. And at the end of it all, With Carol and Barb staring at the Incomplete Essay the Day it's due, Carol would've said 'Maybe it could've been Easier to steal Y/n's Essay', so Barb would've Stole your Essay either Way. Carol glared down at Barb before she Softened up and set a Hand against her own Cheek.
" This can still work... You can still lick Y/n's Icecream. You just need to Apologize-" " What's up with You wanting Me to Lick Y/n?" " Why are you guys Talking about Licking?" Barb and Riff questioned Carol at the Same time, making Carol Groan. " Can I finish? All you need to do is Apologize and Bam! You're together!" Barb glared at Carol before Laying down on the Couch. " I don't think thats how it Happens." " It happens in other Fanfics, so it can work in this one. It's Basic Logic."

Saying this Again: I'll be gone from this book for a while to Finish up my DHMIS Book, Which only needs Two more Chapters and Three Epilogues(I know that you guys are Asking 'Why Tf does the Book need Three Epilogues?', and reason is; Remember at the end of the Very Last DHMIS Episode, it shows them all Living Peacefully? Well, I want to do that Too, So the Book needs Three Epilogues. I'm not being Extra, I actually hate it when I'm being Extra, The book just needs Three Epilogues to Wrap it all Together)

Okay, I'll be back Soon!

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