Chapter 6

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You woke up the next Morning with a Horrible Headache and Hardly no Memories of what happened the Previous night. All you remembered was Barb singing and then the two of you Going to the Kitchen and Having a few Drinks. You sat up, careful as to not make your Headache worse, and you noticed that you where still in your Clothes from Last night, so you didn't have a One Night Stand, Thank God. There was a Note on your Bedside table, along with a Box that had ' The Cure to Hangovers' on it. You picked up the note and read through it.

Dude, you got Fucked up last night, oh my god.
I know you don't remember shit, so here's what happened;
We went into the Kitchen and we got some Drinks, and I could tell that was your First time Tasting Alcohol, but you seemed to like it after a While. Then you got into a Beer Pong Game and got so Wasted that I had to take you outside so you could Throw up(don't worry Girlie, I held your Hair back) after that I had to take you back to the Dorm, where you tried to Seduce me or some shit, but since I had only 2 drinks I was still Sober Enough to get you to Shut the Hell up and go to sleep.
I'm mad as hell, I couldn've gotten Wasted too, But Nooooo
You just HAD to Vomit and Ruin my Plans
(Jk, You drank more than I did, so you're Cool in my Book)
Also, Classes start at 8:30, so... You're either Late or Early, I don't know.

PS. After I wrote that part I decided to go to the Store to get myself more Booze because I wanted to get Wasted without heading back to the Party and I Picked you up some Hangover Meds or Whatever they're called
You can't have a Hangover on your First day of College, Angle Cakes ;)

The Note basically confirmed that it was Barb. You put it back on your Nightstand and grabbed the small Box of Meds. You checked the time and saw that it was already Eight O'clock. You dropped the Box in Shock. " Fuck!" You whispered. You looked down at the Clothes you where wearing and Threw the Shirt off before pulling on the other Shirt you Wore the day Prior, and then you Pulled the Shorts off. " Good enough." You muttered under your Breath before finding your Shoes and slipping them on before Grabbing your Bag that was filled with Different Textbooks and Pencils before Grabbing your Dork Keys and rushing out of the Dorm.


Thankfully for you, the Professor for your First Class was running Late. You would probably never get a Lucky chance like that again, so you where Grateful. You found a Seat and sat down, deciding to Pull out your Phone to pass some Time until the Professor Arrived. After a few minutes you heard Rushed Footsteps and some one Flopping into the Seat beside you, feeling am Arm being thrown over your Shoulders. " Whadup Biatch?" " Oh! Hi Carol!" You Greeted the Blue-haired girl, who was wearing a T-Shirt with, what looked like Demons and a Werewolf on it with the Words ' I.M.P' Over the Characters. The shirt is a Bit Hard to Explain, but there are Three Demon Characters, one in the Middle with White Spots on its Face with its Arms Outstretched while Two of the Others stood on either side of it, and the Werewolf looked like the Stereotypical Teenager, complete with the Dead-inside look and a Phone in its paws.  Carol leaned back from you a Bit, keeping her Arm around your Shoulder. " You remember Last night?" She asked, making you shake your Head. " All I remember was Barb and I going into the Kitchen and getting some Drinks." Carol laughed. " Aw, man, Too bad. You where Drunk as Hell." " Oh god, What did I do?" You asked. Sure, Barb left a Note explaining what you did, but you wanted to be Sure. Carol put a finger to her Lips and thought for a Moment, making a 'Hmm' sound before lowering her finger. " All I remember is that you Threw up outside and Barb had to take you back to the Dorm." " Damn. How much did I drink?"

" Two Cans and Nine Cups." An Unfamiliar voice said, the owner of it Taking a Seat on the other side of you. The Girl looked like the one that gave you the Flyer yesterday, except her Nails where Longer and Blue-ish Lavender and she was Wearing a Dress. " I mean, I know you didn't ask me, but Still." You stared at her for a Minute before Asking her. " Are you the Girl who gave me the Flyer Yesterday?" " Hmm. I don't recall.. was it a Pink Flyer or a Blue Flyer?" "... Blue." You said, not knowing what the colors of the Flyers had to do with Anything. " Okay, So that wasn't me, It was my Sister, Satin. I'm Chenille. We're twins, so I don't blame you for getting us mixed up." " Oh, Okay. I'm Y/n." " Nice to meet you, Y/n." And with that, Chenille ended the Conversation, making you feel a bit Awkward. You turned back to Carol. " Is Barb in this Class?" Carol blew a Bubble with her Chewing Gum that she had in her Mouth she Shook her head. " Nah.. Let me See your Schedule." You picked your Bag up from Between your feet and Pulled out your Schedule. Carol took it and removed her Arm from your Shoulder, looking it over. " She's in your Next Class and the Class just before Lunch. That's it, Though." Carol answered, handing your Schedule back. You clicked your Tongue and you felt a little Bummed Out. You wanted to talk to her a bit More, she seemed like an Interesting Person to Hang out with. Carol elbowed you harshly. " If you want to talk to her a bit more, I can talk her Into Bringing you Out with us Tonight." " Huh?" How did she- " I can Read Minds." She Answered. " But of a Warning, If I Do talk her into Letting you Come, She Smokes alot with the Windows up, so you're probably going to have to Suffer."

Nothing much happened in this Chapter and most of it was me trying to explain Carols Helluva Boss shirt, AA-

𝔻𝕀𝕊𝕆𝔹𝔼𝔻𝕀𝔼ℕ𝕋 (Barb X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें