Chapter 10

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Warning: Mention of pregnancy and slight sexual themes.

Anna smirked as she saw Fred stumble into the Great Hall the next morning, groaning as he clutched at his head.
"What's the matter Freddie?" Anna cooed as he plopped down next to her.
"That's the last time that I drink Fire Whiskey." Fred moaned as he rubbed his head. "Please tell me that I didn't do anything ridiculous last night."
Anna had a deadpan expression on her face, deciding to mess with him a little bit. "You dragged me up to your dorm and had sex with me. I found out that I was pregnant this morning."
"What?!" Fred went pale, and Anna nodded, trying not to laugh. "I'll be finding out in the next few weeks if it's a boy or a girl."
"Well..." Fred gulped. "This is going to be an interesting conversation to have with my mum...."
"Oi, Everyone!" George stood up, and Anna's eyes widened as the entire Great Hall turned to look at them. "I'm gonna be an uncle!"
"Sit down!" Anna hissed. "I was joking, and you know it! You were the one that put him to bed!"
"What?" Fred was very confused. "So you aren't actually pregnant?"
"No, we never did anything. You tried, but I just had George take you and put you to bed."

Fred's face flooded with relief. "Oh thank Merlin."

Anna groaned as she hid her face in her hands, the entire Hall whispering amongst themselves. This had most definitely backfired on her.

Throughout the day, people whispered whenever they passed Anna in the halls, whispering things like, "Pregnant at fourteen. Imagine!"
Or the nastier Slytherins would jeer at her and say things like, "I always knew that you were a slut Potter, but I thought that you were at least a safe slut."

George was extremely apologetic about the entire thing."I'm really Anna, I didn't think that it would go this far."
"We're both to blame." Anna said as they ate lunch. "I'm the one who started it all, you were just playing along with it."

After lunch, she walked to Transfiguration with Nancy, who didn't even believe the whole pregnancy thing. "You're smarter than that."
"Well at least someone believes me." Anna grumbled as she sat down in the back of the room. Nancy sat down next to her, and they both took out their parchment and quills to take notes. As McGonagall was teaching, a note sailed onto Anna's desk. She unfolded it and opened it. Inside was a cruel drawing of Anna, her belly enlarged. She was surrounded by multiple guys, and underneath the picture it read 'The Gryffindor Whore'.
Anna scrunched up the paper. "That's it." She growled as she stood up. "I don't know who sent me this little note, but let me make two things perfectly clear to you all. First of all, I am not pregnant, Fred and I have never done anything like that. Second of all, I'm not some girl that just whores around with every guy that I see. Much as people like Malfoy wish that they could do me, I'm not that kind of person. Now, Parkinson, on the other hand, could gladly fulfill all of your fantasies."

Anna sat back down, and McGonagall raised an eyebrow. "Thank you Miss Potter for that absolutely riveting speech. Maybe you'll consider giving it again in detention."

"Detention with McGonagall won't be that bad." Ron assured Anna at dinner. "You could have had it with Filch."
"I'd rather not have it at all." Anna grumbled as she stabbed at her meat. "I was just standing up for myself, I shouldn't even be in detention."
"At least no one's gossiping about you being pregnant anymore." Hermione added. "Could you imagine the Howlers that you would get from Molly and Remus?"
"Remus wouldn't send me a Howler." Anna responded. "He would come and chew me out in person." She stood up as she finished eating."I'll catch up with you guys after my detention is over."

Anna was shocked to find that Fred was in detention with her. "What are  you doing here Weasley?"
"Detention, same as you." Fred responded.
"Mr.Weasley decided that it would be wise for him to punch a fellow student." McGonagall said, causing Anna to shake her head.
"You should be thanking me." Fred said. "He was the one spreading that drawing of you around."
"My hero." Anna giggled, and McGonagall cleared her throat. "I'm assuming that I can leave you two alone to work? The chalkboard needs to be cleaned off, and my papers sorted."
"Don't worry Professor." Anna said. "I'll make sure that Fred behaves himself."
"I'm sure that you will." There was a twinkle in McGonagall's eyes as she left.

Fred smirked as he went over to Anna. "So...we have some alone time now..."
"Slow your roll mister." Anna said,putting a hand on his chest to keep him from getting closer to her. "We have work to do."
Fred chuckled as he waved his wand, and the chalkboard was clean, and the papers sorted. "There, all done."
"I'm pretty sure that we were supposed to do it without magic."
"It's done now, so there's no point in arguing about it." Fred wrapped his arms around Anna's waist, pulling her closer. Anna rolled her eyes, but she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're impossible, you know that?"
"Oh trust me, I know." Fred said with a grin. "My mother tells me at least once a week." He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her lips. Anna quickly kissed him back, feeling Fred smirk against her lips, and he deepened the kiss, nipping at her lower lip. Anna granted him access, and he slid his tongue into her mouth as he lifted her onto one of the desks as his hands ran up and down her thighs. There was a flash, and Anna gasped as she and Fred both pulled away, seeing George there with a camera in his hands.
"Oh Mum is going to love this!" George  said with a laugh and he took off running, Anna right on his heels.

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