Shhh don't ruin the vibe Dixie D'amelio

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Dixie POV

I play my guitar trying to think of happy thoughts but all my brain kept going to was Addison. It was already late and I won't even bother trying to sleep. I look out my window and sigh. I put my guitar down on the bed and walk to my window. I open it wider and climb out. I fall out my window and hit the sand. My legs wobble and I fall on my butt.

Why did I do that? I ask myself and groan sitting up. I remember doing that quite a lot when mom and dad used to stay with us. That was my only way to go sneak off without waking them up. Don't ask me how the fuck I got back up there.

I look over at my deck and see that the glass door was still open so I could still get back inside. I know I could of gone down the stairs and out the door just leave me alone I'm sleep deprived. I dust myself off and slide down the small sand bank. I walk towards the sea and stand right in front of the waves.

I sigh wondering if I could just scream as loud as I wanted but I don't think my neighborhood would be happy with me and Charli would probably throw a shoe at me. I turn to my right and that's when I see someone standing there not to far away from me. My heart stops as I realize that there's only one girl that would be here at this time.

I sigh and turn back around slowly walking back to my house when I look over at Addison again and see her fall to the ground. She was clutching her chest and I immediately got worried.I started running towards her and the closer I got I realized that she was struggling to breath.

"Addison?" I say and when she doesn't reply I fall to the ground next her and wrap my arms around her.
"It's okay baby, just breath" I say holding her tight as she wraps her arms around my waist.
"I'm s-sorry I ca-can't do th-this" she says and I want to cry.
"Just breath" I say as she try's her best to breath. When her breathing starts to calm down I gently pull away from her.

She looks up at me through puffy red eyes and my heart weeps. I move the hair that was stuck to her face and rest my hands on her cheeks.
"Dixie" she says and I give her a small smile.
"I need to talk to you" she says and I swallow hard and nod my head.
"Do you want to come to my place, I can make you some tea?" I say in a gentle voice and she nods her head. I let go of her face and get up. She gets up as well and we walk back to my place.

We walk in and I turn on the lights. I head towards the kettle and turn it on. I turn around and see Addison leaning against the counter.
"Are you okay?" I ask and she looks at me.
"Even after everything you still care for me?" She says and I open and close my mouth.
"Of course" I say and turn back around and stare at the steam coming out of the kettle.

"Non of it was real" she as the kettle stops and I grab two cups.
"Bryce and I are nothing" I don't look at her I just continue to make the tea. When I was done I turned around and handed Addison her cup of tea. I walked past her and towards the couch. I sit down and take a sip of my tea. Addison stares at me from across the room and I look at her.
"Come and sit" I say and she does what I say and sits in front of me.

"What was not real, us?" I say and she puts her cup of tea down and looks at me.
"Dixie everything that you and I had was real, ever moment I spent with you was real" I look away from her gaze and set my tea down next to hers.
"Then tell me what is going on from the beginning" I say turning my body to face hers.

"Okay. After you and I slept together and I went home my mom had Bryces parents over and of course Bryce was with them. He wanted to talk to me and practically pulled me to my room. He asked me if I was in the hype house and I told him that I am, he then said he wanted to get into the hype house but he didn't have enough followers to get in so he wanted to use me to get followers" I look at her and raise my eyebrows.

"People seemed to ship Bryce and I so he wanted us to have this fake relationship and post it around the internet"
"And you agreed to that?" I say a little pissed. She gave me a shut up face and I bit my bottom lip.
"Of course I didn't Dixie, I was in love with you so why would I want Bryce" I swallow hard and look down at my hands.

"But do you remember when we had our first kiss on that sand dune?" I nod my head and look back at her. She plays with her bottom lip and looks away.
"Bryce took a picture of us kissing and threatening to tell my mom and the whole world that I was gay" I feel my blood boil.
"He fucking wanted to expose you?!" I say and she looks back a me and nods her head.

"I was scared Dixie I wasn't ready to come out so I agreed to be Bryces fake girlfriend" I let out a long sigh and put my hands on my face. I feel bad for everything I said to Addison when she was just scared of coming out. I know how scary it is and I just made the situation worse when I should of been there for her.

"This is my fault" I say turning to put my feet on the floor. Addison moves closer to me and puts her hand on my back and rubs it up and down.
"No dixie this isn't your fault. I should of told you everything immediately but I didn't" I shake my head and look at her.
"I should of never shouted at you like I did. I should of listened I'm such a idiot" I say looking away from her soft gaze.

"No dixie it's okay" she wraps her arm around me and I close my eyes. I missed her touch.
"I miss you" I say in a whisper.
"But I'm right here" she giggles and I smile and push her a little.
"I miss you too" she says and I look up and see her looking at me with a soft smile on her face.
"So is that why you were on the beach?" I say and she bites her bottom lip and a frown replaces that beautiful smile.

"Kinda. Bryce came to my place earlier cause he wanted to do the fake kiss" I hold my breath and she looks me in my eyes.
"We did kiss but I hated ever moment of it. After that he uhm...he wanted.....something more for me" my eyes go wide and I clench my fists. How dare he think he can touch my baby girl.

"But I shoved him off of me and yelled at him. He left after that and I was angry and sad. I rushed out my room and it turns out my mom heard everything that Bryce and I were talking about" I raise one eyebrow. She moves to grab her cup of tea that I totally forgot about. She takes a sip and looks at me.

"She heard me say that I love you" I raise both of my eyebrows.
"So she knows?" She shrugs her shoulders.
"Not much. I kinda had a panic attack and ran away" I turn my body to look at her as she gives me a small smile.
"I'm sorry Addison" I say reaching for her hand that she lets me take. I run my thumb over her knuckles and sigh.

"Your eye is looking better" she says and I smile.
"Yeah it still hurts but it's getting better" I continue to run my thumb over her knuckles when I feel Addisons eyes burning into my head. I look up slowly and she smiles sweetly at me.
"Forgive me please" she said and I frowned.
"For what, it should be me asking for your forgiveness?" She sighs.

"For everything and for kissing Bryce" I shake my head.
"It's okay it's in the past, forgive me?" She giggles.
"I forgive you" my heart races as we stare deep into each other eyes before her eyes drift to my lips.
"Can I kiss you?" I ask and she nods. I lean in and met her half way. Her lips were soft as rose petals.  she sighs softly into the kiss. I gently grab onto her face and move to get closer but accidentally knock her cup.

We break apart and she laughs.
"Sorry" I say giggling.  She puts the cup on the table and looks back at me smiling. She moves towards me and sits on my lap straddling me. I lean back against the couch as she wraps her arms around my neck and I rest my hands on her thighs. She leans her forehead against mine and sighs.

"Can we go back to being girlfriends now?" I laugh throwing my head back. She laughs with me as I look at her.
"Yes I would love that" she scrunches her nose and I kiss her forehead.
"I love you" I say and her smile grows.
"I love you more baby" I giggle leaning my forehead against hers again.

"You know you will have to tell your mom-" she puts her finger on my lips stopping me from talking
"Shhh don't ruin the vibe Dixie D'amelio" I giggle and kiss her finger. She moves it away but not before running it over my bottom lip pulling it down a bit. I smirk and she bites her bottom lip.
"Come here" I say giggling pulling her close to met my lips again she smiles against mine and my stomach fills with butterflies. The kiss starters getting heated up but then the passage way light turned on.

"Oh come on!" I hear my sister shout and we both turn our heads to see Charli looking at us. Addisons and I both burst out into giggles.

. . .

I'm sorry I wrote this dead tired 😴

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