Baby vacuum

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Dixie POV

Turns out Addisons mom wanted to meet me tonight, so you know I'm just stressing and throwing on different clothes. No big deal. Who am I kidding, I am freaking out! What if she doesn't like me?

"You good sis?" I turn my head and see Charli leaning against my door frame.
"No I'm stressing!" I say and she laughs.
"Relax Dixie I promise Addisons mom is sweet" I look at her.
"Yeah but you aren't her daughter's girlfriend" she nods her head.
"True" I sigh and look down at the floor.

"I'll help you get ready" I look up at her and smile.
"You will?" She laughs and walks into my room.
"Of course" I smile bigger as she walks into my cupboard and pulls out an outfit. We went with a long sleeve white crop top and black jeans and black and white Vans. Charli does my makeup as we giggle and talk about random shit. It turns out that Avani asked Charli on a date. They would make the cutest couple.

"Ok you're ready" I smile and nod my head. I grab my phone and text Addison that I would be coming over in 10 minutes. Charli and I walk out my room and head down the stairs to the kitchen. I grab the flowers I got for Addisons mom and I hug Charli saying goodbye to her before walking out and into my car. I breath in and out and drive out. I'm getting nervous that even my palms are sweating.

I pull up in front of Addison house and stare at the big house. I grab the flowers and get out. I head towards the main door and knock twice.
"Coming!" I hear Addison shout. I wait for two seconds before Addison opens the door and smiles big at me.
"Hi baby" she says and I smile back. She opens her arms and I laugh but wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around her neck.

"Hi" I say and she giggles. We break apart and I place a quick kiss on her lips. I look her up and down and smirk. She was wearing a cute grey top with black shorts. Those shorts were actually really short.
"You look beautiful" I say and she blushes.
"You look beautiful too" I giggle and kiss her cheek as she closes the door.
"Mom, Dixies here!" Addison shouts taking my free hand and pulling me to the kitchen.

There I saw Addisons mom busy with dinner.
"Mom I'll finish it" Addison says letting go of my hand and walking towards her mom. Her mom looks at me and smiles. I smile back as she approaches me and wipes her hands on her jeans.
"Hi Ms.Rae" I say as I stick out my hand out to her. She laugh and shakes my hand.
"It's a pleasure to met you Dixie" I smile and stick the flowers out to her.

"For you" Addisons mom takes it and smiles.
"This is very sweet Dixie, thank you" I smile and look over at my girlfriend. She was busy concentrating on the food. She had the most adorable face when she was concentrating, she always bites on her bottom lip. Her eyes met mine and we hold eye contact. Her eyes went darker and I swallowed hard.
"You know Dixie you look like someone I know?" Addisons mom says grabbing my attention away from Addison.

"Uhm yeah you probably know my sister Charli" she smiles at me.
"Oh yes I remember meeting Charli, I didn't know she had a sister" Addisons mom looks over at Addison and she just shrugs her shoulders.
"Oops forgot to tell you" I smile at my girl.
"Dinners ready in two minutes" Addison says and I walk over to her.
"Need any help babe?" Addison shakes her head.

"Not with your cooking skills" Addisons mom laughs as I stare at her with my mouth open.
"Excuse me, I have great cooking skills" She pushes me softly.
"Sure keep telling yourself that" I roll my eyes but smile. We all eventually dish up the lovely food and take a seat at the dinning table. Addison and I sit across from her mom.

"So Dixie any hobbies?" I smile.
"I used to do field hockey" Addison looks at me and smiles.
"Oh really that's quite a rough sport"
"Yeah I broke a few bones" I say taking a bite of the food.
"Hmm I don't think you've ever broken any bones Addison?" Her mom says and Addison looks at us her mouth stuffed with food.

I frown knowing that something is up with her. She was a little too quiet than usual. She swallows quickly.
"Nope" we all fall silent for a moment and all my worry's coming back. What the fuck do I say?
"Dixie when did you first start lifeguarding?" I smile.
"When I was 16" she smiles back at me.
"I heard your lifeguarding team is one of the best" I nod my head.

"Yeah, but believe me it took awhile to get there. The one time I nearly drowned due to being an idiot and going to far out to save someone instead of waiting for a boat, I ended up getting caught in a ripe tide and well nearly drowned" Addisons mom looks at me in shock.
"That's terrible" I shake my head.
"I've had worse and besides it was my first year of lifeguarding, so I leant from it" she smiles at me as we fall into conversation quite smoothly after that.

"So wait Addison wanted to be a vacuum?" I say laughing as Addison try's to hide her face in her hands.
"Yep, I honestly don't know why she wanted to be one and we had to check on her all the time to see if she handy swallowed anything" we both laugh as Addison groans.
"I was like 4 okay?!" Addison says blushing harder than before. I put my hand on her back but still continue to laugh my head off.

"It's okay my baby vacuum" Addison groans even louder as Addisons mom bursts out into laughter.
"Dixie I swear if you start calling me that I'll beat your ass" I laugh and shake my head.
" vacuum" Addison spins on her chair and starts smacking my arm as I laugh.
"Why did you tell her that story, it's so embarrassing!" Addison says pouting at me as I grab her hands tight to stop her from moving them to smack me.

"Cause I thought it was cute and funny" Addison rolls her eyes and try's to get her hands out my grip. I eventually let go with a smirk and she smacks me one more time on my thigh.
"Owwww!" I shout as she laughs.
"That's what you get" we both laugh and eventually calm down. She looks at me with so much love I swear my heart would explode at any second.

"I'm really happy for you two" we both break eye contact to look at Addisons mom. She was looking at us with a huge smile on her face.
"Thanks mom" she nods her head before getting up.
"Well girls it's been an amazing night but I'm dead tired" Addison and I both get up as well.
"Thank you for the dinner Ms.Rae, it was amazing" she shakes her head and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Dixie dear you can call me sheri" I smile and nod my head.

"You're welcome to stay here, just no funny business" she points a finger at me and I nod my head.
"Mom!" Addison says and Sheri laughs.
"Well girls good night" she hugs me than Addison before walking away. I look over at Addison and she just stares at me.
"What?" I ask and she attacks my lips with a kiss.

I smile into it, it was so sweet and soft but as soon as my lips parted it became hungry. I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her closer to my body. We eventually pull away and lean our foreheads against each other.
"I've been wanting to do that all night, but I thought I would be on my best behavior for my mom" I smirk.
"Aww how good of you" she rolls her eyes and breaks apart from me.

She grabs my hand and pulls me toward the couch. I stand in front of the couch and she smirks before shoving me hard so that I fall back onto it. She climbs on top of my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. I place my hands on her very much exposed thighs and grin. I move my hands even higher until I touch her shorts.

"Damn Addy why wear such short shorts, do you know how crazy they make me?" She moves closer to my face so that she was practically hovering over my lips.
"Thats the point" she say in a low husky voice. My breath stops.
"You are really good at being a top" she giggles.
"I learnt from the best" I smirk. She leans in and give my lips a sweet kiss before trailing kisses down to my neck.

"Baby your mom said no funny business" she smiles against my neck and sucks hard. It took everything in me to hold back a moan.
"My moms a deep sleeper, she could sleep through anything" I close my eyes and move my head to the side as she continues to assault my neck with hot lustful kisses. Just as the vibe was set my phone had to go off.

I groan and dig into my pocket to turn it off. It's probably just Charli wanting to know how it's going. I look down at my phone and freeze. Addison stops kissing my neck and looks at me.
"You okay?" She asks before looking down at my phone.
"Who's Griffin?"

. . .

Oh my god thank you so much for 10k it means the world to me!
Love you all ❤️

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