Please forgive me

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Charli POV

Avani and I were inside when all of sudden we heard sirens going off outside.
"What's going on?" Avani ask as we both rush outside to see an ambulance rushing down the street. Worry feels my stomach as I see Addison outside alone.
"Addison wasn't Dixie with you?" I ask and she turns around. It looks like she had been crying.
"What happened now?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"We got into a fight"
"Did Dixie leave?" Avani asks and Addison nods her head.
"No you don't think that ambulance was going to her do you?" Addison asks crying more. My phone rings and I immediately fish it out my pocket hoping that it would be Dixie but it's a unknown caller.
"hello?" I say walking a little away from Addison and Avani.

"Is this Charli D'amelio speaking?" A man asks.
"Yes this is Charli speaking" I look over at Addison and Avani. Addison and Avani were busy hugging each other.
"I'm so sorry to tell you this but your sister Dixie D'amelio was in a car crash" my heart stops and my legs become weak.
" she okay?" I ask.
"She alive, we will only know more at the hospital, we were going to phone your parents but your sister said to only phone you"

"Oh anyway my parents aren't here with us, it's just me and Dixie"
"Okay then it's best if you come to the hospital"
"I'm on my way" I say ending the call and turning around.
"It was her guys, Avani can you drive me to the hospital?"
"Of course love" we head towards her car and I look behind me to see Addison frozen.

"Addisons are you coming?" I ask letting my own tears fall.
"Addison!" I shout and she looks at me.
"I'm coming" she finally says and we all get into the car as Avani quickly drives down the street. I can't help but worry about my poor sister, just hold on Dixie we're coming.

* * *

"Excuse me, my sister Dixie D'amelio just came into the hospital?" I say to the receptionist and she nods her head and types away on her keyboard.
"Shes in room B321 but the doctors are currently checking on her. You will only be able to see her later, I would advice you take a seat over there ma'am" she points at the waiting area and I nod my head.

"Thank you" I say and walk towards the waiting area where Avani and Addison were already sitting. Addison was curled up in a ball on the seat with her hoodie on and her head down. As much as I want to know what they were fighting about it's not the right time. I take a seat next to Avani and let out a loud sigh.
"She's going to be okay Charli, she's strong" I nod my head as she wraps her arm around me.

"It's just Dixie doesn't do well with hospitals not after the accident....I just don't want her to feel scared" I let the tears fall as I remember nearly losing my sister two years ago. That was the worst moment of my life, just imagine me without her. I lean my head against Avani's shoulder and close my eyes.


We waited about 30 minutes before a doctor approached us and I immediately got up.
"Is she okay?" I ask and he smiles at me.
"Yes, you can see her now but only family" I nod my head and walk with the doctor down the hallway all the way to the end of it. He opens a door and lets me go in first. I saw Dixie on the bed her eyes closed but a million scratches and cuts on her face. Her head was bandaged and her arms were cut and scratched too.

I cry again and walk to stand beside her.
"Your sister is very lucky she's didn't break anything but she did get some nasty cuts and a concussion, her head was cut open too but it wasn't deep enough to need stitches" I nod my head and take her hand.
"Thank you" I say to him and he nods his head. Dixie stirs a little and I look down at her.
"I'll leave you two alone" the doctor says walking out the room and closing the door.

"Where am I?" Dixie asked trying to sit up but immediately groaned in pain.
"You're in the hospital, you got into a car accident" she blinks twice and looks around the room.
"No I want to leave, I don't want to be here!" She says as her breathing goes uneven. I know she's about to have a panic attack.
"No Dixie it's okay just breath!" I say but she shakes her head.
"I don't want to die" she says as she starts to sob.

"No Dixie you aren't going to die okay, it was just a car accident" she shakes her head.
"I couldn't let that little boy die" I try and hold back a sob as I squeeze her hand.
"I know Dixie, it's okay"
"Please forgive me" she says and I stare at her confused.
"For what?"
"For nearly leaving you" I let a sob come out as I look at my sisters face.

"I forgive you, but you didn't leave me this time" I try and give her a small smile. She looks away from me and before I could say anything else she fell back a sleep. I fall down onto the chair next to the bed and hold her hand while I cry.

Addisons POV

This is all my fault. I'm the reason why Dixie got into the car accident and not only did I put her through this I put Charli through it too. I look up and see Charli approach us as I quickly get up.
"Is she okay?" I ask and she nods her head.
"She's okay" I play with my hands.
"Can I see her?" I ask and Charli looks at the receptionist that wasn't looking at us.

"Okay but quickly other wise they will kick us out cause only family can see her" I nod my head as we quickly speed walk down the hallway. At least the hospital wasn't to busy tonight. Charli opens the door and lets me slip in.
"I'll watch the door" she says and I smile at her. She closes the door and I turn around to see my broken girlfriend.

I walk to the side of the bed and take her hand.
"Dixie I'm so sorry this is all my fault" I say as she stays sleeping.
"If I listened to you then you wouldn't of gotten into the car....I was suppose to drive" I start crying harder.
"I can't lose you Dixie that's why I get so closed off cause the thought of you not being mine forever drives me mad" I wipe away a tear and sniff.

"I love you so much Dixie, and I believe you about Griffin" I look away from her and cry. When I look back at her I see her eye were open.
"Boo" I get a huge fright and jump like five feet into the air.
"The fuck!" I say letting go of her hand to put it on my chest. She starts laughing even though I could see she was in pain.
"I'm sorry I had too" she says and I smile.

"You're such an asshole" I say laughing softly. I look back at her eyes and she softens.
"It's not your fault Adds, I should of stopped at the stop street" she gives me a small smile.
"Please forgive me Dixie, for everything I swear I'll tell you everything about my past" she sighs.
"Of course I forgive you Addison, you could break me into two and I'd still love you" I let a tear fall.

"I've never loved anyone like I love you" I say and she starts crying a little.
"Oww" she says flinching as the salty tears hit her raw cuts.
"Don't cry" I say trying my best to wipe the tears away but being extremely careful not to hurt her more.
"I love you Adds" I smile.
"I love you Dixie" I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips.

"Please just hold me" she says and I nod my head laying next to her and wrapping my arm around her waist and gently leaning my head on chest.
"Does this hurt?"
"I don't care" she says and I close my eyes as I feel extremely tired from all the crying. We will have our happy ending Dixie no matter what comes our way. All I ever want is you and with that thought I fall fast asleep.

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