You're such a romantic Adds

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Dixie POV

it's been five days since the accident and I'm already feeling much better. Of course Addison stayed over a lot more to care for me even though I told her it was unnecessary, she still did it. It turns out that by next week I'll be able to go back to my lifeguarding job and hopefully stay out of trouble. Also the sad thing is my poor baby car was damaged and is currently in the shop being fixed.

So that means I don't have a car for awhile. Addison has offered to drive me around though.
"Babe?" I look up from my phone and see Addison walking into my room.
"Yes?" I ask turning my phone off and throwing it across the bed. She takes a seat in front of me and smiles.
"Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" She asks and I smile.

"Of course" she blushes and her smile grows.
"It's been awhile since we have actually gone on a proper date" I nod my head as she plays with her fingers.
"Yeah it has" I gently take her hand. Even though we are dating she still gets so nervous to ask me these things, I find it adorable.
"Baby" I say and she looks up at me.
"Come here" I say opening my arms and she blushes even more.

She climbs into my lap which doesn't hurt anymore and puts her hands on my shoulders. I rest my hands on her thighs and sigh.
"So where are you taking me tonight?" She smirks.
"It's a secret" I groan and she giggles.
"Can't I have a hint?"
"Nope" she says and I smirk raising my hands higher on her thighs. She sucks in a breath and stares at me.
"You're not getting anything out of me" I lean forward and kiss her neck softly.

I gently nibble on the skin and run my tongue over the bite. She moans softly and moves her head to the side to give me more access but I pull away and she whines and pouts at me.
"How about now?" She shakes her head.
"You ain't getting through me by seducing me" I giggle but nod my head.
"Fine" I say and she smiles at me and leans in to give me a long sweet kiss.

She pulls away and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.
"I've got to go set up, I'll see you later" I smile and give her one more peck than another as I don't want her to go.
"Dixie" she says giggling giving me one more kiss before getting up.
"I love you" I say and she smiles.
"I love you more" she waves at me and I laugh and wave back.

She disappears and I sigh.
"You and Addison done fucking?" I look over at the door and see Charli standing there smirking.
"We weren't fucking" she laughs and walks out as I run my hands through my hair and smile. It feels like Addison and I will finally be happy as a couple.

* * *

Addison POV

It was time for me to go pick up Dixie for our date and I couldn't be more excited. I pull up at her house and look behind me at the surprise I have for her. I smile and get out of the car and knock on the door. Avani opens it and I smile.
"Hello" I say smiling and she smiles backs and pulls me into a hug.

"Hi, you look beautiful Addison" I smile as her and I walk into the house. Dixie came down the stairs in a hurry and nearly collided with Avani. I laugh as Avani gives her a death glare. Dixie ignores her and looks at me and smiles.
"Hi baby" she says and I walk to her and give her a kiss.
"Hi my love" she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight. I just giggle and hug her back.

"Let me just get my jacket" she says as we pull apart. We walk into the kitchen where Avani and Charli were and Dixie grabs her jacket.
"What are you guys doing tonight?" I ask Avani and Charli and they smile at me.
"We're going over to Julia and Sydney's place for movie night" I smile back as Dixie wraps her arm around my waist.
"Ready to go?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Oh yes uhm I have to blindfold you" she looks at me confused.
"This just got juicy" Avani says and Dixie slaps her on her shoulder.
"Otherwise it will ruin the surprise" I say and Dixie smiles at me.
"Okay" I dig in my pocket and pull out a blindfold. I approach Dixie and wrap it around her eyes but being extremely careful not to hurt her.

"I don't understand why I have to be blindfolded now can't I just be blindfolded in the car?" She asks.
"No, now come" I take her hand.
"Bye guys!" I shout and they wave at us.
"Have fun" I hold Dixie's hand tight and walk her out the door. I pull her to the passengers seat and open the door.
"Okay get in the car" I say and she lets go of my hand and feels her way into the car. I laugh and she does too.

I close the door and run around the car and hop in on the drivers seat.
"Buckle up!" I say and she does. I smile and drive out the drive way. I had to go a little faster than usual in order to catch the sun before sunset which was in a few minutes. I drive quite far until I arrive at Sharks bay and park except with the back of the car facing the beach.

I quickly get out and run to the back of the car and open the boot. I make sure everything was good before running to Dixie's door and opening it.
"I'm confused are we here?" I giggle.
"Yep give me your hand" she gives me her hand and I help her climb out the car. I pull her to the back of the car.
"Okay you can take off your blindfold" she does what I say and blinks twice before looking at the boot then back at me.

Her mouth was slightly open.
"Addison this is amazing" I look into the boot where I had set up blankets and pillows to make like a bed with fair lights around the inside of the car. I had a pizza box with drinks as well.
"Do you like it?" I ask and she turns to me and grabs my face giving me the biggest kiss ever that gives my stomach butterflies. She pulls away and smiles big at me.
"I love it" I blush and look behind me to see that the sun was just about to set.

"Quickly lets get in and watch the sunset together" she smirks at me.
"You're such a romantic Adds" I blush even harder and climb into the car. She does the same as we sit beside each other.
"Pizza?" I ask in a French accent and she giggles but nods her head.
"I've been trying to learn French" I say as we both take a bite of our pizza.
"Yeah tell me something in French then" I smile and swallow.

"vous êtes belle" I say and she tilts her head slightly.
"It means you look beautiful" she blushes and looks down.
"Right back at you" I laugh as we continue eating our pizza before laying down and I wrap my legs and arms around her as we cuddle and watch the beautiful sunset.
"It's so beautiful here" I say and Dixie starts playing with my hair.

"I just want to stay like this forever" I say snuggling even closer to her.
"Me too" she says and I sigh as I close my eyes.
"Baby?" I mumble a Hmm and she giggles.
"I don't want to ruin the vibe but it's about Griffin" I groan mentally and lift my head up to look at her face.
"Yes?" I ask nicely.
"He's been texting me non stop and it's driving me insane, he can't take a hint that I don't want him. So tomorrow I'm going to his house to cut things off for good" I smile at her.

"Boys never get the hint" she giggles and I lay my head back on her chest.
"Say something else in French" I smirk and lift my head up again.
"baise moi" she raise one eyebrow as I lean down and hover over her lips.
"fuck me" her breath catches and I smirk more before leaning down and pressing my lips hard onto hers. She moans softly and parts her lips as I slip my tongue into her mouth.

I devour her lips with feverish kisses as both our breathing becomes heavy. I break apart for air and she smirks at me before sitting up and moving away. At first I frown but than she closes the boot and comes back to me. She climbs onto me and I smirk.
"Oh I'm going to do so many things too you" I swallow hard as the look she was giving me reminded me that this time she was the top.

I grab her face and pull her down to my lips again moaning at the contact. Let's just say that night was pure bliss and it's not even over yet.

. . .

Ok so I have a new idea for a new Dixison book, would you guys read it though? 🤔

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