The end

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* A/n sike got you teheee*

Dixie POV

I change into my red dress that had a slit on my left leg.
"Damn Dixie you look so fucking hot" I turn around and see Avery in a beautiful blue dress that made her eyes pop out.
"You do too" she smiled.
"I just need to do my hair and then we can go to prom" I say doing my hair in a bun.
"Good cause my date is picking us up" I look at her and smile.

"You sure you going to be okay without a date?" I nod my head and grab my purse.
"Of course" I say as my smile falls.
"You miss her don't you?" I nod my head.
"I miss her so much Avery" I say and she comes towards me and pulls me in a hug.
"Hey if you feel alone I'll ditch my date and come and dance with you"I shake my head.
"No Avery I know how much you like Tom, don't waste your night on me just cause I don't have a date" she smiles at me.

"I can't believe you got a girlfriend and how you got in a car crash and how you got into a damn all I did was sit on the couch eating potato  chips" I laugh as the doorbell rings.
"That would be Tom" she smiles at me.
"Ready?" I nod my head and we head down the stairs.
"Oh my god look at you girls" my mom says smiling at me as my dad takes pictures. My sister smiles big at me.

"You both look so beautiful" my Dad says wiping a tear from his eye.
"Dad don't cry"I say walking to him and hugging him.
"I know sweetheart it's just you grew up so fast" I pull apart from him as Avery opens the door and I see Tom dressed in a fancy black suit with a blue tie. Tom was such a sweetheart and I ship him and Avery so hard.

"I want some nice photos of you guys" my dad says lifting the camera up. Charli comes and stands next to him.
"Then let me rather take the photos if you want nice ones" my dad looked shocked as we all laugh. I pose for a few pictures before I take photos with Tom and Avery.
"Ok we got to go before we're late" Tom said smiling at me.
"Have a lovely night" we all wave at parents and I look over at my sister that was giving me a creepy smile.

"What's you're problem?" I ask her quickly and she shakes her head.
"Nothing, nothing at all" the way she said it made we want to slap her and tell me what she wants. I shrug my shoulders as Tom opens the back door for me and I thank him. He runs to the other side and opens the door for Avery too. Like I said he is a sweetheart. He hops up in front and drives out of our drive way. Avery and Tom chatted away as I look out the window.

We arrived at school and all hoped out. I could already hear music coming from inside.
"Aubrey said to met at her locker so we could all walk in together" Avery says and I nod my head. Avery and Tom walked in front of me as I looked down most of the time. We walked up the stairs and into the hallways were we saw Avery and her date, then some other chics that Aubrey talks to with there dates and lastly Megan with her captain of the football team boyfriend. I hated him he was a jackass.

We walked over to them and Aubreys smiled at us.
"Dixie where's your date?" She asks and I shake my head.
"I don't have one" she shakes her head and laughs.
"What a shame" I roll my eyes when the other chics started talking.
"Did you see how pretty that girl is?"
"It's so irritating" they all roll there eyes.
"She's trying to steal my thunder" Aubrey says with disgust in her voice. I try and look past all of them when the girl they were looking at turned around and met my eyes.

My heart practically stopped as I stared at her.
"Addison?" I shout and she comes running to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I hold her tight shocked that I was actually holding my girlfriend. We beak apart and I look her up and down. Holy crap she looked absolutely beautiful with her beautiful long pink dress. Her hair was done magnificently and her make up was done to perfection.

I hold her face in my hands and smile big.
"Hi babe" she says and I just look at her in shock.
"Your sister told me that prom was coming up and I couldn't just let you go alone so Charli flew me up here and set the whole thing up" I'm going to give Charli the biggest hug when I see her.
"Oh my god I can't believe it" I say smiling.
"You look stunning" she says and I blush.
"And you look absolutely gorgeous" she blushes hard and leans her head in my hand.

I can't take it anymore and I lean in to kiss her like I had never kissed her before. We slowly pull apart and lean our foreheads against each other.
"I never got to ask you properly but would you do me the honour of being my date?" She laughs and nods her head giving me another kiss.
"Hell yes!" I laugh and take her hand. I look over at everyone else and there mouths were on the floor. Avery gives me a happy thumbs and mouths 'shes hot as fuck' I laugh at her and nod my head.

"This is your date?" The one girl asks and I nod my head. She smiles at us.
"You are so beautiful and you two are cute together" I smile at the girl. Maybe this one isn't that bad. Aubrey stares at me and rolls her eyes.
"Now my love lets go dance" I say putting my arm out to her. She giggles and takes my arm in hers as we walk down the hallway. We open the halls door and walk down the stairs. A lot of people actually looked at us with their mouths on the floor.

I pull Addison onto the dance floor and bow. She giggles and bows too before taking position and I twirl her around as she laughs and throws her head back.
"For a girl who doesn't know how to dance you sure know how to slow dance" I laugh.
"My dad taught me" I smirk at her and she licks her lips.
"So how long will you be here for?" She smiles.
"I leave tomorrow night, I have a huge test this week and I know if I stay here we won't study" she says wiggling her eyebrows and I laugh but nod my head.

"True" we dance for the longest time before my feet start hurting in these heels.
"Want to take a break and get something to drink?" Addison asks and I nod my head pulling her off the dance floor. We head towards the drink table and I pour her a drink and myself before handing her it. She smirks and takes a sip.
"So you're the girl that caught my best friends heart?" Avery says and Addison spins around. She smiles big and sticks her hand out but Avery pulls her into a hug.

"I'm sorry it's just damn" Addison laughs as they both fall into conversation. My eyes were on Addison the whole time not ever looking away. I missed seeing her face in person. We usually go on the phone for hours or FaceTime but seeing her in real life is just way better. Addison turns her head to look at me as Tom steals Averys attention. She comes close to me and wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist.
"I love you" I say with passion and she smiles big.

"I love you more" she says with the same passion and I pull her into a hug. I lean my head against her shoulder and sigh happily.
"I'm not letting you go" she laughs and hugs me tighter.
"I know" we stayed hugging for awhile before dancing again to some upbeat music. We spent most of the night chatting and kissing before we both called it a night to Avery and I took Addisons hand in mine.

We both walk up the stairs.
"These heels are killing me" I say and she laughs.
"I'm going to be honest, same" I smile and kiss her hand. We walk towards her car and hop in.
"Let's just drive until we can't anymore" I laugh and start her car.
"Sounds like a plan" we drive out and down the road.

I had no idea where I was headed but I knew as long as Addison was with me, I didn't care cause everything was going to be okay as long as she was there with me. I couldn't ask for a better partner and a better best friend. This might be the end of something but it kinda felt like the beginning of a new chapter.


. . .

This is the end, I don't like endings at all but the time had come...I'm so grateful for all the love this book got and I'm so grateful for every one of you. I loved all your comments and sweet messages. Thank you for everything. My new book will be up soon so make sure you take a look at my page. It's going to be called "only one rumour was true (dixison) "

I love you all ❤️

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