Chapter 11

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It was 1am and I was currently drunk out of my mind grinding on a drunk as fuck Thea.

After that whole situation with Xavier and that one guy I decided to get some drinks and I might have gotten carried away. Xavier told Thea to 'take care' of me while he did who knows what, but Thea isn't exactly the best person to babysit someone. Long story short we took at least 8 shots of vodka and maybe 4 shots of tequila and we were both wasted.

"Thea what the fuck?" I heard a pissed off person say to Thea.

"Ohhh shit heyyyy Xavier" Thea laughed trying to catch her balanced as she stopped dancing and grabbed my hand to take me to the kitchen, and let me tell you my ass almost fell.

"What the fuck Thea I was just getting started" I complained, I felt like I could run a marathon right now.

"Shhhhhh" Thea put her finger to my lips and I just started at her in confusion is she okay? What the fuck am I saying of course she's not okay why would I even think that.

"Thea I fucking told you to take care of him not get him drunk out of his mind! What the fuck where you thinking?" Oh shit Xavier sounded pissed.

"Ha! we do be wasted doe" Thea laughed nodding her head and I just started laughing my ass off even though I had no idea what the fuck was was going on.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" Xavier questioned me sounding kinda irritated.

"You know that is a very valid question" I said looking up at him. Damn he was cute.

"So?" Xavier said, and I got startled at the sudden outburst.

"What where we talking about again?" I asked, I was lost looking at his fine ass that I forgot what he even asked.

"Nevermind come on we're leaving" Xavier grabbed both mine and Thea's arms and we both groaned.

"What whyyyy it's only 1" Thea groaned and then started crying all of a sudden and then I started crying because seeing Thea cry made me cry. I then heard Xavier huff in annoyance at us.

"The fuck are you crying for?" Thea said through sniffles as she started crying again.

"I don't knowww" I sobbed. "I saw you cry so I cried with you because I didn't want you to be lonelyyyy" I choked out the last couple of words because my ass couldn't breath properly from all this nonsense crying.

"I love youuu bitch" Thea cried and we both tried to hug each other which was difficult because Xavier was holding the both of us.

"I love you tooo" i wailed out while I looked at her and she looked at me and then we both started laughing so hard.

"What the fuck is wrong with those two" I heard someone say and I looked to see who Xavier was walking too and I saw Lucas starring at us.

"Ohhhhh Thea it's your wittle boyyyfriend" I said and both me and Thea started giggling.

"There drunk off there asses I think we should go home already" Xavier said as he finally let go of us and both me and Thea fell to the floor. We both quickly groaned in pain and then looked at each other and started having a laughing fit.

"Ya I think so too there a little too drunk, I'll go tell everyone that we're leaving and to meet up by the car." I saw Xavier nod at Lucas before my eyes became heavy and I drifted off to sleep.

Xavier's POV

"Oh my fucking god" I groaned as I looked down to see both Thea and my little bunny on the floor knocked the fuck out.

Well shit, now I have to pick both of there dumbasses up and take them to the car.

I quickly tossed Milo over my left shoulder and then did the same for Thea but I tossed her on my right and I made my way through the house and started walking to the car where mostly everyone was at already.

"Where's Nira and Jack?" I questioned not seeing them around.

"They'll um be here in a bit"Lucas said and looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

Probably walked in on them fucking I snickered to myself.

"So why are we leaving so early anyways?" Axel questioned and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Is it not obvious?" I said pointing at both Thea and Milo who where knocked out on my shoulders.

"Ohhh I didn't see them" Axel laughed awkwardly and I just gave him a 'your kidding right?' look.

"I mean there just asleep we could have just left them in a room to sleep in till we all wanted to leave" Axel said and I groaned in annoyance.

"They just fell asleep if I were to never drag there ass out of the living room they probably would have danced all night long and most likely pass out on the floor" I explained and I heard Lucas chuckle.

"Ya man, he came walking towards me dragging both of there ass with him and they where a mess" Lucas laughed clearly thinking it was the funniest thing in the world. "Like Thea start crying and then all of a sudden Milo did two and then they started laughing all of a sudden, I was so confused dude, I swearrr" Lucas said dragging out all the words since he was high as fuck.

"Why was Milo with Thea anyways" Princess questioned.

"I told her to take care of him" I muttered now that I'm thinking about it I'm a totally dumbass. Why the fuck would anyone trust Thea? 

"Xavier your such a dumbass." Princess sighed in disappointment. "Did you forgot who Thea was or something I wouldn't even trust her with my own kids, she'd probably tell them something stupid like blue fire is cold and get there ass burned" Princess complained and I just nodded my head agreeing with her.

"Ya your right, I just needed to get away from Milo" I sighed and everyone looked at me confused minus Nira and Jack and the two bitch's sleeping on my shoulders.

"What do you mean? Did he do anything to get you pissed off or something?" Axel asked confused and both Lucas and Princess nodded there heads agreeing.

"Ugh I don't know it's just like whenever I'm around him I feel weird and I don't like that feeling so I wanted to get away from him" I admitted and I saw all of them smirk.

"What?" I was so confused as to why there where smirking.

"Youuu like him don't you" Axel teased and my face instantly got red.

"Oh so that's why your not an asshole to him" Lucas laughed. "Ay but y'all would be cute together you just gotta stop acting like a pussy and ask him out" Lucas stated and everyone agreed.

"Guys shut the fuck up I don't like him, I just think he's cute" I groaned and they all looked at me unconvinced and that's when I saw Jack and Nira start walking to the car.

Ya they totally fucked, Nira's hair was a mess and you could see hella hickey's on there necks.

"Ohhh look here, Nira and Jack are back so that means we can leave and stop talking about all this shit" I quickly said opening the car and then putting both Thea and Milo in the trunk to sleep in.

"Um okay?" Nira just looked at me confused but hopped into the car, everyone following a couple seconds later.

"Ready?" I said looking through the rearview window and I saw everyone nod there heads and I started driving to the hangout spot.

Why is liking someone so heartbreaking?

Ugh Milo your taking my heart bit by bit and I really don't want you to break it.


Bad Reputation(bxb)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora