Chapter 24

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Fun Fact: Axel was suppose to be a top.

Milo's POV

Me and Xavier were laying in bed just cuddling and watching some show when I heard the front door open.

"MILOOOO!" I heard my dad scream from downstairs and I groaned.

"Yes dad?!" I shouted and smacked Xavier's stomach because he was laughing at me.

"Get your ass down here!" He screamed back. Well you see what the problem was...

"Want me to carry you down stairs ma'lady" Xavier snickered getting off the bed holding his hand out for me to take.

"Shut up" I mumbled out taking his offer and grabbing his hand. I mean there was no way my dad would come upstairs he's too petty for that and I knew it would hurt if I walked all the way downstairs.

Once he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his torso and wrapped my arms around his neck resting head on his shoulder. He was holding my ass to 'support' me but I knew he just said that as an excuse to grope me.

"I'm coming oh and Xavier's here too!" I replied back while Xavier was walking down the stairs.

"Why the hell is Xavier carr-" My dad asked then quickly stopped speaking.

"Actually uhm" My dad cleared his throat, "that's not the point I wanna know why the school called me saying you missed the entire day"he looked at me sternly but then went to glare at Xavier.

Fuck. This is so embarrassing, he probably knows ahhh.

"Erm it's because Xavier's car broke down and we weren't able to fix it till a couple hours ago, also if we walked it would have been like a 2 hour walk because our place is far into the school" I lied but my dad had that look that said 'I know you fuckin lyin'.

Xavier set me down on the couch next to him while my dad was still standing.

"That's not what Axel's story said" My dad raised a brow at me and I mentally cursed at Axel for being good friends with my dad and giving him his social media accounts.

"Ughh did you really have to see that?" I groaned tilting my head back so that it hit Xavier's chest.

"Sorry, the real reason why we didn't end up going to school was because of Elaina" Xavier stated then continued to explain to my dad, "she basically tried to blackmail Milo then slapped him when he didn't agree and I guess him, Thea and Elaina started fighting and we left before the teachers could see"

"Ew Elaina" My dad gagged and I laughed.

"I know right I mean it's better to miss one day of school then get suspended for another two weeks" I pointed out and Xavier nodded his head agreeing with me.

"Ya true, but next time just ignore her, I don't want the school saying you've been absent the entire day okay?" My dad looked at me sternly and I nodded my head quickly.

"Oh also I just wanted to give you a head up that one of your cousins is going to start living here" Dad casual said and my eyes widened.

"Wha- why?" I looked at him confused. I mean this was all so sudden I didn't know any of my cousins and now one of them was going to be living here.

"Well my brother called saying that he was absolutely done with Chris, the cousin that's gonna be leaving here from now on, he said that he wanted him out of the house and I tried telling him to give him another chance but he said no" he explained, "so I felt bad for the kid, like ya he gets into trouble and does some really stupid things, but he's got a good heart ya know? Anyways long story short I told your uncle that I would be more then happy to take care of him and he's gonna arrive this Friday"

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