Chapter 26 (18+ kinda)

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Fun Fact: Thea and Lucas were never supposed to get together.

Also wanted to say sorry for not posting, I was having writers block, still am so it took me a while to write these two chapters. Hope you guys still like em tho.

Milo's POV

"So you ready for school tomorrow?" I asked Chris who was quite literally making himself at home on my fucking bed. Like this bitch was spread out on my bed like a damn starfish so I had to sit on my fucking spinny chair.

"Ya, might skip most of it" Chris bluntly stated. Over the spam of like 2 days of him living with me I've learned that he is a man of very few words, unless it's something that interests him. Oh! And he can be a bit cocky at times, I know right ew.

"Might be there just long enough so that the guys and girls start talking about how hot the new boy is" He smirked to himself and I just scrunched up my face giving him a 'is this bitch serious' look, if you know what I mean.

"Yes because I'm sooo sure all the girls are gonna swoon over how amazingly boring you are" I scoffed.

"You forgot to mention how the guys too while drool over my hotness" Chris said as if it was some fact. Damn I keep forgetting this dude also likes dudes.

"Yah yah whatever" I rolled my eyes at the Chris who was now doing snow angles on my bed.

"Who knows, your little boyfriend might even fall for me" Chris edged me on.

"As if, you look like a white boy who got a perm while I'm over here looking like a baddie with a fatty" I snapped at him and I heard him lightly gasp.

"I have you know! My hair is 100% natural" Chris claimed.


"Erm just so you know, me and my friends usually don't go to school on time because of breakfast, oh ya! And most people are like scared of us, I don't know why though everyone is nice well minus Xavier he calm be a bitch to random people oh! And Axel I mean he's just..he's just you know..he's um Axel" I tried to explain to him and I guess he understood because all he did was nod his head at me.

"Is Axel as bad as you say he is? Because the way I see it your always coming for him and I guess your friends also do" Chris looked up at me.

"He's not bad he's just a lot to handle, ha! Must be the reason he's still single, okay anyways back to the topic, me and our friends do always come for him because he's always coming for us! I mean we be minding our own damn business and out of nowhere this bitch starts talking shit!" I ranted. Like sis if you finna start something you better learn how to finish your shit or else I'll end it, simple as that.

"I mean...maybe I'll be able to handle him" I heard Chris mumble and raised a brow. Is this a new ship I smell.

"Pff you can try, I mean you already have him wrapped around your fucking middle finger" I let out a breathy laugh.

"Huh? What do you mean I haven't even met him yet?" Chris looked at me confused.

"Well um, ever since he heard your voice yesterday he won't stop talking about how your voice is so hot and how he was destined to be yours" I explained. I mean I wasn't lying, the day Thea picked me up so we could play games Axel kept on saying how him and Chris were totally gonna get together and blah blah blah.

"Well I shouldn't leave him hanging now can I?" Chris asked grinning at me and I just looked at him dumbfounded. This bitch is really trying to get at Axel without even meeting him his rude ass or seeing his beautiful yet annoying face.

Bad Reputation(bxb)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora