Chapter 20

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Xavier's POV

"You better start driving before the teachers get here!" Axel screamed at me from the trunk while I was starting the car.

"So your more concerned about the teachers then Milo bleeding in the front seat?!" Lucas argued with Axel in disbelief.

"Can y'all just shut the fuck already?" Milo snapped at the two of them. "And Xavier start driving, damn you take longer to start a car then my fucking dad!" Milo then screamed at me while clutching his right shoulder with the white tank top that Jack let him borrow to help stop the bleeding of the stab wound.

"Damn sorry it's just that Axel the idiot keeps saying dumb shit" I huffed out while I started driving out the school parking lot.

"Wh- but Lucas was talking too!"

"Ya but Lucas is reasonable unlike you with your two brain cells!" I responded back and finally Axel shut his mouth.

"Ay sorry bout that again Milo I didn't know you where going to punch her the same time I was going to stab her" Thea apologized while rubbing her back.

"Nah it's all good at least I don't have to go to school today" Milo chuckled and I was panicking on the inside because that stab womb was pretty deep but I kept calm and drove to our little house.


'Oh what a terrible mistake that was' I thought as all hell broke loose.

"Do you think Thea's actually gonna stab her?" Jack asked no one in particularly while he watched Elaina turn around to look at the knife that Thea threw at the tree.

I could tell Elaina knew she fucked up the minute she turned her back at Milo from the look on her face.

All the students that where outside didn't know why Elaina was getting beaten up for the second time, not only by Milo but also Thea. Either way they didn't dare tell a teacher or any worker from the school after Xavier found out who snitched on Milo for beating up Elaina, and ended up breaking the poor boys right arm and nose.

I watched as Milo punched Elaina's back and I almost laughed when I saw her bend her back inwards, kinda like when you get in the shower and the waters hits your back and it's either to hot or cold. 

"Ha sis breaking her back" Axel snorted and Lucas rolled his eyes smacking his neck.

"Ow- what the fuck Lucas I'm trying to enjoy the show" Axel whined while rubbing his neck then went back to watch what Milo and Thea were gonna do next.

As I went back to watch, my eyes widened when I saw Thea raise her knife about to stab Elaina in the arm but at that exact moment Milo went in to punch Elaina, blocking Elaina from Thea's knife and getting stabbed right in his shoulder.

It happened so quickly that nobody was able to warn Thea before she went in with full force and accidentally stabbed Milo.

"AHH!" We heard a loud painful scream from Milo.

"Shit,shit,shit" Nira quickly mumbled to herself running towards Milo and Thea.

"Fuck!" I roared out angrily running towards my baby. How the fuck could I have let this happen if only I saw this shit coming then I would have been about to stop Thea!

"Ohhh he need sum milk"

"Axel now is not the fucking time!"

"Ow! Jack you hit harder then Lucas"

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