Chapter 30

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Fun Fact: idk if I already did this as a fact but my favorite character is Axel like I fucking love his dramatic ass

Milo's POV

"It's cleaner then Milo's room that's for sure" was the first thing Chris said when he walked into the house. This bitch!

"Yet you stay on my bed so I wouldn't be talking if I were you" I rolled my eyes at him. He always has something to say.

"Also my room ain't even that messy so I don't know what your talking about"

"Um Milo, did you forget about that chair piled up with clothes since you always ruin your damn closet trying to find what to wear?" Chris stated and I just looked at him in defeat I mean was he lying? No, so I basically couldn't say anything because it was true.

"I mean he does have a point there" Thea butted in.

"Thea nobody asked for you to speak" I shook my head at her.

"Okay and? I have the right to say what I want bitch" Thea snapped back and said some 'oop'.

"Damnnn sis went off" Axel snickered.

"I know right my bitchass was shook" I chuckled and Thea hit my bad head while shaking hers. I swear this bitch always has to hit me.

"Anyways, Xavier come with me real quick" I turned to look at Xavier and lead him to 'our' room.

"Ohhh they tryin to get freakyyy" Axel pointed out VERY loudly like damn this dude always has to expose people.

"Axel, talk to me when you get knocked up by your 'boyfriend'" I emphasized boyfriend because this bitch ain't got nun and if Chris is gonna get with him then um.. I don't even wanna think about there sex life, ew.

"Wooow, I was even gonna offer you some condoms!" Axel gasped then turned away from us.

"We'll come out in a bit guys" Xavier stated. Um well that's a big ass lie this dude would probably try to pull something.

"Ya sure whatever just don't be to loud" Lucas answers back.

I swear we aren't even that horny towards each other. Anyways Xavier grabbed my waist and we walked into his room.

Axels POV (once Milo and Xavier went into the room)

They always have to make fun of my single ass like damn let me liveee. But it's all good because I have my beanbag and I'm gonna make Chris mine and that's on periodt. I'm actually gonna try to get a manz for once because all my friends be making me feel single, plus Chris hot as fuck and he can somewhat handle me.

As I'm about to go on my beanbag I see some bitch laying on it like they own the damn thing.

"Umm baby boy get up" I looked down at Chris who was making himself at home in my bad bean bag.

"The fuck you mean get off I got here first!" Chris argued back. Damn this boy was fine, I just wanted to run my fingers through his golden curls.

"That's MY beanbag love" i sassily responded.

"I don't see your damn name printed on it" Chris stated then being the petty bitch he is he started acting like he was looking for my 'name' that was supposed to be printed on the beanbag.

"I don't got my name printed on it but I got my damn condoms in it so that should be enough hoe" I stated matter of factly.

"I- actually never mind I don't want to know" Chris laughed, "I don't need to deal with your petty ass right now so give me your hand" he said after laughing.

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