Chapter 25

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Disclaimer: Kinda a filler kinda not, only reason its kinda not is because of the new character Chris but that's all.

Milo's POV

"I knoww you didn't just ignore your amazingly sexy cousin!" I huffed out walking up to him.

"I did tho" He plainly said going back on his phone.

"Damn, I should have just gone with Xavier instead of being nice for once and wanting to help your mean ass" I crossed my arms sitting down on the opposite side of him.

"Did I ask?"

"No, but you listen so that's good enough" I gave him a smug smile and he rolled his eyes at me.

It was staring to get very quiet and I had to put an end to this painfully awkward silence.

"So need help putting shit in your room?" I asked and all he did was shake his head no, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Damn I'm over here trying to make conversation and your just ignoring me, I don't got time for this shit!" I ranted and all he did was stare at me. I was about to continue when I felt my phone vibrate and saw that Thea wanted to video chat.

"Heyyyy BITCHH!" Thea screamed through the phone her big ass head on my screen.

"Damn bitch you gotta big ass forehead" I laughed and Thea pulled the phone away from her to flip me off.

"So anyways you meet Chris yet?" She questioned and I saw Chris's ear perk up a bit.

"Oh have I, girl he is such a bitch!" I started then went on and on about how much of a jerk he was completely ignoring the very ticked off Chris next to me.

"Ohhhh Miloooo" I heard Mr. Flatass sing out my name.

"The fuck do you want Axel?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sooo, is Chris a hottie??!" He questioned excitedly and I heard Chris breath out a short laugh.

I raised a brow.

"He's alright" I blankly stated and Axel pouted.

"Miloooo details maybe he can become my daddy if ya know what I meannn" Axel wiggles his eyebrows and both me and Thea gave him a disgusted look.

"Daddy?" I turned around to look at Chris who was already looking at me.

"Oh- oh my god was that him- his voice is so gahhh if ya know what I mean" I heard Axel say through the phone then a loud smack along with Thea saying 'no we don't speak stupid dumbass'.

"Sorry bout him, he's a bit um how do I put it..not all the way there" I said trying not to laugh when I heard Axel start screaming at me.

"I can tell"

"Oh god, he heard me say his voice was gahh! He probably thinks I'm actually mental, my love life is now ruined" Axel groaned then started to dramatically cry. I just sighed, I mean I couldn't say anything because I be dramatic as fuck too.

I looked over at Chris who turned to look back at his phone but he had an amused grin planted on his lips. Oh?

"Oh are you talking to snowflake?" I heard my amazing other half say through the phone and I quickly went to pay attention to him.

"Ya you wanna day sum?"

"Yah, ay baby?" Xavier took the phone from Thea and showed his face. Damn he's hot.

"What happen dood?" I smiled and he just shook his head.

"Oh everyone wanted to know if your little cousin or whatever had a ride to school? We could take him there since we already go to your house to pick you up, but he'll probably have to be in the trunk unless he calls a seat" Xavier asked and I just shrugged turning my head to look at Chris.

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