Chapter 28

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Disclaimer: I changed the name of this book so that it fits in more with the story and makes the book sound more interesting if that makes sense?

Fun Fact: Axel and Elaina were supposed to end up together 😌✌🏼

Milo's POV

So I was just waking into my first period class with Thea and tell me why when I opened the door deadass everyone looked at me and Thea.

"Oh how lovely, Milo and Thea please do tell why you decided to show up to class when only ten minutes remained left?" The teacher asked giving us attitude. Oop, I forreal forgot we only had like ten minutes left, I'm so used to coming in like 20 minutes late or something so my brain automatically made me think that.

"Girl lettmee tell youu" I started, "basically, what had happen was Axel, he was in the parking lot doing the damn most with my damn cousin! Like child stop" I ranted and I heard a lot of the kids laughing or snickering.

"Just be quiet and head to your seats" the teacher sighed sticking her hand out so both me and Thea can hand in the late slips.

"Y'all!" I clutched my stomach as I started laughing from remembering what Axel said to Thea.

"Can y'all believe t-that Axel told Thea that- AHA that she a wi-AHA-de hip nO ass havin ass bitch!" I wheezed out I deadass couldn't breath, like I was struggling to get into my seat. I sat next to Thea now ever since the Elaina situation.

"Fucking dumbass" Thea gritted her teeth before hitting me hard on the head and sitting down. Everyone tried there hardest not to laugh or even crack a smile, I guess that's what happens when your known as someone not to mess with.

After I calmed down a bit I didn't really do anything since class was basically done, I was just talking to Thea but it was a little weird since everyone was being a little too quiet.

"Bruh I feel like everyone is hella quiet today" Thea whispered to me, I nodded my head in agreement then looked around to see everyone quickly stop staring at us. The fuck?

I turned around so I could face some random guy with dyed blue hair.

"Ay dude?" I tapped on his desk to get his attention.

"You um t-talking to me?" The guy looked at me worried and slightly scared.

"No shit" I giggled and saw his face go red, "anyways I just wanted to know why everyone be staring at me and Thea, like they usually stare but not this much if you know what I mean?" I asked and he looked at me surprised.

"Isn't it obvious? Some person said they saw you get stabbed by Thea when you both went in to beat her up and I guess the rumor spread" he explained and I just looked at him for a second while he was trying his hardest not to make eye contact with me.Shit.

"Do you know who spread this rumor?" I raised a brow.

"Erm no, please don't get mad! Sorry I just don't know! I swear I'm not lying!" He whisper shouted or should I say whisper panicked because this dude looked like he was about to faint.

"Nah it's all good thanks for the help or whatever um, blueberry" I smiled at him giving him a nickname because I didn't know his fucking name.

"That guy totally li-" Thea was cut off by the bell.

"Nah lets go bitch" I said standing up leaving, Thea following me.


I was heading to art class and I was finding it weird how Princess didn't show up to any of the classes I have with her so far. I mean she has been distant, like somedays she would get a phone call and straight away leave the room and minutes later she would tell us she has to go. I need to tell everyone what's up with her because I'm not buying the 'I'm going to Zariah's house' anymore.

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