Chapter 21

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Milo's POV

"What the fuck" I looked at Xavier confused.

"Probably back with her bullshit because Lucas don't want her back, she's like Elaina 2.0" Xavier chuckled and I just laughed.

"What even happened to Elaina anyways" I questioned I mean I don't really remember what happened to her after I got stabbed.

"Honestly I don't know I saw her crawling away from us once we started coming towards you but other then that I don't know, probably just laying on the street like a hobo" Xavier answered and I started laughing imagining Elaina laying on the floor like a starfish.

"I know you stole my shit, do you know how much was in that jar!" We heard the girl scream again and then everything clicked.

She was here because of the weed Lucas stole from her when she was sleeping.

"Ah fuck I guess we gotta get out there" Xavier sighed. "God Lucas why did you have to get with a psycho for weed"

Thea's POV

"I know you stole my shit, do you know how much was in that jar!" Rose, Lucas's psycho ex screamed at Lucas while he was just staring at her confused high as hell.

"Ughhh why did you have to come today out all days Rose" I groaned I mean she should have came earlier or later not the day Milo had to get stabbed by my dumbass.

"Shut the fuck up Thea this isn't about you, so go back to whatever you were doing and mind your own fucking business!" Rose shouted at me and I was not having it first Elaina, then I accidentally stabbed Milo now I have to deal with this bitch, like I thought my day couldn't get any worst but it did.

"Girl can you stop the screaming you getting on my nerves" I sighed already done with her bullshit and went to sit on some bean bag, that's when I remembered one time when I sat on Axels bean bag that he apparently 'claimed' and got stabbed on my leg by him got not getting off. It wasn't a big deal though because he went easy on me, but I'm not making that mistake again.

"I just want to relax but nooo there's always some dumb bitch fucking it up" I heard someone moan out in frustration and I already knew it is was Milo's bitchass.

"Ohhh hey Milo you finally done fucking Xavier" Axel laughed and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Not the time, 'does my ass look fat?' headass" Jack said in a mocking tone and I started laughing forgetting all about Rose. 

"Your so mean to me!" Axel whined.

"Don't worry Axel, one day your gonna get with someone that can put up with your bullshit" Milo patted Axel's back.

"Ya one day, that day better be soon because I'm tired of hook ups"

"Who the fuck is that, another one of Xavier's toys huh?" Rose said all of a sudden breaking the playful tension that me and my friends had.

"Rose, you best know when to keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you" Xavier said in a calm yet threatening tone, even I got chills.

"Ya whatever, your little boy toy or whatever be ugly anyways I mean look at him, he looks like a fucking whore probably spreads his legs to every cute guy he sees" Rose spat out and I balled my hands up into a fist, I looked around a bit to look at everyone and they all seemed on edge too, Xavier looked like he was about to murder this girl. But then I look at Milo.

His ass looked like he was about to laugh any second. Like I would have beaten the shit outta this girl yet here he is amused.

"Holddd up, guys she thinks I ain't a virgin!" Milo laughed excitedly and we all looked at him dumbfounded.

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