Time for the truth

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???: "Find out what?"

Taehyung: "What are you doing here Jimin"

Jimin: "This is my room."

Y/N: "I thought you were out."

Jimin: "It started raining again. What can't I find out?"

Taehyung: "Nothing."

Jimin: "I heard you say it."

Taehyung: "It's nothing Jimin."

Jimin: "You wouldn't have said that if it was nothing!"

-Taehyung already stood up and walked over to him, but Jimin was getting impatient. I finally stood up, but I had no courage to stand in front of him, so I stood behind Taehyung.

Taehyung: "Why don't you calm down first."

Jimin: "You've told him haven't you?"

Y/N: "Jimin I-"

Jimin: "So what you trust him and not me!? For fuck's sake I'm your roommate and I took care of you, twice! Why can't you just tell me!?"

-I was so scared of him right now. I was holding Taehyung by his shirt. I did want to tell him, but I don't want his pitty.

Taehyung: "Why do you even care!? You never care for anyone but yourself!"

Jimin: "I just want to know! I sat there the whole night listening to her say my name and how she wants my help, and she doesn't want me to leave, so I want to know what it is that's making her ask for my help, MINE not YOURS!"

Taehyung: "But yet she came to me when you two fought!"


-I was done listening to them fight. They are best friends and I don't want to be the thing that comes in between them. They were both looking at me waiting to see what I had to say next.

Y/N: "Taehyung, please go back to your room."

Taehyung: "I can stay Love, I have noth-"

Y/N: "Tae please, I need to do this alone."

-He hugged me one last time before leaving the room. I was nervous, but if he wants to know I will tell him. I sat down on my bed and I never took my eyes off of him. He stood still, not moving an inch after my yelling.

Y/N: "Come here, I won't bite."

-He sat down next to me, and I was trying to find a way to tell him, but I had no words. So I just rolled my sleeves up.

Y/N: "You once asked me what are these, they are my past. I never tried to kill myself, it was just a way to help me with all the things that were happening."

-He already had a sympathetic look on his face and I haven't even said the worse part. I sighed before continuing with the story.

Y/N: "The reason why I moved here isn't nice. I wa-"

Jungkook: "Shorty wanna play some GTA!?"

-Great Jungkook came knocking on our door. Maybe it's the universe telling me not to tell Jimin.

Jimin: "She's busy at the moment prick! Go away!"

Jungkook: "But she didn't say-"

Y/N: "Jungkook please leave I think Jimin is about to blow if I don't finish the story I started."

Jimin: "Go on."

Y/N: "As I was saying, the reason why I moved here is because I was bullied."

Jimin: "Bullied?"

Roommate | Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now