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"How much longer are we going to have to sit here and wait? We've been here for almost 8 hours." James whines as Lance turns to glare at him in annoyance as it was the hundredth time he's asked; James, Lance, Lance's family, Shiro, Hunk and Krolia took up all of the seats as I was practically forced to sit on Lance's lap as I was tired.

"You do know that you don't have to be here right? Your entire family literally offered to take you home." Lance points out as James glares back at him before holding my hand, rubbing a finger over my knuckles.

"I'm here for Keith. Not to argue with you." He spits as I roll my eyes at their bickering before getting up to speak to Krolia.

"Hey, mom? Are you okay?" I quietly ask her as she looks away from the silver doors that led to the labor ward to avert her attention to me with a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried for Kolivan. I mean he's tough but we all know how stubborn he can be." She chuckles as I release a sigh before placing a hand on her shoulder.

"He'll be fine. He's strong." I comfort her as she nods once before a tall man walks through the doors in a nurse's uniform and a clipboard.

"K-kolivan's family? His mate and children preferably?" He calls out as Krolia squeezes my hand before dragging me over with her to the nurse.

"That would be us. I'm his mate and this is my child." She sternly addresses the nurse who hands her the clipboard before rubbing his neck. "What is this?"

"Just confirmation. Full name and other information needs to be filled out. As for whose allowed in, family and family friends. 3 at a time as to not disturb the twins. Beautiful babies." The nurse daydreams about the babies before turning to look at me in confusion before his eyes beam bright. "Woah, wait... Keith?"

"Huh?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion before squinting at him. White hair... red... eyes.
"Ezra? Is that...?"

"It is you! Oh my god, how have you been? We should catch up, yeah?" He bubbles happily as I sweat lightly.

"Uh huh, yeah... Wait, did you know--?" I begin to ask while reaching a hand out before a throat clears behind me, reminding me that everyone was watching us. "Right. Give me you number, we'll meet up soon, okay? Actually, can you take time off? Just for a second?"

Feeling eyes stare into the back of my head, I close my eyes as Ezra places a hand on my shoulder; his tail wagging slowly as he tilts his head in confusion before nodding. "For you? Anything."

Walking through the silver doors, he tells Krolia the room she needs to go to and that she could walk right on in as we trail behind her. "So Akira-?"

"Keith. I go by Keith." I quickly cut him off as I clench  my fists, painfully.

"Right, Keith. What did you want to talk about? And who in the world was out there? Was that your family? And you have a mom? That's cool." He slips off into a rant about something before I snap. "And the fact that she's purple is cool too. Is she a cat of some sort? Was your dad a husky or wolf? Maybe--!?"

"I saw Mason and Owen!" I shout as he looks at me with a blank look. "Did you know?"

"That they were released? Yeah I knew a week ago. They contacted me through my mother and threatened me. I got fired from my job as a social worker, so now I'm a nurse assistance here." He gestures around the hospital. "I mean the pay isn't bad, but I liked helping kids get out of situations."

"It's because you're still feeling guilty, isn't it? You're trying hard to make up for what you did to me, aren't you?" I question as he places a hand on my shoulder with the gentlest of smiles.

"I know that nothing can make up for how sorry I am. But I swear that I'm trying. I honestly did not want to go through with it. But when Owen told Mason and I about his plans, my dumb self thought that it was okay. That you were on board, despite you being 3 years younger than us. And you were the first and only person I ever did that too. I feel disgusted by actions each and every day; I even tried to rid the world of myself, then realized it would do no favor. You're still afraid of me..." He whispers as I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not scared of you-!" I try to push through my teeth before getting shoved against the white hospital walls, looking into Ezra's eyes; startled as one of his hands trap me against the wall and the other caught my leg that almost kicked his stomach.

"You're scared of me. You're still traumatized and experiencing the whole mess that happened during that party. Tell me..." He sneers as he pinches my leg, causing me to squeak in pain. "Tell me that you're afraid. Give me some sort of punishment, dammit!"

"Ezra... let go of me." I whisper as tears fill my eyes, the beta backing up from me before I slowly wrap my arms around him.

"I've beaten myself up about how I've treated you so poorly. You deserved an alpha worthy of your first time, not three idiots who you didn't know! My own mother doesn't speak to me, my father looks at me in shame at the fact that I can't get a stable job. My little brother had to give me the message that the two were released. He's only 9, he shouldn't have to hear that his brother helped rape an omega; that his older brother is criminal." He cries out as I hug him tighter, shaking my head.

"It's okay. It's going to take awhile, but I can learn to forgive you. I won't forget what you did, and I'll still hold you accountable. You're not a bad guy. You just got wrapped up with the wrong people, that's all. That's why I agreed for you to only serve 2 years probation. You were willing to attest for your crimes on your own recognizance." I pull away from the hug, smiling at him as he returns it.

"Your alpha is really lucky to have you. Speaking of which, is James your-?" He begins to ask as I wave him off, placing my hand on the handle of the door belonging to Kolivan.

"James is and always be my best friend and brother. My alpha is here however, so be prepared to meet him. Considering that we're... acquaintances now." I smile before entering the room to see Kolivan and Krolia, both with a baby in there hand. "They're small..."

"Most Galra are small, but grow up to be bigger than you'd expect." Kolivan explains with somehow a boost in energy as my ears perk up at the stern yet gruff voice that responded. Before I could say anything howevver, he raised a hand up to stop me. "Omega Galra have very high pain tolerance and are able to bounce back 10 times stronger. Which explains a lot about you, doesn't it?"

"It... actually does." I smile at him before sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at my mom and her mate coo at their children. "So what are their names?"

"Well... we were thinking something like Ayako and Asahi because she is a cute baby and he's the morning sunshine during the darkness of night in which he was born." Krolia explains as the baby girl grabs her finger. "What do you think?"

"Do you have this thing with A names? First me, now my little brother and sister?" I chuckle before Kolivan hands me the small boy. The baby whines a bit before settling into my arms happily. Rubbing a finger on his cheek, I whisper lowly.

"Don't steal my spotlight too much, okay Asa? I'll be here to protect you and Aya."


I honestly had no names planned and forgot to ask for them in the last official chapter, so I improvised. Ayako Ji Kogane and Asahi Yuma Kogane. I mean, Kolivan doesn't have a last name and neither does Krolia so they might as well keep the Kogane last name consistent. It's what Kenneth would have wanted.

But besides that! Ayako literally means cute baby in Japanese and Asahi means morning sunshine which is ironic considering that he was born in the darkest of nights. Do you like the names? If you could have named the twins, what would you have named them?

~Shadow Out!🌑

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