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Le birth- This isn't going to be very long. At most less than 500 words.


"Keith, do you know where Hunk and Pidge are? I've been looking for them for over an hour so I can discuss the plans for our wedding and they both completely disappeared. Little bite should be born soon as well so we don't have much time to plan if we want the baby to be able to attend. Shiro hasn't been acting like himself either since we went back into space and it's just a bit hectic." Lance rambles as he walks around the room in distress, his tail swishing hypnotically as he does so while I rub my quiet big belly.

"They're probably trying to fix up things with the castle. You know how Shiro likes baby proofing things and the other two are probably decreasing instability with landing since it's still a bit shaky. We'll be-..." I speak calmly before freezing, feeling a harsh kick from my abdomen as well as a cold feeling pooling in between my legs.

"I know, I know. But when we need them most, they're always gone! Like I don't understand-..."


"Understand how they can just go MIA now, but during a mission-..."


"Mission they can appear from literally nowhere like it was nothing-!"

"Lance! My water broke..." I hiss, grabbing my stomach as he finally looks at me before his eyes grew wide.

"I-it's coming? N-now? Really?" He questions as I nod slowly, watching as he goes into pre-parental panic. "Fuck! The baby's coming!"

"G-get them... shit." I groan as another contraction surges through my body as he opens the door in panic.

"Guys! It's time! The baby's coming!" He bellows into the halls after opening the room. After 5 seconds of waiting, everyone appears from nowhere like he was talking about; discussing the most effective way to help assist me.

"Lay back Keith. Doing it in your nest will make you calmer than if we laid you on a metal table and told you to push." Pidge pushes up her glasses as Coran walks over to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Let Coran help you lay back. I'll send Hunk to get some refreshments and Lance will stay by your side. Shiro and Allura, make sure we don't have any threats for the next few hours."


9 hours. 9 very painful and stressful hours of screaming and pushing only to hear a very satisfying cry of new life. The umbilical cord was cut by Lance as I let tears of relief stream down my cheeks, tiredly looking up at the ceiling while breathing harshly. "It's a boy."

"What's the name you both came up with?" Pidge asks, clipboard in hand as she holds a phone to her ear. "I'm on the line with a doctor on Earth so that way we can fill out the birth certificate. You both can sign it after your wedding."

Looking at Lance, he smiles as Coran hands me our son for me to hold. He's bloodied and slimy considering that he was just born. His crying didn't slow down and right as he was placed into my arms, he was taken out as Coran carefully rushed to get him cleaned up. "Are we going with that name?"

"I don't see why not." I smile weakly, my eyes closing with exhaustion a bit; fighting my instinct to sleep. "T-tell them..."

"Salvador Akio Kogane-McClain." Lance nods at Pidge as she repeats to the doctor as she scribbles it down for us. "You get some rest, okay?"



Aww, baby Sal is born~!

~Shadow Out!🌑

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