Chap. 2

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Kylo Ren's POV
I was absolutely infatuated with this woman. But what surprised me most was how her demure was quite reserved yet modest. Her saber was almost identical to mine. She was bold and held herself high, despite the storm troopers all pointing their blasters at her.

Surely, some storm troopers were questioning my power since someone so demanding was aboard the Finalizer and knowing my name. Though I've never met her in my entire existence or heard of her. I cleared my throat to somewhat establish my dominance and placed my hands behind my back, taking a few steps closer to where this woman was standing at the open hatch of her ship.
"Do you dare challenge me aboard my ship?" I state with a bold tone, keeping myself confident and staring right at her. Luckily, with my mask on and attire..there was nothing questionable with how I carried myself.

"Kylo Ren...knights of Ren." She spoke calmly, deactivating her saber and attaching it back to her hip and I took that quick moment to savour it. My eyes scanning over her outfit that proudly boasted her figure and my my, what a figure she had. She was fit. Of course her and no one else was able to see what I was doing, but I kept my thoughts protected. She was clearly the one who I was hearing and able to communicate with, besides Rey.
"Take her to the interrogation chambers." I mention, looking at her one last time and turning away with two storm troopers following closely behind me. As soon as we exited the docking bay and down a maze of hallways until I got to my chambers. I quickly pulled off my helmet and sat at the edge of my bed, folding my hand into a fist and resting my chin on it.

"She's the one that's been in my mind and communicating."
"Her body..."
"Her eyes..."

I frowned at the very thoughts that were wandering in my mind and let out a quite sigh, standing up from the bed and brushing out my dark cloak. I took a couple strides to the door parallel with my bed, reaching to push a button that opened the doors. There laid the helmet of my grandfather that gave me a strong sheer will, kneeling down in front and bowing my head for a few moments. "Give me strength.." I mumbled, placing my helmet back on my head as I stood back up. Without wasting another second I made my way to the interrogation chamber where this woman was being held for me to 'deal with' entirely.

"Is she in there without anything?" I ask, stopping at the door and looking at the nearby stormtrooper who then stood at attention and nodded his head. "Yes, Supreme Leader. She is without her cloak and saber." He stated before standing back at his post, giving him a nod as the go ahead to open the door. There she was, sitting on a lone chair with her arms crossed over her chest and her legs crossed; still holding her confidence. She looked up at me from her lap and smirked.

"Oh, that smirk as if she knew everything that was going on in my mind. Which she probably did." I thought to myself.

She looked at me with those eyes that she knew how to take me down, how to dominate me, how to take over my mind. "Hmm." I hum, taking a few steps into the room that had bright white walls but shiny black floors and kneeling a foot away from her, just examining her stature and appearance. "Where have you come from?" I ask, folding my hands on my knee that held me up, keeps my eyes focused on her as I awaited her response. "The Andromeda Galaxy. A weeks trip with light speed to your own galaxy." She quickly mutters with a shrug of her shoulders, moving to sit up right and lean closer towards me.
What about me was not intimidating to her? She didn't shy way but almost 'threw herself' at me. She was clearly taunting me and I wasn't ignoring that one bit. I furrowed my face underneath my mask and stood up on my feet again, taking slow strides around her chair as I surveyed her a bit more. "What brings you to our own galaxy?" I ask clearly, stopping as I stood in front of her once again and making what seemed like eye contact as she stared right back at the silver slit across my helmet.

"You clearly have no order in this galaxy..from what we observed was a constant clash between The Resistance and The First Order. They sent me to bring order." She claims, crossing her arms once again and leaning back in her chair. Oh, that tone of voice and stare she had.

"She needs to be shown who's in control." I thought to myself with a small smirk forming on my face.

"What makes you think you can do such a thing by yourself?" I ask once more, it was odd for even myself to be asking questions that involved the fate of our galaxy and who would rule once and for all. It was out of my nature and I did not want to sound like I worried, but she had a powerful atmosphere to her and would it be wrong of me to take her as an apprentice? My train of thought was interrupted as she decided to speak. "I've been trained to be ruthless... unforgiving. Strong with the Force and lethal with the lightsaber that was handcrafted for me alone. To join the Dark Side to bring order once and for all." She hissed, quickly standing to her feet and taking a few steps to advance towards me. Our height difference was captivating to me. And she most certainly took control of that.

I was almost at a loss for words. She wanted to join us..voluntarily. Do I dare say she was almost as dark as me? If not more? Before even allowing her to take one step closer, simply with a wave of my index and middle finger; she was pushed back into her seat. "Now now, if you are telling the truth..I would consider taking you as an apprentice." I state, walking back towards her and leaning down, placing my hands on each of the arm rest until she was trapped underneath me. She leaned back just a bit but our faces were inches away; normally I wouldn't ever take my helmet off for a first meeting but her thoughts were loud. "Is he even human? A monster? A hybrid?" She thought loudly.
I chuckled and brought up one hand to push a small button, awaiting for the mouth piece to pop out until I pulled it off completely; using the Force to set the helmet down by my feet. "Now that you see I am in fact human, mind telling me your true intentions?" I say boldly, staring right back into her emerald hazel green eyes that had me hooked.
I saw her eyes move down my facial features, making me chuckle at the sight before I used one hand to grip her chin to bring her eye level back to mine.

"If only she knew the things I'd do to her right in this room." I thought clearly, using effort to protect that very thought from her.

"You're the one I've been sent to see." She states, her body shifting underneath my control as I kept her sitting in the chair, bringing back down my hand to the arm rest. I've always sought out power and would she be the one to help me accomplish such a thing?

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