Chap. 22

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Kylo Ren's POV
I was very close to asking a rather huge question to Jade, but as usual of all people, Hux was the one to put a stop to it. It was going to be the one thing that would probably mean a lot to me at least once in my life. Obviously that might be quite surprising coming from a person like me who probably seems cold as stone, no feelings whatsoever; half of that might be true if I do say so myself. "Just come on, we need to finish this." I spoke sternly, not once looking back at Jade as we started to make our way to the docking bay. It must of been pretty clear to her that I was very irritated and that would only mean that I would be putting a wall very soon. But she was the only person to get through all of that. I was completely thrown off from my train of thought and what I was 'planning' in my head; then again, it was probably the worst time to even ask her. It wasn't too long until we got to the bottom of my ship, reaching up effortlessly to retrieve the ladder and opening the hatch; allowing Jade to go in ahead of me. "As soon as we are in the atmosphere, with or without us, you storm that cave and retrieve all the teens." I commanded to the nearby stormtrooper was awaiting orders; soon enough there was a few loading ships at the ready to takeoff at any second.
"Kylo. What was it that you were going to ask me?" Jade piped in, as I was climbing into my ship, but I barely heard her when I was lifting the ladder and closing the hatch securely. Yet it was mainly in efforts to just drain her out.

"It was nothing, Jade. Really." I spoke in response, but not even moving an inch to look in her direction and taking a few steps until I was seated in the front and beginning to press multiple buttons to prepare my ship for takeoff. Just knowing her and her somewhat questioning nature, she wasn't going to leave it alone and she was the one to get what she wants. I could definitely give her that. I could absolutely not handle when someone would ruin my train of thought or what I would have perfectly planned out in my head; it was as if everything had to go the exact way I would envision it inside my head. "Let's carry on with the mission, shall we?" I add once more to rid of the silence between us; it was clear to me that she was going to attempt to pry her way into my thoughts but there was going to be none of that. Before there were any free moments of being able to speak up, The Finalizer came to a halt and the numerous loading ships took off in an instant. What a wasteland this place seemed like. My ship lifting off and speeding down to the land of Jakku, coming up to a cave that looked more than obvious as boulders held up a makeshift entrance. There were stormtroopers easily blasting the weak boulders into pieces with their blasters as I lowered my ship to the ground, quickly working to get on the ground with them. Before I was going to head straight for the single file of teens, Jade reached out to grab my arm to stop me. It almost infuriated me in an instant that she'd such a thing. "Wait..I can feel something amongst those kids." She spoke, glancing up at me to simply look at my eyes despite me wearing my mask as half of her face was covered as well. "So be it." I mumbled as my voice was filtered, retrieving my hand away from my lightsaber and moving my arm from her grip. It was a bit that she seemed like she was giving 'mercy' to these kids, but she was a powerful woman. I walked over to stand a few feet away from the kids and the troopers who were filing them into the loading ships; establishing dominance in the situation in case any of them were to try any funny business and try to be the hero here.

"Those two." A voice states behind me, knowing very well that it was Jade and I followed to where she was pointing to two tall boys with their heads down. They were slightly a little more built than some of the other boys, they carried an aura that screaming 'please don't notice me' which gave them away fairly quick. "Very well." I answer, motioning for Jade to stay put before I advanced further and watching the two boys as they came to a stop when I stopped them right in their tracks by using The Force. Their expressions of fear and worry were beyond satisfying to me. Within seconds the two boys were on their knees in front of me and it was brave of them to look up at me. "My Lady says she senses something from you two." I spoke sternly, motioning behind next as Jade slowly walked over to join me by my side. They were peculiar boys and they seemed confident enough already, but still so intimidated by me and Jade. "We know nothing of what you talk about." One spoke, averting his gaze back down to the sandy ground; everyone else shuffling around us as the troopers loaded up the kids onto the loading ships. These numbers were going to be more than enough for what we had initially planned.

"They'll speak." Jade stated, waving over a couple of our own to take them onto the ships; the troopers aggressively picking them up off the ground and carrying them away. Of course when it came to my ego; I'm not one to even admit that Jade was somewhat more powerful than me in some areas. "I'll leave you in charge of them. I'll handle the rest." I explain, glancing down at Jade for a quick moment and giving her a nod before I turned away to make my way back to the ship. Think of my evening entirely ruined when General Hux piped into my moment with Jade. It was still not left alone and it was coursing inside my head when my next opportunity would be. "After you." I say, taking a step away to allow her to climb into the pod before me; although among my mood and barrier in the moment, last thing I would want to do is shut out Jade before I'm about to ask her a very important question. I climbed up soon after her and closed the hatch, watching intently as the loading ships began to lift off and make their way back to The Finalizer. "Now, will you tell me?" Her voice spoke once more which only began to irritate me.
"Not now." I mutter, giving her a bit of a shove to make my way to the seat in front. "You're not one to keep secrets." She added, surely it was going to be her intent to get it out of me or to get me absolutely heated. "One more demand out of you and I'll have no choice but to show you your place with me. And me only." I state, standing up from my seat and removing my mask; setting it on the pad of many buttons and controls, turning on my heel to face her. "Why won't you make me?" She hissed, crossing her arms across her chest and that was my breaking point. She knew just how to get to the very centre of me.
"You're very well aware of what I have in mind, don't you, my Lady?" I say, taking a few steps towards her and lifting my hand to rip away the fabric that covered half her face and my hand immediately moving to her throat, digging my fingers slightly into her delicate skin. Not enough to hurt her, but to keep her right where she stood on her feet. "You want this." I chuckled, leaning down to place a few light kisses to her jawline and hearing her breathing become heavier within minutes. She'll have all of it. Of me. In here.

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