Chap. 23

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Jade's POV
It was as if I had gotten him right where I wanted him. The thought in the back of my mind that I should never taunt Kylo, but what would become of if was fun...sometimes. A small smirk tugging on the corner of my lip as he had backed me up to the wall, closing the space between our bodies. Which were very much hungry for any kind of touch or any amount of pleasure. "Do what you want, won't you?" I mumble, bringing my hand up to push back my hood and placing my hands by my sides.
Just knowing Kylo, he very much wanted me to be submissive.
"On your knees. Now." He spoke sternly, his hands already undoing the button and zipper of his black pants. I wasted no time and slowly lowered myself down onto my knees, licking over my lips. My hands were placed on his now exposed thighs, leaning up just a little as he placed his hardened member at my lips just awaiting entry. "Open." He hissed, slowly stroking himself and all I did was look up at him through hooded eyelashes. This moment was immensely filled with lust and dominance. From Kylo. "Yes." I whispered, opening up my mouth and without another second wasted. He pushed himself into my mouth but it wasn't quite enough to hurt me in any way or even hit the back of my throat. His hands now out of the way to allow me to do my work. I used one hand to pump the base of his member that I simply couldn't take into my mouth, the other staying on his thigh. Slowly picking up a steady rhythm of bobbing my head up and down, moaning every once in awhile to had vibrations for a sensation. The noise of me doing such actions mixed with Kylo's groans and moans from the building pleasure.
I simply knew that I was doing quite a good job from the way he was reacting every second. I didn't want to waste any time and steadily began to pick up my rhythm. "F-Fuck." He muttered through gritted teeth, his hand was now at the back of my head to guide me a bit further. He had not given me any type of warning which sort of caught me off guard. I felt his hot seed hit the back of my throat followed by a few groans and his tense body, immediately halting my movements and slowly pulling away from him and swallowing without any hesitation. "Now there's a good girl." He smirked, brushing a few loose strands of hair from my face. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner as I stood back up on my feet, licking over my lips as we both fixed ourselves up.
"It's definitely time we head back up before anyone suspects anything." I spoke with a quick wink, watching I felt as he moved to the front of his ship to do just that. He always knew how to take charge of any situation and get what he wants, but soon enough he was going to have to get used to not getting that much from me.

When we were aboard the Finalizer, the troopers were lining up all the teens in two single file lines, the lot of them having their hands and ankles in restraints. I fixed up my hood and the face covering which covered half of my face as usual before walking over to the hatch, my very thoughts stuck on those two teens that struck me first. It had almost reminded me of my own galaxy and the things we had done to build such an army. Kylo opened the hatch and lowered the ladder, allowing me to go first; in which he followed close behind. "Bring those two to the training arena straight away. No restraints. And stay until we arrive." I say sternly to a nearby stormtrooper, motioning to the two teens who were separated from the others. They were going to make quite the addition to The Final Order.  It was all coming together slowly.
My thoughts were quickly interrupted by General Hux who was well on his way to getting on my last nerve. If it was going to be anyone else, it was going to be me who would get rid of him for being so irritating. "Before you say any word, Hux. We will leave you to get these kids ready for processing and training. To their new squadrons. And one slip up the next two days, you will be me." I state, keeping my gaze firm towards him. The hint of nervousness in his eyes was very satisfying. This was just the taste of power I had over those since I had arrived here. He nodded and turned away rather quickly to carry on with the duties I had just placed on his shoulders. "Very well, My Lady. Shall we?" Kylo piped in, motioning that we leave the docking bay to make our way to the training area.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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