Chap. 12

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Kylo Ren's POV
She sure did rescue me for a brief moment back there, but I was still holding it against her about what had just happened awhile ago with that stormtrooper and the fight we had in the arena. She made my blood boil like no other and I'm sure I did the exact same with her. We were legitimately at each other's throats before the Resistance had showed up and wreaked havoc on our ship. But luckily as always, we were ready for them. I soon trailed off from my thoughts and did not slow down my steps in efforts to let Jade catch up to me. "You. Inform Lady Jade that we are needed in the conference room with the Supreme Council." I say quickly, motioning for the two stormtroopers to be on their way and they saluted before obeying my command. As soon as I had arrived in the conference room, there was an uproar of voices yelling at each other; no doubt about the attack that had just happened. "General Pryde. Tell me everything." I muttered, standing at the edge of the table as they all went silent. He stood from his seat and cleared his throat before placing his hands behind his back. "Supreme Leader. We lost two cannons and they are being repaired as we speak. There have been 207 casualties but more Resistance scum covered our floors. And..." He explained but he slowly started to trail off and looked at the others. Which began to irritate me greatly, keep in mind that I have yet to cool down from today's activities.

"Spit it out, Pryde!" I yelled, leaning over the slightest to slam the palms of my hands on the table which gave everyone a jolt of surprise. Everyone on their ship knew better than to keep me waiting. Just before he started to open his mouth to finish speaking, the sound of the doors opening behind me could only mean that Jade had just joined us. "Lady Jade's presence with us is known by the Resistance, meaning that we lost the advantage of leverage against them." Pryde finished before he sat back down his seat, averting his gaze to the table. Jade was able to easily sense my anger, just as I felt hers. "And that wouldn't of happened if your Supreme Leader hadn't hidden such information that there were two others just like us in The Resistance!" Jade exclaimed, clearly making her presence known in the room. She had quite the mouth on her and she still remained ruthless as ever, not letting anyone stay above her. Including me. She had the chance to take off my head.

"If not more." Hux added, which he was soon going to regret and with his last word; I activated my saber and hit the table twice in complete anguish. Jade didn't even budge. It was clear that everyone afraid of us, easily sensing that she was on her last nerve. "I'm sure we both expect a new plan coming from these Generals are wise enough to do so. Besides, if it wasn't for me going down into action while you cowered up here, your Supreme Leader Kylo Ren wouldn't be here right now." Jade spoke confidently, eyeing each of the generals and shooting me a look before she started walking out of the conference room. I quietly sighed behind my mask and deactivated my saber, placing it at my hip. As stubborn and angry as I was, she was right. "I expect a full plan to be ready by tomorrow morning." I commanded, turning on my heel to follow after her. The way we both were brought up, it was clear that neither of us was going to step up and apologize. She was to be ruthless and unforgiving. I was to be held high and emotionless. But who was I to ignore the calmness when it came to being so close to her. It was something I haven't felt in a number of years.

I started to make my way to her chambers where I had hoped to find her, my instincts leading me on the right path and there she was; slumped at the edge of her bed. Her slowing heartbeat was heard in my mind and steady breathing, she leaned against her knees and held her hands together. "Jade.." I start rather quietly, taking a few steps in and waiting for the now fixed doors to close behind me. "What is it that you want, Kylo?" She mumbled, not moving an inch to look my way. It was hard on my so called ego to build it up inside me to say these words, especially to a woman. But she was no ordinary woman. She was powerful. "I'm..." I start but followed it with a sigh, reaching up to lift my helmet off my head after the mouth piece came out. "Sorry..for earlier. I know for a fact that you can handle yourself and...for helping me off my ass." I finish, taking a few short strides and was standing in front of her at the edge of her bed. I placed my helmet on the bed beside her before kneeling down in front of her, taking her smaller hands into mine and using my other hand to grip her chin in order to guide her eyes to make contact with mine. "You're fine." She breathed out, almost hesitantly moving out of my grip but I kept a gentle grip to keep her from moving away. I saw a certain hint of contentment in her eyes, taking a quick glance at her lips and back up to her eyes. Her hands slowly slipping from mine to caress the sides of my neck, she tugged me towards her and our lips met instantly and perfectly.

She had to know I was sorry and I was going to show her it. In another way that she absolutely deserves in this bed.

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