Chap. 20

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Kylo Ren's POV
It had to be the adrenaline of our entire situation, one minute we were running into a huge line of fire taking down one after the other, the next minute Jade had Rey being carried off to one of our troop carriers; and the last one, she assisted me to have Luke's now lifeless body lying on the ground in between us. "One more shall we?" I spoke, swinging my saber a couple times and she shook her head; taking a few steps towards me and placing her hand on my chest. "Leave her. If she tries to reach you once more, it'll take everything in her. Let her go." Jade spoke, which had really surprised me. It was almost unlike her, considering how ruthless she could be. So unforgiving and deadly. "Supreme Leader! We have everything!" A stormtrooper called, which took Jade's attention way and she waved him off. "We're done here, Kylo." She added once more and I nodded in agreement before we began to run off back to my ship. I didn't even take a second to take a glance at Luke's lifeless body and the chaos that surrounded us. We began to fall back to be on-board the Finalizer again.
I landed my ship back in the docking bay, pressing various buttons to have everything in place for the next takeoff; hearing Jade shuffle behind me to start opening the hatch.

Yet, I moved swiftly to remove my helmet, placing it on my seat and then reaching over to grip her wrist, tugging her up to stand upright and spinning her to face me; backing her up against the wall of my circular ship. "You are such a remarkable woman and for taking control back there." I breathed out with a smirk building on my lips, keeping her pinned between my bigger body and the mechanical wall behind her. "Why wouldn't I?" She replied with an innocent looking smile like as if nothing was going on. As soon as she stopped speaking, I leaned down to press my lips against hers and quickly made the kiss rather passionate and full of need. She was what I needed. Always. My hands gripped onto the small curve of her waist to keep her pinned but as soon as I felt her hands on me; I broke the kiss. "Don't get ahead of yourself now, hmm?" I hummed, soon pulling from her body and kneeling down to open the hatch and letting down the ladder; the distraught look on her face was more than amusing. We soon began to make our way back into the main hallways of the Finalizer, glancing to my side as she soon joined me. "Rude of you to start such a thing." She spoke with clear annoyance in her voice which only made me feel more satisfied with my actions.

"Supreme Leader. The prisoner is in her cell and is starting to wake up." The nearest imperial officer spoke and I didn't so much as give a look or a nod, just a simple wave of my hand. "You can take care of it." I suggested, placing my hand on Jade's shoulder as she looked at me for some further instruction. "In your own way." I add on, giving a small tap on her shoulder before departing ways with her; she didn't hesitate for another second and started walking in the separate direction opposite of me as I made my way to my own chambers. Beginning to sense Jade more than Rey seemed more peaceful; not having to listen to Rey's almost constant nagging of the sort to come back. As Ben. Not Kylo. But it was far too late since the day Jade had stepped foot on my ship. She brought me into the place that I needed to be in, in the Final Order. We were going to be powerful rulers of this very galaxy soon. It had to have been at least a couple hours or even few, considering the fact I had woken up lying down in my bed with my helmet still on.

Just as I was sitting up the doors to my chambers opening up with a quiet 'hissing' sound and I looked over to see Jade walking in, wearing her usual black silk night gown that ended just above her knees. "I trust..." I started with a small pause to take a moment to remove my helmet finally, setting it on the chair closest to my bed, "that you dealt with our prisoner very well." I finish as I stood up to my feet and removed my cape along with my cardigan like top until I was only now in my black pants and black long sleeve shirt. "Very much so. She'll definitely need her rest for a day or two." Jade answered, gently flicking her hands from what I assumed was physical contact with Rey. I chuckled quietly as I pulled my shirt over my head and placed it on the nearby chair as well, kicking off my boots without much effort. "My Lady can be more dark than I originally presumed." I mumbled, walking over to Jade and taking her hands in mine; her knuckles becoming a small hint of purple. She was definitely a fighter and that was another thing that instantly drew my attention to her. She didn't take shit from anybody, including me. We were an absolute clash but we fit so well together in other words. I leaned down a bit to place a ghost like kiss to her forehead before tugging her to the bed along with me; she mindlessly climbed into the silk sheets after I turned out the lights. Then removing my pants with a few swift movements and tossing them aside before joining Jade in between the sheets. Her body was still so perfect with mine, fitting like a missing puzzle piece that was missing for years on end. Everything was right about having her here beside me, putting everything into motion, showing me who I really was, and bringing out something in me I never knew I really had. "I'll have a..surprise for you in the morning." I whispered, holding her petite but firm body against me as she rested her head on my chest. But with no response, I knew she had fallen asleep.
With that, it didn't take me very long to fall asleep soon after her. I had never really met someone who could make me so calm yet build up a huge rage inside of me whenever she wanted to. I knew she was the one I wanted by side to rule the galaxy. Very soon.

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