Chap. 5

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(Y/N)'s POV
I took a deep breath as soon as Kylo had left my chambers, leaving me in this rather large room and it was quiet enough to just hear myself think. Today had many twists and turns, which I wasn't really planning or expecting, to say the least. But it was all going according to plan, the plan I was sent here with. It would work completely well or it might not. Kylo Ren was letting me in rather quick, especially our 'moment' we had shared in the training arena. I knew that the both of us just weren't simply going to ignore the pull between us, it was way too strong and it all seemed to ease as soon as we shared that kiss. "They definitely didn't train me in the area of feeling or finding love." I sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bed to undo the straps of my boots and kicked them off my feet. Yet, they did train me to almost not have a good side of my conscious which would aid me in killing anyone that I needed to. I did have a rather long day, especially with the weeks of travel to get here. I stood up from the bed and slowly walked to the full bathroom that had a walk in, glass surrounded shower; already stripping off my clothes and tossing them aside. The dual we had really got me sweaty and I just had to get out of my uniform.
I wasted no time in jumping in the shower, the hot water running over my body.

The water always aided me to draining out anyone's voices and any thoughts, so that it was just merely me and the sound of running water. The water engulfing every delicate curve of my body, every crease, every scar. I was just the age of 22 and was brought up strictly; to make me become the person I am today. It's not exactly rainbows and butterflies.
Yet, have I been able to find out who my parents are or where I even came from; it's as if that part of my life was erased from my memories.
"Be strong. Be ruthless. Be angry. Be unforgiving."

"Be relentless."

"Show no mercy."

"You are above everyone else."

"You are one of a kind. You can take control."

"There is no one else above you, expect me."

These thoughts constantly ran through my head when it came to facing my enemies. When it came to establishing my dominance and showing my dark side for power. I know it's exactly what Kylo needs and wants in The First Order. To rule the entire galaxy. ~~ I trailed off from my train of thought as I slowly reached down in between my legs with my hand, running my index and middle finger over my wet folds that definitely were not wet from the water. I sighed at my own touch and hung my head as I closed my eyes, using my thumb to slowly start rubbing my clit.
The thought of Kylo's hands on my waist and squeezing was enough to give me a sensation when we shared that kiss in the arena. His hands that ran along my sides.. his body against mine.. his lips on mine.. the heat from our bodies.
I placed one hand on the wall in front of me to support myself as I pushed two fingers inside of me, coaxing myself with the very lustful thoughts of Kylo. Everything that was running through my head and what I was imaging was enough to help me reach my climax within minutes. The sensation radiating throughout my entire body, taking a few moments to catch my breath before I started to wash up my entire body and long hair with the provided essentials in the shower, turning off the water as soon as I had finished and stepped out of the shower. I picked up a towel that wrapped perfectly around my figure, barely beneath the curve of my bum. My thoughts were interrupted by hearing the doors of my chambers open from the bathroom which was a bit odd since the last I looked at the clock it was 10:30pm.

"Your thoughts are very loud, Lady (Y/N)." Kylo called, which sent a chill up my spine. Did he really just hear all of that? I must of not concentrated enough to protect my thoughts and was way too caught up in the pleasure I provided myself with. Besides, I knew my confidence and where I stood; taking one last look in the mirror and ran my fingers through my long hair before bravely walking to the door and opening it up. There he stood at my chamber doors, in just his black pants and boots. He was shirtless. This man continued to surprise me more and more. The way his chest and abdomen was so defined with muscle along with his arms. His hair casually pushed back from his face. I wasn't normally put under such pressuring situations, especially one where you got caught red handed by something so sensual. A rosy tint appearing on my cheeks as I stepped out further from the bathroom to make my way to the closet that had the provided clothing for me. "You most definitely were not supposed to hear all that." I mention, opening up the doors to the closet and searching through it for something suitable for the night as my other hand held onto my towel.

"Oh, but I did hear it all. And may or may not have seen you." He said rather quickly, taking a few short strides until he stood behind me. I felt his presence behind me and that made me feel the slightest intimidated because him and I both knew the sensual and sexual power we had over one another. "Hmm. Why don't you hold this?" I hum, not hesitating to pull off the towel from my body and tossing it behind my shoulders for him to catch. I leaned over the slightest bit to retrieve the undergarments, slipping on the underwear and bra before slipping on the black silk, shirt night gown.
"You have a way of teasing, don't you?" He chuckled, letting the towel drop to the floor and took a step back so that I was able to turn around in order to face him after I closed the closet doors. He has no idea what I am capable of doing to him. "With you..any kind of teasing is satisfying to me." I sigh softly with a sly smirk on my lips as I crossed my arms and lifted my head to make eye contact with Kylo who was already staring right back at me.

Lust. Was all that was seen in his eyes. Pure want and need.

There was no more need for motions or words as our bodies collided against each other, his strong arms wrapping around my smaller waist as my arms went up to wrap around his neck. Our lips pressing to each other in pure need, humming against his lips as we kissed passionately. The pull that was screaming between us early was yet again quiet and calm. I slowly eased my hands into his dark locks and gave a small tug, hearing a groan emerge from his mouth against my own as his tongue slowly made its way into mine, fighting for dominance. "Easy there, Kylo.." I breathed out with a smirk before he shook his head and resumed our kiss, he was quick to reach down to the back of my thighs and I took the signal rather quickly; jumping up until my legs wrapped around his torso. His hands moving to caress my bum, slowly walking over to the bed and laying us both down skillfully without breaking our kiss.
Heavy and fast breathing was echoing in the room, with the sound of our lips moving together in sync. He settled in between my legs after I shuffled further up the bed until I rested my head on the silk pillows. My body felt like it was on fire and so did his, pulsating with heat as he rested his body against mine. My hands slowly feeling up his arms and to his back that was flexing effortlessly, a small chill going over my body as he slowly pushed up my night gown until he reached just under my breasts. "I want all of you, (Y/N). Now." He breathed out, breaking our kiss the slightest as he bit my lower lip and gave it a small tug. Who was I to say no to such a man?

Everything about this felt so right.. it was just what my soul was screaming for. To be with someone who shared such power. To connect raw and pure energy.

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