Chap. 19

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Jade's POV
Everything will soon be falling into place and it was going to be all very worth it. To have full control and power over everything and everyone. This is what I was trained to do and become, to achieve full power and I was starting to believe that this where it was all going to start. "We should get going since we have..situations to rid of." I spoke, glancing up at Kylo as he nodded in agreement. We need to hit The Resistance unexpectedly just as they did with us and why not do it all at an ungodly hour. We walked side by side to the command deck once again, Kylo gave orders to head straight for D'Qar; this could no longer wait until tomorrow. It was obvious that the both of us were itching to get this done. We needed to. It was merely the instinct inside of us that was pushing us to do so. "We'll be there in a couple of hours and I suggest we go over the plan of attack once more, so we're ready for a quick in and out." Kylo suggests and I thought for a few moments before agreeing with his proposition. "We need to get rid of the two that distract you." I say sternly, still staying close to his side as we entered the command deck. Imperial officers readying our departure to D'Qar. "Supreme Leader, your ship is ready for when we arrive and along with Empress Jade, she will be able to accompany you in your ship from now on." Allegiant General explained to Kylo as I overlooked everyone else carrying out their duties.

The wound on my right side was somewhat distracting and the throbbing was gonna have to wait a little longer until this was all over. "If you need the medical attention, you have all the time you need until we arrive." Kylo spoke up as he looked down at me but he kept his voice quiet enough for me to hear; considering the fact that he probably wanted everyone to fear me just as much as they did with him. I shook my head and kept my focus straight ahead, clearing my mind and focusing half of my attention on the wound to speed up the healing process. We were trained differently and this is just one of the things I was taught to do. "I just need focus on my wound and what's in front of me. Everything will be fine." I reassured, glancing up at him for a quick moment before we hit light speed to get to our destination. We were firm with our stance and I was sort of lost in my own little word. If had to be done with my own hand to get rid of Rey and Luke; so be it. Everything needed to go smoothly and according to plan. "Let's go." I stated, turning around rather quickly and making my way to the docking bay as soon as the Allegiant General said that we were 10 minutes out from D'Qar. Kylo wasn't far from behind me and it must of been new to him to have someone taking the first steps in front of him. When we had reached the docking bay, I knew exactly which ship was his. "Obvious much?" I joke with a small hint of laughter in my voice, pulling my hood over my head as I then allowed Kylo to lead the way into his ship. "And you probably wouldn't be any more obvious when you get your own one day." He teased, opening the bottom hatch and lowering a ladder before we both went up.

He got into his seat when I was inside and I brought up the ladder, closing the hatch securely. "I can already sense Rey and Luke nearby, but they're not aware of us..yet." Kylo spoke, readying his ship for take off as soon as the second would hit. "Stay close to me and they won't even hear you coming." I suggest, taking just a couple steps until I stood behind him and leaned down to place a kiss to the side of his helmet. He shook his head slightly and the Allegiant General's voice came over the intercom; "Take off is a go now, Supreme Leader." He spoke and with that, Kylo hovered his ship and quickly left the docking bay with other storm troopers following in their own ships. He landed at a reasonable distance but I noticed multiple soldiers already taking notice of our incoming; the familiar noise alerting them. "Now, now. Let's go!" I stated, already moving to the back to open up the hatch as soon as he landed, lowering the ladder and climbing down; jumping off from where I was and grabbing my lightsaber from my hip. I began to advance towards the main area of the base, luckily there wasn't a huge number, considering how much we took out when they first attacked. I deflected the shots of several resistance scum, scanning the crowd for the familiar faces of Rey and Luke.

Then there they were, coming out from a cave like fortress and drawing their sabers. I began to run towards them and my saber met Rey's. "Stop this madness, Jade!" She yelled which brought a satisfying smirk to my face. "You could've stopped all this if you took his hand, but lucky for me. I did instead!" I replied, pushing her back roughly and keeping an eye on my back as Luke proceeded to Kylo. My anger was enough to give me a drive to bring down Rey; lucky enough for me to save energy and time. Rey wasn't yet fully trained to use the Force to her full advantage. I made a quick lying swing to her side, she reacted and I then switched my saber to my right hand and quickly skimmed my label along her thigh. I raised my hand and Force held her saber in the air as she fell to the ground. "Pathetic. Like your parents, so I'm told." I chuckled, kneeling down and placing my hand on her forehead; studying her expression of surprise and agony. She immediately fell under my touch and went out cold. "Take her to the ship! And interrogate her in wing 350, cell 67!" I yelled, three storm troopers coming over to where I was and picking up her limp body; attaching her saber to my belt.
Luke knew nothing of me and lucky for us, he wasn't Force sensitive towards me. Amongst all the chaos, blasters being shot around us, bodies covering the ground, yelling and screaming. Kylo was pressing his saber against Luke's, he pushed him off and took a couple steps back. I quickly deactivated my saber before running over to where they were, it was the wrong move for Luke to pause. "It was wrong for me to let you li-.." He spoke and his voice went dead silent, holding onto the back of his neck as I activated my saber that protruded through his abdomen. "He'll live on..with me." I whispered quietly, pulling out my saber from him and watching as he slowly fell to the ground. We just had one more to take care of. "Feeling darker?" I ask, Force lifting Luke's now old saber and moving it towards Kylo until he grabbed it from the air.

"With you? And one last Jedi? Never felt darker." Kylo spoke, clearly hearing the smirk in his automated like voice. The blood was building on our hands and we had One. Last. Person.

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