Chap. 4

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Kylo Ren's POV
She was right when she had mentioned being ruthless; whoever it was that brought her up to be this way, definitely did not shy away from anything at all. She was quick with her movements and continuously advanced towards me in order to try and take me off of my feet. All that was heard was the colliding of our sabers, grunting, yelling and her screams every once in awhile. She wanted to show her strength and dominance towards me; within a split second of losing my focus. She used the Force to grab at my heel and held it in place, her other arm swinging her saber to my side and I quickly jolted backwards until I landed on my back. She directed her saber at my throat while she placed one foot on my chest. I knew in that moment that not anyone or even I should dare get on her bad side or taunt it.
"Do you give in?" She breathed out, taking a few steps back and deactivating her saber and placing her hands on her hips which she had quite the habit of doing so. There was beads of sweat trickling down her forehead and neck; if only there was another reason I could make her sweat like that.
"Very impressive." I breathlessly stated, moving to stand back on my feet and brushing myself off after putting away my saber on my hip. We both stood there breathless and staring at each other, hearing a throat being cleared at the main doors of the training arena; there stood General Hux. I knew that with the cameras being in here for security reasons, that many people have just seen (Y/N) take me down what looked like she did without much effort.

"Supreme Leader. Lady (Y/N)'s chambers is ready for her inhabitance." He called, bringing himself to attention and leaving the area after I had waved him off. "Why do they already call me Lady (Y/N)?" She asks, making me chuckle as I removed my leather glove to run my fingers through my dark locks. "You had really earned your place of respect in The First Order. My dear Lady (Y/N)." I explain with a smirk, walking towards her and reaching for her hand, bowing the slightest and placing a light kiss to her knuckles. Such affection was never ever shown from me but something about the Force between us was calming, heavy, and irresistible. She fought quite dirty and I wasn't too sure on how to deal with that yet. I had her right where I wanted her, taking advantage of the moment she had let her guard down for a simple kiss on her hand. I had quickly tightened my grip on her hand, yanking her towards me and spinning her around as I pulled her into my chest. My free hand bringing my activated bright red saber to her throat, the beads of sweat on her skin glistening from the light. "Don't let your guard down so easily for a kiss, my lady." I smirk, my nose barely brushing along the left side of her exposed jawline, her hair falling effortlessly behind her. The visible goosebumps forming on her soft skin. Such vulnerability had given me the thought of dominance over her from now on; and I wouldn't have it any other way.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and placed her hands on both of my thighs as I held her from behind against my body. "Fine. But next time I'm not falling for that ever again." She spoke quietly, not moving the slightest bit considering the fact how close my saber was being held to her throat, the heat she felt. The moment had to be taken. She leaned back against his body and slowly trailed her hands up my thighs until they touched the hem of my shirt. I gulped quietly and glanced down for a split second to see her delicate hands move around the area, she so subtly teased. "Watch." I hiss, swinging my lightsaber back to my side and gripping her right wrist to spin her back around to face me instead. "You are very bold when it comes to..." I trailed off quietly as I deactivated my saber once again, "touching something you're not allowed to..yet." I add on, keeping a smug look on my face and she took it to close the gap between our bodies once again.

"And as for yourself, in the interrogation didn't shy away from putting your hands on me either." She muttered quietly, placing her smaller hands on my chest that was covered with only one layer of clothing. Our bodies radiating heat from the recent dual we just had, trying to get at each other's throats relentlessly. It was the quickest change of moods I've ever been through, to the point we were practically teasing each other for our pure enjoyment. Her hands delicately moved up the sides of my neck and I was not resenting any of her actions just as my hands moved down the sides of her waist, to her hips and back up to the bottom of her rib cage; holding her right against me. I knew that the both of us could not ignore the yearning between us. My face inches closer to hers just as she did, glancing between her soft, full lips and back up to her eyes. "You may." She thought loud and clear for just me to hear. That was all I needed to finally push my lips against hers, almost immediately moving in sync and I heard the quietest moan of satisfaction from her against my lips. The small sound sending a chill up my spine. My hands tightened a bit on her waist, keeping her firmly held against me as we shared a rather passionate kiss. I could not ignore the pull between us, the strong wanting to be near her, to have her by my side. She then took it upon herself to break the kiss, slowly pulling her hands out of my hair and staring back up into my eyes.

There was a glistening in her eyes and that gave me a sense of satisfaction. "Maybe we'll try that again later." I breathed out, a smile forming on my lips after I pursued them for a second to savour the feeling of her lips on mine. "Why don't we go see these chambers that were prepared for me?" She mentions as she reluctantly moved away from my grasp. As soon as she had moved away, there was a wanting inside me to have her close to me. I nodded in agreement and began to walk to the table where we both had kept our cloaks, swinging it over my shoulders and watching as she did the same; motioning for her to follow me. With that being done, I led her through the hallways and didn't give a second look as stormtroopers stopped in their tracks to salute us both. I could sense the confusion and surprise radiating from (Y/N), she was definitely going to have to get used to a strong sense of respect she would receive around here.

"Supreme Leader. Lady (Y/N)." A stormtrooper states, standing at attention as we reached her prepared chambers, waving him off after he opened the doors for us and I stepped in first and off to the side so (Y/N) was able to take a look around. Just by judging off her personality from earlier today, the room had a large king sized bed with dark ocean blue silk sheets, a full bathroom and a closet with anything she requires. "Speak to General Hux if anything else hasn't fulfilled your needs." I spoke, keeping my hands to my sides and observed as she took a look around the room. I watched intently as she removed her cloak, placing it on the end of her bed; but I did not expect to see her remove the leathered bodice that protected her upper body, which now showed a skin tight black top that hugged her figure perfectly. To see her reactions if I was the one to undress her.

"Thank you, Supreme Leader." She smiles, turning to face me again and catching her glance as she looked at me up and down. I nodded back in response, "We'll have training and more insight of our plan to attack The Resistance tomorrow at 10a.m. sharp." I added, taking a step back before finally leaving her chambers without another word.
What happened today was out of the ordinary. Was I going to let her so close to me? Was she going to rule by my side? Did she really want to bring order to our galaxy.
I shook my head at the thoughts and I didn't want to get too ahead of myself but we were running a tight schedule if everything was to go to plan. The Resistance couldn't know about her presence aboard our ship; we most definitely had the element of surprise. (Y/N) was going to be of great use to The First Order... to me.

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