Chap. 15

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Jade's POV
I slowly began to wake up from a deep sleep and groaned at the throbbing pain that was on my right side, almost instantly getting flashbacks of the fight that broke out in the throne room. I knew it was all in Kylo's best interest to defend me, but it got way out of hand which resulted me being here in a medical ward and in so much pain. Everything that had happened earlier still seemed like such a blur; first Kylo was just going to go down on me, I meet the Knights of Ren, hell breaks loose, and here I am being treated for a cannon wound. I obviously was not expec-..turning my gaze to the door as it opened up to my room and there stood Kylo. "You're awake.." he said quietly, closing the door behind me and walking over to the chair that was near my bed. "Somewhat." I reply, placing my hands beside me and carefully pushing myself up until I sat upright. I can easily imagine that I would be in way more pain if it wasn't for the First Order's advance technology to treat such wounds. "I came as soon as they told me you were awake and I have to speak with you urgently." Kylo started, taking a seat in the chair beside me and it was already seemingly odd to me that he didn't even care to take off his helmet. So. He  was really going to play the 'bad guy' card with me and I wasn't going to put up with that right now, at least not like this when I'm not able to do anything.

"The Knights of Ren were insistent on me to ask the real reason why you're here." He added, watching me closely as I slowly moved my legs over so that they dangled over the side. I just really needed to stretch out my body and not be stressed as much but Kylo was making that incredibly difficult with his prying questions already. "Clearly you don't recall the interrogation you did with me and that it might not have been enough convincing for you?" I mutter, staring right back at him and through the silver slit on his helmet that covered his eyes. "I was sent here to help bring order to your galaxy that has had such an imbalance between two orders for how many years?" I quickly added, wanting to defend myself  and the plan that was set in my head. Everything that he had gotten out of me was true and I wasn't too sure what other dirt he was trying to dig up on me. He nodded and leaned back in his chair, not tearing away his gaze from me one bit. "Well, to me it sounds like they know an awfully great deal about you more than me." He spoke and that sent me off. I was shocked but not surprised that he really just had to go there again. To believe what he sees and hears before even coming to me first. But again, that was typical Kylo Ren and I still had to keep that in mind.

"You are going to believe everything else set before you and not even bother asking others to get to the actual bottom of what you're presented with." I state, my hands slowly clenching on the thin white sheets beneath me. The boiling anger giving me an adrenaline rush that drove me to stand up from the bed and I paid no mind to the freshly wrapped gauze that was around my waist. "And I'm not even going to bother commenting on the conflict inside of you. The pull to the Light that you felt as soon as that girl and older man were aboard the Finalizer! I'll only be saying this once, but if there is ever one more thought of that. I am. Leaving. And you will be on your own." I add on rather quickly, taking a deep breath after saying so much in one breath; to get all of it off of my chest. "I answer to no one!" He yelled, standing up swiftly from where he sat that sent the chair flying until it hit the wall.

"Maybe you will be when The Resistance will win and take control! You will become nothing." I said firmly, using my free hand to rip out the IV that was on my inner forearm and quickly grabbing my cloak to wrap around the white scrubs that the nurses had dressed me in prior to basically saving my life from ending. "I will see you in the arena tomorrow morning." I mumbled under my breath but still loud enough for Kylo Ren to hear me clearly. It was a whole other feeling to be near him when we would bicker at each other, the amount of anger and adrenaline that courses throughout my entire body was giving me just enough of an urge to use the simple swipe of my fingers to send him flying. But that would be too easy, considering the fact that Kylo would be able to sense that even before I would be able to act as quick as possible. When I had arrived at my chambers to calm down, the adrenaline began to wore off and that's when my side and whole head began to throb in pain. I definitely reacted too quick to Kylo, but he was really pushing to get on every single one of my nerves today. We were both trained so differently to basically not take any shit from anyone and that part of us was clashing together. "Give me strength, Father.." I mumbled quietly, sitting upright and closing my eyes as I placed my hands on my knees; reaching back into the deepest and darkest area of my thoughts. He was my Master. Who brought me up to be the way I am today. And I have yet to tell about him, at least not yet. Kylo couldn't know about that part of my past; why I was almost so identical to him. The history between his galaxy and my own.

Will he understand me?

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