Chap. 9

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(Y/N)'s POV
It was a calm night between the both of us, mindlessly moving about in his rather large bed. Every time I'd move away the slightest bit, Kylo's strong arms wrapped around my torso and pulled me back to his body as if we were missing puzzle pieces. He didn't dare to let me leave his arms throughout the entire night. Of all my years since I grew strong with the Force, the past two nights was the most quiet and peaceful I've ever gotten. Nothing was screeching in my mind and in my soul. This is where I was meant to be.
As morning rolled in, it was surprising that Kylo was still asleep despite the hour of 9:30am coming in and we always trained at 10am sharp in the training arena. I slowly eased out of his arms carefully, in effort to not wake him from his sleep that he was still enjoying so much. I glanced over my shoulder and observed as his hair fell over his forehead so gracefully, his slow paced breathing, his toned chest raising up and going down. I was stuck with the clothes that I had came here with, putting on the previous clothes from yesterday and turning off to place a light kiss to Kylo's cheek before tiptoeing out of his chambers. Not bothering to tuck in my long sleeve shirt as I started to make my way to my own chambers in order to get proper clothing for training today. Especially underwear if Kylo was going to pull something so sneaky again. I shook my head at the thought and was stopped in my tracks as a stormtrooper called for me from behind,
"Lady (Y/N), you dropped this." The robotic voice spoke, walking towards me with my gloves in his hand and I nodded in response and waited as he walked up to me, placing them in my outstretched hand. "Thank you." I spoke quietly, putting them back into my back pocket. I had to have been so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice dropping them.

"If need be, I'm available to escort you to the training arena." He mentioned and I agreed to his offer before turning away to head to my own chambers first in order to change. He pushed the button to open the doors of my chambers, allowing me to walk in and they shut as soon as I walked in and went straight to my closet. I began to strip from the previous clothes, opening the closet to grab a new set of undergarments, dressing in the usual black leather tights, strapping on my mid calf boots, reaching behind me to start braiding my hair. Until I heard the doors open behind me, instinctively thinking that it was Kylo that was coming in. "You are quite the sight to look at, just as everyone says." A voice spoke and it was unrecognizable, which made me turn around quickly. The stormtrooper that was waiting outside for me had come in. This already set off a nerve inside of me and struck my anger. "Take one more step and you're ruined." I hissed, dropping my hands to my side as he chuckled with the most disturbing smug look on his face. He must of not realized just how powerful I was as he dared to even take a few more steps. "No one will know, sweetheart." He muttered, removing his helmet and that was it for me. "I am not your sweetheart." I muttered with gritted teeth, raising my hand and using the Force to choke him and slowly raised him off the ground; his helmet falling to the floor. With one push of my hand, he went flying through the closed chamber doors and into the wall, his body making a thud as he hit the ground and immediately becoming unconscious.

The sparks flying from the new broken doors that were on the floor in pieces, strands of my braided hair covering my eyes that was glistening with anger. It was the worst timing. Kylo stopped in his tracks just as the stormtrooper came flying out from my chambers, stepping over the unconscious and limp body of the stormtrooper and looking into my chambers. "Typical." He said, staring right at me as I stood there topless. No, he had the wrong idea. He turned away and started walking the opposite direction. Did he really just think th-..? I shook my head and shuffled in my closet quickly for a short sleeve top that was off the shoulders, attaching my lightsaber to my belt. "Kylo!" I yelled in efforts to get his attention but he was already off to what I assumed would be the training arena. "You. Get rid of him. And fix these doors." I stated, pointing to a couple officers that were strolling down the hallway and they nodded without a question.
My feet carried me quickly down the hall until I arrived at the training arena, seeing Kylo Ren standing there at the meds with his saber already activated that shone a bright blood red. Emotionless. No words.

"How dare she."

"After two days of pure passion."

"She used me."

Those very thoughts were loud and clear, it was obvious that he wasn't hiding them and wanted me to hear him. "You think I allowed a lowly trooper touch me." I mumbled, immediately grabbing my saber and giving it one swing that turned it into a staff, two bright red ends. "You dare think of me as a concubine." I add on, taking swift strides to join Kylo on the mats. What made him think he could see me that way? "And to think that you were starting to think so highly of me!" I yelled, swiftly swinging my saber at him and he defended himself quite quickly. My anger boiling in my veins, my face turning to a rosy tint, my veins forming in my neck from the stress of the moment. "I saw what I saw!" He yelled back, reaching forward rather quickly and wrapped his hand around my neck. He squeezed hard, making me cough at the pressure; with one swing of my left leg, I gave a blow to his exposed rib cage area. He dropped me onto the mats, taking advantage of my position and swinging my leg to take his feet out from underneath him. "Don't ever think of me that way!" I screamed, kicking his lightsaber away from his reach and jumping up to my feet to go and retrieve it, but he acted quickly and used the Force to bring it back to him.

This was.. beyond me. My anger was at its peak.

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