Chap. 3

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(Y/N)'s POV
The atmosphere in the room was heavy and intense. It was screaming so much. The obvious challenge for dominance in the room was radiating from our bodies. And what seemed like the pure atmosphere of raw sex. I could see that he wanted to be in control and be the sole source of control. There was no sense of sharing his position but just maybe I'd be able to squeeze my way in there. As soon as he had removed his helmet, I was shocked but I kept the expression off my face.
"His structure and eyes."
"He's awfully close."
The way he trapped me between the chair and his broad upper body was slightly intimidating. There was a sensation in between my legs, but I quickly swept aside the feeling. This is what I was trained to resist, well..not sex. But to resist anyone who dared to defy me, no matter who they were. There was a hint of interest written on his face when I had explained why I was sent here. He wanted the power and control. "I can see what you want from me.. and for your galaxy." I interrupt, easily seeing the distraction in his eyes as he stood upright again which gave me space to sit up. Yet, I should've been more careful with my chose of words. What you want from me, was a strong phrase of words and he could've taken that in a completely different way.

I was infatuated with him entirely and there was no sense keeping me cooped up in this chamber with such a heavy atmosphere. "Why not take me in? Train me more with whatever else there is to learn that I haven't learned already. Let me in..." I say softly, a sly smile forming on my lips as I stared right back at him. All in all, not to sound conceited. I had a way with men and getting my way, to turn the head of a man that sits on their proud shoulders. The confused look on his face was enough to coax me more into getting my way with him. A small smile still painted on my lips as I advanced closer to him, almost mirroring his actions as I circled around him, slowly bringing my hand up to place on his shoulder from behind..slowly walking to the front of him and running my hand from his shoulder to the front of his chest. There was a hesitation from him when it came to me touching him which made me more proud of what I was doing. I knew my confidence and beauty; why not use it to my advantage?

"Watch your place, young lady." He snarled, not budging in his place but looking down at me with his eyes that had something in them but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Lust. "It's probably too soon for that, don't you think?" I mention, followed by a laugh of sarcasm. There was a pull between us and it was screaming inside my body for something else. Something more intimate, my body was yearning for his to be close to mine. Within a second his large hand reached to the small of my back and pulled me right against his chest. If this is what the Force was telling us to do, then you're right if I'm thinking to go all the way. For once in a very long time, the voice in my head was calm and clear when it came to being so close to Kylo Ren. Everything felt right in this moment. I felt as if this is where I was supposed to be all my life, the calling deep in my soul that I belonged in another galaxy.

I reached up with a hand and caressed his cheek, slowly observing the scar on the his face and with my knowledge; it had to have come from a lightsaber. "I may consider bringing you in to be by my side, but if you change your view entirely, I'll have no other way than to punish you." He stated, his hand continuing to hold my body against his and with years of training, it was clear to me that he was stronger than me. "I don't think the ruthless side of me would allow that." I quickly added, because he most definitely was not the most powerful person on this ship and I had no hesitation with wanting to prove that. A smirk forming on my lips at my own words of cockiness, trailing my hand to his chin and lightly running my thumb along his lower lip. That.. I, oh so wanted to bite. He was a beautiful human being, without a doubt made delicately by the gods.
"I'm flattered you think so highly of me, (Y/N)." He chuckled, by him knowing my name had taken me aback quickly. Shit, he heard that thought. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled my hand away, reaching behind me to take off his hand before stepping back. "Now, why don't we become more.. familiar with each other. Or unless you plan on keeping me in this chamber for a little while longer." I mention, placing my hands on the curve of my hips and shooting him a serious look.
Not now was I going to get so involved with Kylo. I was here to help bring order to their galaxy, that was it. Nothing more and nothing less. But inside me, I knew there was something else that was yearning for him. All of him.

"I don't see why we can go to the training arena. I'd love to see for myself what skills you have obtained that you so proudly speak of." Kylo mutters, reaching down to grab his helmet but I was quick to do so by using the Force and flicking my fingers in his direction that made his helmet hit his chest, scrambling to quickly grab it before it bounced off. I laughed quietly and watched as he placed it back on his head, turning on his heel to make his way back to the door, simple press of a button and the doors flew open. "You. Get (Y/N)'s cloak and saber immediately. See to it she has her own chambers on my level." Kylo state's boldly, giving orders to the storm troopers that were waiting outside the interrogation chamber. Without wasting another second they nodded their heads and went in the opposite direction of us. I tailed closely behind Kylo as he lead me to the nearby training arena that was vast, black mats covered the floor, the left wall filled with weapons of all kinds, benches along the opposite wall, and a weight lifting area.

"Lady (Y/N)." A voice spoke from behind me while I was taking a moment to observe the arena, turning around and seeing a stormtrooper with my things. I nodded and reached to grab them, mumbling a quiet thank you before joining Kylo at a nearby table. I had just gotten here merely 3-4 hours ago and they're speaking to me as if I'm ruling by Kylo Ren's side. "Now, on the mats." He mentions as he removed his cloak so that he was now in his long sleeve black top, rolling up his sleeves to his elbows and taking off his helmet. Oh, dear boy. You should not have taken that off. He had already walked off to the mats and I quickly followed with my saber in hand, already activating it; just as he did.

"I will not take my eyes off you." He says with a smirk, making me roll my eyes at his proud attitude while we both got into our stances, directing our bright red sabers at one another.
"And I with you." I mutter, quickly advancing in his direction with advanced and impressive parries. Not allowing a single second for him to catch his breath. If he wants to get dirty, we'll get dirty.

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